Ch 6: Getting some help, makin deals

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I’ve been at the hotel for know a week now trying to find a way to spy on Valentino without actually  spying on him without it being myself but I can’t find one so I’m going to have to go to get some help on this and there is only one person who I trust here to keep their mouth shut but is feared enough to not be questioned.

I walk up to Alastor's door knocking on it but no answer.

So he’s not in his room, where in this Hell is he? I’ve looked I swear everywhere in this hotel for him.

That’s when I see Charlie come into the hotel and she looks down.

We’ll that just won’t do now. No sad Charlies allowed.

I walk over to her to see the plans she did have to try to convince the angels about the hotel and I understand instantly. I swear I’m going to kill every single one if they dare make her sad once more.

“The meeting with heaven not go very well?” I know I know the answer but I think it is better for someone to tell me if I’m right or wrong. I don’t why I just do.

“No it didn’t and know…” she seems hesitant to tell me what she wants to. I walk over and give a hug, a gentle yet encouraging one.

“You want to know something I think Charlie?” I ask as I place a hand under her chin, tilting her head to meet my gaze.


“I think” I start as my smile becomes a little sinister before widening as I continue, “angels suck and should go die, well the ones that turn down your ideas of course. Now you seemed to want to me something but seem… hesitant so you don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you but if another angel makes you upset, tell me okay. Because I will personally kill and destroy their soul in the most painful way possible. Sound good?” I didn’t even realized I slight transformed into my full demon form.

She only nods and smiles which I gladly return with one of ny own before Vaggie accidentally ruins the moment by walk in in us but says she has something to show Charlie. Oh course being me, I follow along, curios on what this said surprise might be. Turns out it was a new commercial for the hotel, how sweet of Alastor considering his hatred for modern technology. But right as it’s starting, a breaking news starts telling us that the next extermination is…

IN 6 MONTHS! What in the world!? They’ve never had a reason to do it early, great more searching to do so I’m not left in the dark. I look towards Charlie and she has a look of guilt on her face, I put it together, she was told about this before anyone knew, this was what she was hesitant about.

After that I tap Alastor’s shoulder. He turns to face me and my face turns into that of a masking smile.

“Alastor, would you be a dear and help me with something?” I say as I turn, fully knowing he know I want to talk about something privately so he follows. Once we get into his radio tower I make a chair from magic and sit down, Alastor’s shadow appearing as well.

“So what seems to the trouble y/n darling?” His radio voice asks with actual concern… no concentration really.

“You know how I have the deal with all the Overlords of Hell where I’m not allowed to spy on them, right?” He nods his head, remembering he himself has the same deal with me. “Well I need a favor. I need you to spy on Valentino for me, send one of your shadows with him after our next Overlord meetings since one has been called for it to be within the next day or so. Do you think you can do that?” I ask rubbing my temples from the amount of stress I have right now from dealing with this.

“Hmm, intriguing but what do I get out of it?” Alastor asks me. I already expected this so I planned it. I know he want to have a killing spree to remind people of who he is.

“How about we spark a deal?” That got his attention.

“What kind of deal?”

“You do this for me for as long as I need it for and I’ll lock off people in my territory and you can hunt and broad cast screams in my territory for one hour. Sound fair?” I strike the offer of the deal as I hold out my hand with blood purple magic glows around me and my hand.

“Two and half hours darling”

“Fine I can agree, two and half hours at any time for your service for as long as I need it for. It a deal then?” still holding out my hand with same magic getting stronger. Alastor shakes my hand, the deal is set.

“So darling y/n where do we start?”

A/n look I know this is a bit shorter then other chapters but I was lacking a bit of inspiration for what it continue writing about for this chapter so please don't judge. Also can I get some suggestions on what to do to Valentino once I can free Angel because trust me that will be happening. Also please everyone let's say what we all hate about Valentino. I hate hum because He abuse our pour spider baby, like can we get some love for Angel in the comments.

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