Ch 11: Heaven and contracts

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I see Vaggie and Charlie, well Charlie, packing a bunch for the meeting in Heaven. Vaggie doesn't seem to want to go and I can tell why. I know she's an angel, fallen of course but still I don't say anything, thinking Charlie would've known buy just incase she didn't I kept my mouth shut. Vaggie didn't even know that I knew she was an angel.

We were talking about the meeting when a hole was blown through the wall in the parlor. A one eyed girl that looked like she was apart of a gang hops through the hole and Angel rush towards her, friends, must be. Angel has been really tired lately and the girl who I found out was Cherri bomb, noticed. She wanted to take Angel out to have some r&r and Charlie heard that, mistaking it as a chance to have everyone go with them. Cherries started to protest until Charlie handed her a bunch of cash, she instantly agreed. Then the portal to Heaven showed up and Charlie threw Charlie through as I walked through while Charlie said bye.

I feel weak when I get to where the shiny gates are in front of us, breathing heavy too. I know why because my power runs off negative energy and souls unlike most witches like me so here in Heaven I feel weak because of the positive energy here. Its sickening really.

We go to the golden gates and see Saint Peter as Charlie tries to get in and when she says her father's name he freaks out and tries to deny us. That was until a Seraphim, two actually, come across, saying to they'll take it from here. One of them, the littler one comes up to us.

"Hi I'm Emily, or you can call me Em, Y, whatever. I'm so happy you're here."

Then she spots me and hugs me before backing away, thinking that she didn't know if I liked being hugged or not but I wrap my arms around her, hugging her softly. I might live in Hell and not be the best person but she reminds me of someone I knew when I was alive.

"Hello Emily, it's nice to meet you too, I'm y/n l/n." I say softly but the other one, Sera seems surprised and even scared, does she know who I am?

"Soul siren?!" Sera exclaims silently and I just nod. Now I know she didn't think I heard by how her face showed the surprise.

"Who's the Soul Siren Sera?" Emily asks and Sera dismisses it but I won't do that, especially when she looks irritated she doesn't get told.

"I am, one of the most feared people in Hell, my magic I use revolves around Emily and negative energy and souls so it makes me extremely powerful, rivaling Lucifer's." I tell Emily still hugging her but didn't show any signs of aggression. Emily tries to get away and I let her showing I mean no goodwill here. She smiles at me and smile back, gentle and sweet. She can see it and tells me this.

"You seem too kind to be in Hell, are you Hellborn?" I shake my head at Emily question, she continues, "Then why are you in Hell? You are too nice to be in Hell."

"That's sadly not true Emily, I'm only nice with those I consider friends or people when I have to play nice. But do you want to see maybe we can hang out just the two of us later, yeah?"

"Yeah I'd like that?" Emily replies.

Sera then takes us through the gate as Saint Peter starts to sing a welcome song, Emily joining him and they seem out of breath when finishing. I smile and clap my hands, smiling at the cute performance. Me, Vaggie, and Charlie are then escorted to the Hotel room where we will stay. Charlie excuses herself because I guess Emily is showing her around at a zoo, so she leaves me and Vaggie alone. But only seconds later we hear a knock at the door. I hide because even though Vaggie seems to think it was Charlie but I know it isn't her. "Adam?!" Vaggie exclaims as she gets pushed away by two angels walking in, no, barging in.

I hear a little fight going on, the angels threatening Vaggie with exposing her being an angel to Charlie if she didn't call this off and get Charlie to leave. It seems Vaggie forgot I was here until an angel named Lute opened the closet door and jumps back in fear when she sees who I am.

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