Chapter 4

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I could admire my father in one way that is he never hit my mom eventhough he didn't really like her that much.But that's basic.Thats a normal human trait.
Hitting anyone is absurd ,stupid and cruel.Not only that ,we are just surprised when fathers get involved in parenting which he has to.She didn't produce that fucking kid by herself ,you seeded her ,man.

A traditional marriage involves a man who provides his family and the woman who is the head of household but now it has been changed.And it is completely absurd for the mother in laws to expect their son's working wives to do all the household chores when their sons are resting themselves on the couch.

Coming to my family,My dad ....uh I said ,he rarely comes home.

You don't like your wife and that's fine and what about the one who is yearning for her father's love?

My mother who wanted to do engineering but was not allowed by her father and unfortunately had to bachelors of sociology.She once told me that her father had hit her in her primary schooling to get her score more marks and when she was in the middle school,she was advised to not stress her eyes more and had to wear spectacles.Then ,her father stopped beating her to score marks.When she got good marks in her 12th ,she was not allowed to do do engineering as "It will be harder for them to find a groom if she studies higher "

Then ,why the heck would you beat her in the primary school ?

Comparing to my trauma caused by mother,my heart goes out to her as she experienced a loss of childhood due to her abusive father.

"Appa....I lost the pencil box"She said,trembling in fear.Sweat drops flowed down her temple.Her legs shook in fear.

"The new one that I bought you?"Her grumpy dad asked,angrily.

Then she was dragged outside the house and slapped across her face and was hit multiple times by her father.The people on the road stood there silently.She looked around to people staring at her messed self.

She was embarrassed.

Tears rolled down her face uncontrollably...

This is a story of my mother and her sick father.

Embarrassing a child infront of people is equivalent to a guy wearing only his boxers down the road.It could cause the child trauma and immense hate deep in her heart.Eventhough she knows she HAS to love you,deep inside her heart,you would be inscribed as a monster who hit her when she pleaded.

If you want to damn discipline your child,you can discipline her at home rather than scolding her in public and giving her the trauma.

Eventhough I am not a fan of my mom,she gone through things which I don't think I will be able to withstand.

My mom is a strong woman , separated from her abusive father and won freedom in her life.

But miserably failed in parenting

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