Chapter Fourteen

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I tried to pass the bottle over to Ant, who I realized once I reached the table had already had his own bottle. I then handed my bottle over to Spencer. He kept looking at me and then it. 

“Open it” I smiled. I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t using words until he didn't know what I meant. Maybe those gummies were too much. I giggled, as he opened it and took a nice swig himself before handing the bottle back to me. I looked at him in the eyes as I brought my own hand up to my face and licked it. He was watching my every move. I grabbed the salt dispenser and poured salt on the wet part of my hand and then took a swig of my own. Quickly, I liked the salt off my hand to chase the burn. I smirked at the way his tongue went to his top lip when watching me. I could see my teasing was paying off, but there was also a look of concern. Ant watched the whole scene unfold before him, Smirking into his own bottle. I pushed his shoulder once he stopped drinking. 

“Stop smirking at us.” I laughed turning toward the way Spencer and I came. When I turned I noticed that Darren was here. They were standing in the kitchen talking to Cash. They were grabbing more than one drink, I wondered where their friends were. I hadn’t seen Quinni yet, nor Amerie and I knew she would find a way in, no matter if she had a band or not. Spence was going to be pissed if I was right and she was here. I handed the bottle back to Spencer who took another drink, and set it down on the table. I moved to the other side of Spencer, as more of his friends came over to us. That skateboard kid was back, maybe I would learn his name tonight. Ant took a step closer to us. I nudged him in the arm leaning in to whisper, “What’s his name?” He shrugged before answering. 

“We call him Breaks, not sure if his real name is” I gave him an inquisitive look nonverbally asking how they have a friend and do not know his real name. He shrugged again at my look, taking another drawl from his bottle. I followed Dusty’s dad walking into the kitchen, and handing Cash money, and then handing him a cocktail. I raised an eyebrow that no one noticed in that direction. Ian as he asked the kids to call him, as an interesting man. Never truely grew out of the party phase of his teenage years and here we are a man funding and supporting his sons' parties. I wonder how much “business” Cash actually did with him. Ian was a slippery fish at best when it came to trust. Spencer pulled me from my thoughts as he put his hand on my shoulder. He must have noticed the dazed look on my face. 

“You good?” I swear this boy was going to ask me this all night. I nodded. His eyebrows bunched, but he shook it off. “Come on, then?” He shared walking toward the back sunroom. I followed. I quickly realized this room was void of people, but it had comfy looking patio furniture. I quickly sunk into the couch, pulling down the back of my black dress to do so and he followed my lead and sat down next to me. 

“What happened before I came to pick you up?” He asked. Huh? So, he noticed something was off. “When I left you after school you were more well, you” He swallowed. 

“What is that supposed to mean?” I started with a vulnerable tone underneath trying to use the voice I used with my mother this afternoon. He moved closer to me. His thigh touched my thigh, his shoulder leaned against mine, and I felt a good warmth go through me. It has to be from the tequila. Only the tequila would cause this change in body temperature. I heard him sigh with discontent. 

“Less fidgety. More focused on relaxing and hanging out. This,” He lifted his hand to motion to me. “Is more than I expected. It’s like you are avoiding something, and I kept thinking it was me. Is it?” He genuinely asked. I closed my eyes. Spence, it’s not you. 

“Hmm.” I signed back, “It’s not you.” I was a little irritated to be having this conversation. “Just stuff” I mumbled. 

“Can you elaborate on stuff?” I raised an eyebrow at me and the concern etched his face again. I needed to do something about that look. I nodded no. 

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