Chapter Fifteen

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Author Note: I struggled with writing this Chapter that is why it took so much longer than my usally updates. The inbetween of Ep 2 and 3. Woo!


The room was on fire. I was sweaty, my head pounded, from the room being bright with rays of sunlight and probably whatever happened last night. I tried to roll over and found a body and when I rolled the other way I found another. 

“Gemma go back to sleep” Spence groaned to the right of me after I knocked into him. 

“Hrr” I groaned in distress from the heat. “Bathroom.” I grumbled. He rolled slightly and let me out without opening his eyes. I looked down again, realized I was changed and felt dejavu like I dreamed this same thought last night. What happened? I left the light off in the bathroom. It was light because of the window, but the fluorescent light would be too bright. The sun was already way too bright. I used the bathroom and washed my hands. I wonder if Dusty keeps any pain reliever in here, I had left mine in my backpack at Spencer’s. I looked in the cabinet and the drawers and no luck. I walked back into the bedroom to find that my spot was gone and this time Spencer had moved to spoon Ant. They were facing each other which was much different than how we woke up last weekend with Ant pressed against Spencer’s back. Was that only last weekend? I closed my eyes now from the internal pain of realizing that Alan was becoming a permanent fixture. Ugh. I needed a distraction and I was done for now with alcohol. I looked around the room for a book. That was what used to work. There was a swivel chair that faced a window that usually  looked out to the back yard, but the sun. I dragged myself over to close the curtains realizing they were black out curtains and turned on the lamp. Turning around I noticed a glass of water on the side table and pills that looked like pain relievers, on the end table next to Ant’s side of the bed. Ant, I smiled. I chugged half the water and took the cup to the side table of the chair. I climbed in and opened the book. 

I read the first 8 pages before getting distracted. The boys rolled again and now Spencer was spooning Ant’s back. I wonder if they even realize they do that in their sleep. They have always been close from low levels till now. Always together. Always supportive. I think there was only one time they ever fought that they took a break and it lasted four days, was  during the whole Dusty and Year Nine ridiculousness. I don’t even know why as I wasn’t allowed to talk to them. At the time, I was close to Dusty and he came first and I was distraught being pulled and controlled from being around my only friend. Spencer and Ant came along in year 7 and 8 because of Basketball. Dusty used to play, but dropped it to focus on Music or lately girls, but the boys were there for Dusty. Why do I remember him being here last night? I shook my head, getting that idea out of my head he hasn't shown he cared, yet. Mostly just indifference.

Spence and Ant were cute to me on the bed together, maybe I should be angry that my boyfriend wants to cuddle with someone else. Honestly, I don't mind cuddling with Ant either. He was a good friend, and I enjoy his person but I don't feel anything toward him, sexually. I wonder how he feels about me. I know he gave Darren a wristy and Harper said he actually told her he enjoyed it during band practice. Was he gay? Bi? Just questioning? Is his attention to Spence just high tier platonic or is there something else? Would something else fit with us? Is it cheating if I open our relationship to include Ant for Spencer if it came to that? What about Spence is he questioning? He acts straight, shares with us he is straight, but he overcompensates at times so is he?  He's supportive of Ant at least, but can be an ass to Darren. I feel like it just adds more to talk about. I recline my head back, closing my eyes slightly. I realized I was uncomfortable.  I felt drained, and hungry but did not want to risk eating. I took another sip of water. I went back to my book.

When I reached page 50, I felt eyes staring at me. I wish I knew where my phone was. I had it at some point last night. I looked up to see Spencer gently staring at me and I gently stared back. My eyes drew down toward Ant and raised a questioning eyebrow. He gave me a shrug smile as if it was the usual, and moved to get up. I closed my book at this, and moved to get up myself. He held out his hand to stop me. I froze. My mind went negative because he didn’t want to talk or share. That whatever that was was a secret, but he pointed to the bathroom and walked quietly inside. I sighed in relief it wasn’t that. I waited. 

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