Ch 16: Fuck the Exes

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I'm sitting in Blitzø's office as he's on a phone call as I hear Millie come into the office and start tearing up something. That makes me worried as I hear her say something about an old ex of hers that she bumped into. Blitzø and I go out of his office to see what the hell is the matter. Blitzø was complaining to quiet down because of he was on the call with someone from the greed ring. I was more worried on who was able to get Millie into this much of a rampage. I walk back with Blitzø to his office because I want to know who we're meeting but something just doesn't feel right. But I don't pay too much mind to it because I'm just glad I get to help them if I can. Soon though we hear an explosion in the room next to us and run out to see a helicopter right there for us. While I was getting into the helicopter I hear Moxie getting a bit worried about us going to the greed ring. I feel the safety of the helicopter is on level with Millie though.

As we fly to our destination in the greed ring Moxie points out some things around the greed ring that he remembers until he seems to get scared of something.

“Who exactly are we meeting sir?” Moxie asks, concerned it seems and I pick up on it very easily as we land behind an expensive looking house but definitely strict. A male comes out of the house and he looks similar to Moxie, wait a minute his soul is similar too, no don’t tell me, it's his father isn’t it? My suspension were conferred once he said something to Moxie. Moxie said that this was his dad, Crimson, I didn’t like this guy at all but I didn’t let on as he was introduced to Millie as Moxie's wife and Crimson kissed her hand. He seemed to realize who Blitzø was easily as he started talking to him, not even realizing I was here due to how quiet I was being at the moment. We walked into the house and not until we did did Crimson realize I was here. He didn’t seem to know who I was as I never been around for anything else related to IMP and stuff like that.

“Sir why are we here?” Moxie asked seeing the looks between me and Crimson, wanting to relieve tension.

“Moxie I thought I raised you better then that, no business before dinner and besides we’re waiting on one more.” Crimson said right as someone bursts through the door. I was too sad to know exactly who he was.

“Chad?!” Bot only me, but Moxie and Millie exclaimed at the same time, we all look at each other in surprise. “You know him too?!” Once again we said in unison.

“Three reunions in one day, damn I’m lucky.” Chad exclaimed, about to walk over to Moxie and Millie but not before getting wrapped in soul chains of sick ocean blue. They traced back to me as I gave Chad a death threatening glare.

“My y/n, you want me to get hard, because it’s working.” My face twists into disgust and anger as I let my magic go from him, sickening, I regret ever dating him.

Millie told us how she use to date Chad and asked me and Moxie how we knew him.

“We use to date, I was the handsome bad man and Moxie here was the Mafia agent.” Blitzø breaks out laughing as he says something about Moxie being in the Mafia before looking around and realizing the truth. Moxie went on to explain how they dated and met and what Chad did to betray Moxie, that not only made Millie pissed but me as well but I retained my anger and even stopped Millie with a soul chain from her own soul.

“But then there was y/n who God was a hotty on stage when she was preforming who couldn’t seem to resist my charm and…” I shot him a death glare which shut him up real quick.

“Dinner is served.” And we went to dinner.

“So your name is y/n?” Crimson asked, seeming to be intrigued by me in some way. I eyed him, observing him before nodding my head sharply but only once.

“What’s it to ya?” I hiss and Moxie looks toward me concerned but I pay no mind to it.

“Nothing, nothing at all, just seems like I recognize you from some where else that’s all.”

“Well I do go by other names.” I say too sweetly that it has venom in every word that flitters off my tongue like a song.

“Oh and what would that be?” Crimson asked though seeming to know somewhat already and seemed disgusted by having someone like me here.

“Either the Singing Siren as I’m known in most of the rings but as the soul siren in pride.” I state plainly, Crimson’s eyes widen, barely noticeable and quickly fixes his posture turning away from me and towards Moxie as he claims why we are here. But when Crimson invites u to stay the night I remember I have a performance today at Ozzie’s but get a bad feeling when Crimson asks Moxie to say behind to talk with him.

As I pass Moxie I use my magic to stop time only for a second so I can talk to Moxie.

“What’s going on?” Moxie is confused as he looks at time stop in place.

“My magic but it won’t last long so here.” I hand him a little device that has a button on it that when pressed I would know. “If anything happens that you can’t control, press the button and I’ll come as quickly as possible, okay?”

Moxie nods as he takes it and puts into his pocket just as time restarts once more. I tell Crimson that I have something else to attend to tonight and need to leave But will try to be back tomorrow. He blows it off saying it’s alright if I don’t show up and that he understands. I nod my head but as I leave the room and the building I can’t help the feeling of dread and worry that fills my gut.

I get to the lust ring and am infront of Ozzie’s now as I walk in and to backstage to get ready, the feeling of fear and worry for my friend suppressed but still there. I focus on the show up soon to get my mind off it and it works mostly but not fully. I make a outfit for my performance and it works perfectly.

I walk onto the stage as I take the introduction from Fizz and the crowd goes wild a bit with even a few signs that would make me uncomfortable if I wasn’t already use to it being that way.

“Hello Lust, how ya doing tonight?” I yell to get the excitement up in the place. “Before I start this performance, I have a question for all of you lovely demons. Does anyone have any song requests for the evening?” and instantly hands and voice raise, but I hear one that I feel like isn’t the most lust related song but I love it and I think some people would too. So I started singing for them all.

You’ll be seein’ me in your dreams and
I’ll be there when your reality drowns

This was going to help me forget about the feeling in the pit of my stomach for sure, I can already tell.

