Letters - Nine

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I wake up to the sounds of muffled conversation and laughter coming through the walls. It's only after I get up and dress myself do I realize there is an envelope that was slid underneath my door.

I know it's a letter from home before I even get it open. It smells like a bunch of scents I recognize; mom, dad, Limmie, Lyon. All of their scents make my eyes water, I miss them much more than even I've realized.

Once I do get it open, I see that there are three pieces of parchment folded up inside. Two that are normal sized, a few blotches where ink has bled through the page, and a smaller one. I randomly choose one of the bigger ones to start reading. I open it up and recognize father's handwriting right away:


Words cannot describe how much we miss you. I know that RedFawn is a good place, I know you will grow to love it there. Still, I wish you were here with us. Limmie's parents and her mate came with her to have dinner, and we all played a game of cards for you. To say it wasn't the same is an understatement. Hold your head high little one. I love you. - Dad

Tears are already falling and warping the paper by the time the handwriting shifts to mom's. My heart aches, and not because of the bond this time.

I miss you my girl. It's not the same without my assistant cook. I know that you are safe, and happy, and cared for. I worry anyway, and I think of you day and night. I wish more than anything I could help you on this journey. I sent you something that I think you might want.. and I lend you my strength, too. You need it more than I do. I love you. - Mom

I'm surprised when further down, mom's more elegant handwriting shifts into something closer to chicken scratch. For some reason I wasn't expecting to find anything from Lyon. It's short and sweet, but I appreciate it none the less.

I miss you little sis. Mom's cooking just isn't the same without you here, if you know what I mean. I love you.

It's not signed with his name, doesn't need to be. He was clearly the last to write on the paper, as mom would have walloped him good for his comment about her cooking. But what really shocks me is the dried spots where the paper is warped, and the ink in his writing bleeds just a little.

I sit there re-reading the letter for a few minutes before folding it up and moving to the next one. It's got the smell of Limmie all over it, and just a trace of someone else. Terrick.


It's fucking boring without you here. Terrick is not nearly as good as you at cards - he pouts when I ask him to play now. Says that I'm a cheater, even though he knows that isn't true. He's just bad, and a sore loser, apparently.

The writing has a small space in it, where the ink was used to cross out "sore loser" and it was rewritten further down the line with "amazing hunk". Just seeing this makes me laugh, as I can imagine her furiously writing it, only for Terrick to snatch it out of her hands and scribble his own writing down. Then it continues.

I say you're the lucky one for not being here. Matias has been particularly unpleasant since everything happened. The Luna even more. I envy you having all of that new land to explore - you are exploring it right? Write me back soon, I'll be waiting.

P.S. Mom and dad were very upset that you didn't tell them goodbye before you left.

My brows furrow. She doesn't elaborate, but I can only imagine what that means. Matias had been leading our training group for a long time, so I assume that everyone felt the brunt of his anger and the Luna's.

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