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They were taking a break from all of the new things they just found out. But not a long one no,just a short breather cuz goes know everyone was panicking and was feeling as if drowning in worry. Worry but not for themselves,for their children. Especially for Srlene. I mean the screen did show that she would experience something bad but what exactly would that be? Would it be an encounter? Or would someone dare touch her? Or will it be something war related? No one knows. Well an hour later they will wish they didn't cuz the feeling of guilt will make them feel squished under the pressure. And if they as adults are acting like that,how is little Selene even feeling right now?

Soon they decided it was enough rest. They were anxious about seeing the little girl's fate but also excited for it. Everyone sat down and they started watch the much expected movie.

"""Right now the girls are at school. Selene is left alone in her class as she is the youngest. She is in bio class while Astoria and Stella are in bio class and Atlas,Nicolas and Achilles are in gym class. She was waiting for the bell to ring and it finaly did. As soon as she got out of class,she noticed three figures waiting on her outside. She recognized them. The tall brunette with a harsh but attractive face was Atlas Lupin-Black. Then there was the brown haired boy whom she recognized as Nicolas Rosier-Crouch and then there was the shortest boy in thr group whom she recognized as Achilles Nott. They were  fairly attractive for their age and their beauty sure as hell got them a lot of attention. Atlas noticed his little sister and quickly dropped to one knee in front of her and opened his arms,ready to be hugged. As soon as she saw the action take Place Selene run towards him and hugged him warmly
Selene:Hi Atlas
Atlas:Bonjour ma petite sourice. Ca va bien?
Selene: Oui,merci
Then Selene heard a fake cry and immediately knew where it was from. She unwrapped herself from Atlas and turned to Achilles who seemed to be holding his heart in what appeared to be pain.
Achilles:My baby sister is forgetting all about me,I might as well murder myself now!
Selene:Let's not exaggerate it Nott. I'll hug you now if you want....
Achilles:Well that's an offer I will have to look into. I mean you are asking soo nicely but you did hug Atlas before even noticing me soo.....But sure since you're a good person you're forgiven and may hug me now.
With that Selene quickly jumped on his opened arms and hugged him tightly.
Achilles:I missed you sorellina
Selene:I missed you too fratello.
Then she unwrapped her arms from him and turned to Nicolas.
Selene:And why are you here?
Nicolas:Do I need permission to?
Selene:And what if you do?
Nicolas:And what if I don't?
Selene:You are very annoying do you know that?
Nicolas:Ive been told that a few times, thank you.
Selene:You're most welcome.
Then she turned to the first person she meet and asked
Selene:Je n'ai pas bien pris mon petit-dejeuner,donc j'ai tres faim. On peut  se depencher d'aller a cafeteria?
Atlas:Ouais bien sur. Allez-y en premier,puis nous vous  rejoindrons ainsi que les filles plus tard.
She waved bye at the boys and started walking in the halls."""

Sirius:They are soo cute!Reggie they are like me and you when we were younger!
Regulus:I know right!
James:They really are perfect!
Euphemia:Ok we got it,you love your kids but now silence please, I need to see what happens to my granddaughter!
Sirius:Yes mom...
James:Sure mom......

"""Selene was walking towards the cafeteria while humming a sweet tune which seemed to sound like a real life angel. Maybe she was a real life angel...
Suddey she was pulled into a dark classroom.""

Regulus:Hold on wtf happened?!
James:I don't know!
Walburga:Well nobody does so be quite and let's watch.

"""A hand was covering her eyes and another one was keeping her in place. Suddenly the hand from her eyes slipped to her mouth and she could finally see.
Unknown:So you are the Pottter girl am I right?!
Selene bit his hand hard as the only way of getting out of the situation. Then she said
Selene:Not Potter,Potter-Black!
Unknown:You bitch!Come here!
He then started touching her in a....let's say innaprorpriate way...She started crying out of fear when the heard a voice from outside
Atlas:Selene!Where are you?!
The man whispered slowly
Man:You tell anyone about what happened in here and will first murder you then murder them,clear?
Selene nodded in a hurry. The man let go of her so she fixed herself a bit before going outside.
Selene:Hi Atlas!
Altas:Where were you?
Selene:I was-in-in-in the classroom search for a few supplies that a teacher asked
Atlas noticed the way she was shaking and stuttering. This was not like his sister. It was clear that something had happened but what?""

The screen turned black again. Everyone person that was related with the girl was glaring at Dumbledore to the point that he started shaking. Regulus looked ready to cry so James stood up and hugged him to comfort him in his own way. Sirius looked furious. And in fact he was furious,he was furious with the fact that some asshole touched his goddaughter like that and he couldn't do something about it. He was also furious woth the fact that his son didn't look properly into it. But they surely will find out at some point right?..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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