So,like a movie?

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Drunken by his desire for fame,Dumbledore agreed with Remus' offer. However what he did know was that he was right,that he wasn't lying not even one bit and that this mistake of his will cost him soo much... Let's see how is it going...

Entering the great hall Remus was quick to notice the amount of people that were in there. And the students were even in yet,they were all just different Noble Family's.  The Noble House of Black,Potter,Malfoy,Lestrange and of course the teachers. Soon after all of the students entered the great hall as well so see what was going on. Dumbledore saw the confusion radiating from every person present so we started speaking
Dumbledore:Today I found a way to see the future as a movie! Now the purpose of this was so we all could watch the outcome of the war that is currently happening and that I know you are aware of. However,what I didn't expect was to have a guest join us. Please welcome Professore R.J. Lupin ,the Remus Lupin of the future.
Suddenly numerous gasps were heard in the hall. The marauders looked like they were confused but happy  and remys smiled at that. He kept smiling until his eyes landed on a particular person. On the cause of his friends and lived one's, Peter Pettigrew. But he had a slight hope deep down. A hope that he will be able to make him realize the outcome of his decisions without the disaster escalating. He walked to the teacher table and took a seat right where he used to sit in the future. Then he heard
Sirius:So we get to see a movie of our life? Oh my God I need to see a lot of things,especially about Regulus and James!
James:No,no,no,no we are not watching those kind of things! Those are private!- while Regulus was just blushing quietly.
Dumbledore:Mister Black I am more than happy to inform you that you are right for the movie part and as for the relationship part,we will have to leave that to fate won't we Mister Regulus?
Walburga spoke then making her son's flinch
Walburga:What are we waiting for then?! Let's watch it!
Dumbledore:OK are you all ready?
Euphemia flinched at the noise then said
Euphemia:I think everyone is very ready Dumbledore just turn it on already otherwise those four might just burst from excitement!-pointing at the marauders
James: Yes yes let's get it going Dumbels!
Dumbledore:Alright then!
Then all of them heard a click and turned toward a giant screen. Soon enough a writing appeared in the screen.

"" Right now we are in the year 1981. Right now a lot has happened. James Potter and Regulus Black have dies,Sirius Black is in Azkaban,Evan Rosier has died, Rabastan Lestrange has died along with his wife Marlene McKinnon..."""

Marlene:Hang on,his who now?! Oh my God,couldn't I find anyone better?!
Rabastan: Hey,I can hear you dear wife!
Marlene:OH you can? Good then open you ear nice and hear me again,I just said COULDNT I FIND ANYONE BETTER!
Sirius: I love their dynamic already!
Rabastan: Ok dear wife! No need to yell!
James: Stop it you two and focus instead on the fact that most of us are dead!
Moony: Yeah,why is that?
Remus:Because of the war
Everyone ooohhhhhh's

""Barty Crouch is in Azkaban while Remus Lupin is almost drowning in misery and pain. But what they have different is the fact that each of them have left behind a little bundle that will need caring and loving. But will they get it? That's the real question. Let's find out!
Suddenly Dumbledore appears on the screen. He along with McGonagall wait a few seconds until Hagrid appears. He leaves the little bundle wrapped up in his arms to Dumbledore and leaves tear-eyed. Then Dumbledore tries to drop the baby at the door step in front of them.""""

Regulus:Dude!!!What are you doing!!!
Evan:Dumbels you better not have dropped the poor baby there!!

"""Suddenly Minerva snatches the baby from his arms
Minerva:What do you think you are doing? This is James Potter's and Regulus Black's only daughter and you are telling me that you will leave it here!? Here in the house of Petunia Evans knowing damn well what she thought of magic!"""

James:Wait,wait You left my daughter there!? My daughter?!
Then Sirius started yelling at him. His eyes looked like he was ready to kill and by looking at them nobody wanted to mess with him anymore.
Sirius:Something happens to my niece and I will skin you alive Albus! Got it?!
Walburga:He is right! I mean the girl has a family who will kill and die for her so idk why you decided it was a good idea to ship her there!
Dumbledore:I'm sorry ok! That's future me!
Regulus:Oh you better be cuz I swear someone touches a single hair in my daughters head and I will murder him with my own bare hands! I am a Black after all and I belive we are well known for our tortures!

"""Dumbledore:We don't have any other choice Minerva. She will find a family here and I'm very sure of that!
Minerva:If you say so...
She slowly hands him the baby and he drops it of at the door step. They leave but after a few minutes the baby starts crying""""

That gained a lot of attention. James and Regulus looked like their heart was breaking while all of the other members of the Houses Black and Potter looked at Dumbledore like they would murder him the first chance they got.

""Soon Petunia Dudsley got out of her house to look for they cry. She saw the little bundle, wrapped her up and searched for anything that could make her find out any info about the baby.
'Selene Potter-Black'
So she was a girl and had a connection with both Potters and Blacks,both people that she despised. She quickly took the baby inside as to not attract more attention,brought it inside and started talking with her husband.
Mr. Dursley: We can't take care of her Petunia!She is one of them!That will put us and everyone around us in danger!
Petunia:I know that don't you think!The question is what will we do now with it?!
Mr.Dursley:We will take it to Greece so it's far away from us and leave it in an orphanage there!
Petunia:Greece!? Listen I know that we didn't like ant of her so called father's and I know that we don't even own them this much but isn't that going too overboard? I mean the girl has got absolutely no one there,we are practically sending her to misery alone.
Mr.Dursley:No it is not overboard,it's actually per fact cuz it takes the focus away from us and shifts it to Grecce so if it ever were to come to war,we become clean handed while having them dirty.
Petunia:You know what,you are actually right so let's go with your plan.
So tomorrow morning Mister Dursley took the first flight in the morning to Grece. He took little Selene to The Island Crete then dropped her off at a random orphanage.
This is the start of the story for a little angel. A girl too good for this world and a girl which her father's would have been so proud of. I mean they would,right...?""

There was a moment of silence when the screen turned black. That silence was quickly broken by Regulus
Regulus:Did my daughter just get dropped of in a random island in Grecce and then get left there to fend for herself knowing damn well we don't have anyone there to support her. Not me,not James are there and neither of our family's have any member living there! So Dumbledore,care to explain?!

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