Ch 21: Adoption and Beelzebub

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We kept Kyler with us through the night and I decided to keep him with us on the tour, Fizz seemed to be getting really attached to him for sure. It made my heart break with such happiness when I found them communicating in sign language. I knew that Ozzie and Fizz had liked the idea of starting a family but obviously never could geneticly but adopting was always an option. Plus I know a few magic tricks for making kids but I'd have to work on it still. But anyways I think it might do them some good to adopt Kyler because he needs a family.

I watch as Ozzie admires his lover playing with Kyler and I smile at it all. It makes me happy that they can make eachother happy. I walk over and start signing myself because at the moment in time I can't talk either, too much energy spent on controlling a soul like Mammon’s really isn't the best way to save magic. We're now in the gluttony ring for my concert in hopefully a few days, let's see if my voice box cooperates with us. I start to sign that breakfast is done and it doesn't take two seconds for Fizz to go to the table and start serving food. I laugh a big silent laugh since at the moment I'm the equivalent of a mute.

We eat breakfast in a comfortable silence. Once we finish Ozzie helps me with the dishes while Fizz and Klyer go to who knows where. As Ozzie pretty much takes over doing dishes I start signing to him about things.

"So I had an idea Ozzie for you and Fizz." I sign, making sure he got it all.

"Oh and what's that y/n?"

"So you know how you and Fizz want to start a family?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"Why not adopt Kyler? He needs a family and by the looks of it, Fizz has gotten really attached to him."

"That's not a bad idea but I'd have to talk it over with Fizz." I only nod my head in understandment but I doubt Fizz would object to it though.

Later I start to walk around the gluttony ring only to run into a party that's happening. Who is hosting this party I have no idea but hey why not. I walk into the party to find Hellohounds and imps alike. I walk around to see if there is anything I could do or if there's anyone I recognize. Soon though, I run into a hellhound with a scar going over an eye that looks like it's gone blind. I fall over because of the impact but the hellhound offers me a hand.

"Oh sorry there, you good?" I take his offered hand and nod my head but God his voice is on the deeper side.

He let's out a heartfilled chuckle and offers me a drink. I don't know if he knows sign language or not but I'll try anyways. I sign a thank you as I take the drink. He definitely knows it's sign language but doesn't seem to know it. But does catch the drift of it being a thank you.

"You're welcome for the drink. No I don't know sign language I just assumed you were saying thank you." I nod my head pretty much saying more or less yes you're correct.

"My girlfriend knows sign though so you two might get along since you're mute I'm assuming." I shake my head no.

"Oh so you don't think you'd be friends with my girlfriend?" Once again I shake my head no, Satan this is going to get him more confused.

He stares at me for a second. "Oh you mean you're not mute right?" I shake my yes, tucking my hair back so I can see again.

"Oh wait a minute aren't you that person who took on Mammon and sang the concert later?" Ya just know figured that out. I shake my head yes.

"Then yeah you're definitely not mute but why are you not talking then?" I mentally slap myself in the face for this.

I was about to try and explain the best I could before hearing someone obviously talking to the hellhound which he turns around to see... Beezlebub!? I push past the hellhound and hug the sin. She was surprised until she realized who I was and hugged me back.

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