Chapter 17 :- Pete still loyal to the Main Family

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                       (Venice Pov)

In my childhood, when dad tortured papa I used to run away from my home, cried on the road side and that time Dylan found me and took me back home......

And I wished to the fallen star that my family should be as happy as The Main family....

we too should be happy like them I should not always run away from my home and cry for it every day......

And my wish will be fulfilled, I used to walk straight on the footpaths with Dylan

And when I reached the last line, I understood that there will be happiness in my family too.....

At that time Dylan used to be with me to ensure that I did not get hit by any vehicle.....

Mr. Dylan's father died while protecting Dad in a fight and his mother was not able to live much then Papa took charge of him......

Uncle Macau was once under depression, due to which he once tried to commit suicide, then Papa helped him......

But he was continuously going into depression and he jumped from the roof due to this accident uncle macau lost a lot of blood, then Dylan saved him by donating his blood....

Gradually Uncle Macau and Dylan became closer and they spent more and more time together....

Gradually Uncle Macau and Dylan became closer and they spent more and more time together

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Uncle Macau went to the Philippines to handle our business there......

Dylan has been my closest and loyal bodyguard then Dad gave him my responsibility....

When I went to South Korea, then Dylan also went to The Phillipines to improve their relationship and when I came back after 2 years, he also came back from the Philippines And Papa made him the head bodyguard of me.....

When I went to South Korea, then Dylan also went to The Phillipines to improve their relationship and when I came back after 2 years, he also came back from the Philippines And Papa made him the head bodyguard of me

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I fell asleep thinking all this......

                        (Pete Pov)

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