[23] Making Her Fall in Love

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"Impossible to succeed... Why do you say that?" Alvin discerned a sense of pity in Morgan's words.

If even the witch of Britannia said so, then the failure of his old man was almost inevitable. What was the reason behind the persistence of his old man?

"To shake the anchored laws of the world with the Anchor of the Planet is incredibly difficult, even for the White Dragon..."

"Let me put it this way, such an important thing cannot be without protection."

"On the island, there is no one now who can match Vortigern. However, in the Inner Sea of the Planet, your father cannot obtain the bonus of the Britannian land, so just passing the hurdle of Lady of the Lake will be challenging for him."

"Even if, by some stroke of luck, he manages to obtain the Anchor of the Planet, removing it requires unlocking the restraints above..."

"That is a seal engraved by the will of the world. Think about it... Can a guy like him, who is trying to interfere with the decline of the Age of Gods, gain the world's recognition?"

Saying this, the witch of Britannia sighed softly.

She didn't care about the return of the Age of Gods. Unless the world was completely destroyed, as long as Mana did not dry up, whether the Age of Gods declined or not wouldn't shake the foundation of someone like Morgan.

For high-level magus like them, whether or not there was an Age of Gods didn't make much difference.

Alvin's ultimate life form body was the same.

As long as he wanted to live, the young man almost had a lifespan as long as the earth.

"So, I advise you to stay away from your father a bit, Alvin."

"There are no wrong names, only inappropriate nicknames, he is, after all, a madman with the name of the 'Demonic Dragon.'"

"The usual kind and friendly appearance, let me tell you, only happens when he talks to you..."

The witch's words faded like lingering embers.

Alvin chuckled helplessly.

What the witch in front of him was not aware of was... she would only be so chatty when talking to him.

"Let's set aside such depressing topics for now. I have something important I want to share with you."

Looking at the serious expression on the silver-haired youth's face.

The witch's heart couldn't help but beat a bit faster.

She knew that Alvin had carved a ring for her.

Important matter... Could it be that he wants to propose to her?!

'No, no! Alvin, you are still so young! And this is so sudden! How can anyone refuse this...!'


The heartbeat accelerated.

Should she do it? Now? Right here?

Did she mess up her makeup?

"I met the Son of the Red Dragon."

"No choice, I'll reluctantly accept... Eh?! Ah! So it's not that..." The witch's blushing expression froze for a moment.

In the midst of disappointment mixed with relief, she covered her chest and exhaled a long breath.

"I thought you were-... wait, what did you just say?!"

The brain, clogged with wild thoughts, finally realized the content of the young man's words.

Morgan's expression suddenly became lively.

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