News from the Border

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With the decision made, Xie Yi had a good time sleeping that night. The next day, she woke up to join Mrs Zhang for breakfast, not expecting to see Xiao Jun and the fully recovered Zhang Mo on the table as well.

It was 6.30 in the morning, the time when breakfast had just been served. Once the alarm bell rang out and the heavy door to the dining hall was pushed open, a crowd of energetic youngsters who had just finished their first set of training came rushing in to join the line with their food trays ready.

This messy scene was exactly what greeted Xie Yi when she first stepped foot into the hall. Fortunately, Mrs Zhang had helped her secure a seat and prepared her set of meal, and all Xie Yi had to do was sit back and eat well.

"Xie Yi, is it? Mother told me everything, thank you for your help yesterday."
Once Xie Yi took a seat, Zhang Mo offered her a friendly smile. "En," Xie Yi slightly nodded, somewhat lost as she didn't expect the man to recover this fast.

The difference between the current Zhang Mo and the badly-battered man from yesterday was as vast as Heaven and Earth. No hint of wounds could be seen from his bright face and exposed limbs, which reminded Xie Yi of her own rapid-regeneration ability that was now gone.

Somehow, she was starting to plant more and more hopes on the evolution of her little core, and this could only be achieved with enough resources, which she'll easily purchase with the funds in her hands.

Now that she thought of it, Xie Yi realized that she knew close to nothing of the city she was now in, therefore not knowing the suitable place to purchase the resources she needed to advance her strength. Thus, she resolved to seek the answer from the person she's most familiar with on the table, Mrs Zhang.

"Auntie Zhang," Xie Yi called out whilst lightly knocking the table to attract her attention. "Do you know any place where I can purchase huge amounts of mutated nuclei with good quality?"

Mrs Zhang raised an eyebrow at the teenager's sudden inquiry. It had only been half a day since she refused to keep any of the precious cultivation resources, deeming them as useless to her and now, she suddenly wanted to purchase them? And at a huge amount at that? And also, wasn't she a cripple with no core to nurture? What would she need them for?

Despite the numerous questions in her mind, Mrs Zhang still held a small smile to her lips as she said, "Oh? Is the Young Miss in dire need of mutated nuclei? It wouldn't be easy to purchase them with cash as in orange-region cities, most trade with mutated nuclei as the currency."

"En," Xie Yi nodded in disappointment. Seeing this, Mrs Zhang paused for a moment, thinking, before she added, "Still, my son Zhang Mo might be able to help you publish an exchange request to the trade center. Will that do?"

Suddenly cued, Zhang Mo almost dropped his spoon due to shock. He quickly recovered his stance and smiled, "Yes, I can do that for you. It wouldn't be much work on my side so you don't have to worry about bothering me."

Xie Yi thought for a while before agreeing, "That'll do, thank you for the help, Auntie, Zhang Mo."

"Hehe," Zhang Mo scratched the back of his head, laughing in a carefree manner, "You don't have to be polite with us, Xie Yi. If you don't mind, why not call me Brother Mo like Xiao Jun?"

Xie Yi merely nodded and didn't say anything else. Noticing the awkward silence between the two, Mrs Zhang quickly added in between to ease up the atmosphere.

"Xiao Jun, why don't the three of you go together? While you're at it, bring the Young Miss around the city and introduce her to the local customs. Take good care of her, okay?" Mrs Zhang winked at the daydreaming Xiao Jun, waking him out of his stupor.

Fortunately, the young man was quick to catch her signal as he supportively said, "All right, I don't have anything to do anyway so why not have some fun?"

Smiling ear to ear, Mrs Zhang looked at the three in satisfaction. And with that, their plan for today was decided.

Before they left the residence, Mrs Zhang pulled Xie Yi to the side to have a private talk with her.

"Young Miss," the old woman solemnly started, her wrinkled face devoid of any smiles it previously held, "I just received a call from the border."

"Third Master and the Madam... they met a little trouble in their training session and therefore wouldn't be able to return in a few days..."

Her voice hesitantly trailed off as she studied the teenager's reaction, only relaxing when she saw not much expression from the girl's stiff face.

"You don't have to worry, Young Miss. The Third Master is very strong and experienced, nothing will happen to them." Mrs Zhang assured her, "I'll notify you immediately if there's any update from the border."

Xie Yi nodded with a disinterested face when suddenly, the old woman clapped her hands as if she had just remembered something important.

"Ah, and also! Do remember not to return too late!"

Saying this, Mrs Zhang looked to her right then to her left, acting secretive as she raised her hand to make a whispering gesture.

"Recently, there are reports of strange creatures wreaking havoc all over the city. Despite them never being caught right in action, it is never wrong to be extra careful lest these kinds of mishaps happen to us, right? I'm telling you this as those two boys may not be as meticulous to the time as the Young Miss."

Xie Yi nodded, "I will note that, Auntie. Thank you for telling me.

It was only then that the old woman was willing to let her go. Watching the girl's drifting back, Mrs Zhang couldn't help but grow worried.

'Will she be alright?' The old woman inwardly thought, before she comforted herself. 'It should be fine, the boys will protect her.'

Till the end, Mrs Zhang merely shook her head, proceeding to run her errands for the day.

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