There’s a bright side
To every wrong thing
If you’re looking at me through the right eyes
Darkness in my name
Don’t you wanna come and play on the cool side
Don’t be so shy

Even though not being the most lustful song ever, everyone still seems to be liking it and it encourages me to sing more.

There’s a pleasure in hidin’ from the sun
No, I was never one for pretty weather
I’d rather be a creep, baby, follow me into the water
I’ll take you to the darker
This could be perfection
A venom drippin’ in your mouth
Singin’ like a siren
Love me while your wrists are bound
You’ve been seeing me in your dreams but
I’ll be there when your reality drowns
You can pretend
That when you hear my voice
Darlin’ it’s a choice not to fall in
But it’s all an act, ‘cause I know exactly what you’re wantin’
You know it’s what I’m wantin’
Boy, I know what you desire
Oh, you’re such a bad, bad liar
This could be perfection
A venom drippin’ in your mouth
Singin’ like a siren
Love me while your wrists are bound
You’ve been seein’ me in your dreams but
I’ll be there when your reality drowns
I’ll be there when your reality drowns

I see a incubus starting to fall in lust by the looks of it and I decide to tease everyone by bringing him up stage and teasing him with the next part of the song, using my magic to lift him up to me like I did with Angel Dust not too long ago. I love everyone’s reactions from my actions.

Boy, I know what you desire
Oh, you’re such a bad, bad liar
I want you and I just can’t take it
So, listen to me when I say it
This could be perfection
A venom drippin’ in your mouth
Singin’ like a siren
Love me while your wrists are bound
You’ve been seein’ me in your dreams but
I’ll be there when your reality drowns
I’ll be there when your reality drowns

As I finish the song I return to the stage as I start up the next song for the performance and have a great night in general.

After the performance, I go with Ozzie and Fizz back to Ozzie’s place, well palace I should say but you get it. But now because I didn’t have the performance to keep me busy from the feelings of earlier they came back and Ozzie could see something was bothering but didn’t bother me about it since he knew I didn’t open up very much but Fizz didn’t know better and asked me, “You good? You look down.”

“Worried about a friend that’s all, I met his dad today and shady character from the greed ring, Mafia leader too so I’m worried for him, that’s all.” Fizz looked a bit concerned but quickly change his face to one of nonchalance but I knew he didn’t mean it like that, he just wanted me to feel okay. I did appreciate the effort Fizz put in to make me laugh but it didn’t really work, only then could Ozzie see he needed to step in to help Fizz make me feel better or just to get my mind off of this.

“Y/n how about we go bake, I do know you love to bake.” Ozzie suggested but I didn’t move from where I was sitting in the window.

“No thanks Ozzie.”

While that did concern Ozzie he continued with, “ What about potion making or training with your magic, I know you liked doing that before.” Ozzie suggested and y/n thought about it, it would keep her mind off of Moxie so why not. “Sure.”

We go down to an area meant for training for Ozzie but he doesn’t use it like at all but will when I’m around if I challenge him. But right now I conjure up a book, potion book, my potion book.

“What’s that?” Fizz asks about the book in my hand now as I conjure up a potion set up.

“Potion recipes book.”

“You know how to make potions?” Fizz states a bit surprised, “What exactly are you y/n?”

“Rude but I’m a witch sinner demon Fizz.” Fizz was surprised because he didn’t think I was below Ozzie with how good of friends I am with him but at the same time he knew him and was his lover, obviously in secret but still.

“Also congrats on being in a relationship you two.” I state quietly as I flip through the pages of my potion book but they could still hear it. Ozzie didn’t seem surprised but Fizz started to freak out.

“W-what do you mean, love is stupid.” Fizz tried to argue until Ozzie put a hand on his shoulder, stopping his rant.

“Froggy, it’s alright she knows, she always does know. She won’t judge or tell if we don’t want her to, we can trust her.” Ozzie comforted his lover’s anxiety.

I start making a potion I haven’t made in quite some time, a simple potion for me, one that can help my voice heal if I over use it. Because that is one of my weaknesses. That and holy water or blessed anything, rope, knife, etc. Mostly because of how positive it is because otherwise it’d have no effect on me. But alas not the case here.

Fizz and me talk as I make the potion with Ozzie just watching us, happy we were getting along with each other. I love Fizz’s humor even if it was dirty at times, nor minding when he started to rant on and on. Ozzie tried saying something but I said I was fine with Fizz talking, it was nice to listen to because I don’t get many people this comfortable to just rant to me so I always loved it because to me it means they trust me enough to tell them about their personal life, or some of it at least.

After finishing a bunch of potions and storing them away we head to bed due to it’s 4 hours til sunrise. I luckily fell asleep before the feeling of worry came back too strong to make to where I can’t sleep. I didn’t seep the best but I was alright by next morning except for when I woke up to the device I had given Moxie was used.

I instantly used my magic to make a note for Ozzie and Fizz and to get myself ready for a fight if need be. Within seconds I transported down to Greed, to Crimson’s house. I see Crimson forcing Moxie to get married to Chad even though he was already married just as Blitzø bursts through the fence with Millie. We look at each other and nod before taking down almost every single member that came at us before reaching Moxie, Millie picked him up before declaring that he was hers and I hissed, killing Chad myself from pure anger and with a death glare promise at Crimson I left. 

A/n: I’m sorry this took awhile, I’ve recently became sick so I might not post too soon and it might take me a while but hope you enjoyed.

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