The Moon - Chapter Seven

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I would say that Payne's father holds an iron grip over his pack members because of how quickly they go quiet, but it's more of a reverence. Their quiet is not out of fear, it's out of respect.

It almost seems as if they try to even eat quieter, all eyes fixed on him, including mine. I've not even touched my own plate, despite my stomach growling as little curls of steam rise up from the food. I do my best to keep my eyes where they belong, on the Alpha, waiting for whatever announcement he's going to make.

"As you all know, we have had yet another successful year of the mating celebration with Alpha Ryler's pack. Many of you have brought home mates this time around." I keep the sting that his words bring from showing on my face. So many others are celebrating, happy. I see the subtle smiles on their faces, the slightly red color of their marks that show they are still fresh.

I can be happy for them, if for no other reason.

I allow myself a small glance at Payne. He too watches his father, giving him all of his attention. Only a second later, his eyes lock with mine. There is a long moment that goes unnoticed by the table, where I can hear the thundering sound of my own heartbeat in my ears. I almost feel a zing, a tingle of electricity on the air, until I look away, down at my plate. I can still smell him over the food.

"... we will, of course, be attending the games. Purely to show our support for our allies in Bloodgleam." The part of what's being said that I tuned back into only spikes my curiosity. I know that Bloodgleam is home to the Royal Lycans and their closest court members.

A few wolves bang on the table, causing it to shake. The howling, the yelling, the pride on their faces - it's magnetic. I can see it on their face how proud they are - I can see it on Payne's, too. Not a speck of tiredness fights the light glimmering out of his eyes. When I think he's going to glance in my direction, I look away. I'm afraid of how I feel when I look at him for any amount of time.

"I encourage everyone who is able to bring their mates, their families, so we can show everyone present the strength that RedFawn holds, and always has." The smile that Payne's father gives is brilliant white and sharp. Cunning even - an Alpha in his element. A leader willing to make a display of power whenever possible.

"Until then," His voice brings effortless attention in his direction. "I expect you all to be hard at work, training. I want our best form to be shown to the world, so they understand who we are." The outbursts start up again. I even see a few wolves flexing their muscles, including Nora, who might be the loudest of them all.

I'm digging into my food, not even minding getting burned as I try to listen to a million conversations around me. There are so many people speaking that I can't really garner any useful information that way, so I instead turn to Kassidy. On the other side of her sits Nora, talking to a couple of males.

"What games is he talking about?" She doesn't seem surprised by my question. I can't remember of any time our pack ever went to these games - as the Alpha put it. To show support or otherwise.

"The games are a Lycan event. The only other werewolf pack invited to attend other than here is BlondeMar." As if seeing her explanation wasn't enough, she sighs a little, almost like explaining things more in depth isn't unusual for her. From the corner of my eye I see Payne down whatever was in his glass, before he fills it up from a clear bottle. Honey colored liquid pours out.

"Alpha Lycans are even more arrogant than werewolf ones. So every few years, they join in one of the bigger cities, call everyone together, and let their pups fight until someone proves who's strongest and smartest. Which is usually the royals, but I think everyone else enjoys fighting for second." She furrows her brows, and her distaste at the tradition is obvious. I don't ask why.

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