part 9- messages upon messages

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It's Saturday morning! Today Nate's here and I haven't seen him because he came home really late and I went to bed really early. I was totally asleep even if I wasn't. HAHAHAH I love oxymorons. Anyway, I go to the bathroom to put on some makeup because I already have my clothes on. A blue tank top with a pair of shorts. School is going to start soon and I need to exploit this summertime for these cute outfits.
While I'm trying to put on mascara I see a message on my phone's lock screen. It's Austin and he's telling me: <Hey! I'm coming home from Greece this afternoon see you spoon> Oh gosh, he calls me "spoon" since primary school because I used to constantly drop spoons before starting to eat every time we ate together and that's because I played with it. It's a horrible nickname but at least it reminds me of good childhood moments. I was a tremendous little girl always ready to cause trouble!
<Oh good! I'm going to call you when you're out of the plane! See you soon (not spoon)> I type in response. I missed him so much.

I'm not really prepared to act like I don't have a story with Nate in front of his mum and his step-dad so I'm a bit nervous. I try not to think about it and head downstairs for breakfast.
"Who is that pretty girl walking all over my house?" I hear a voice from behind whilst I'm running down the stairs.
I suddenly stop and turn around. Nate is in front of me and I run towards him throwing my arms around his neck.
"Hey! I missed you. You seem more handsome than when you left... nope, it must have been another boy" and I kiss him on the lips while he places his hands on my hips.
"Shh, let's not make any noise, come on, let's go to the kitchen" he whispers in my ear and then walks past me, pointing the way.

"Good morning guys. Uhm Rachel is everything okay? Do you need anything? Because I'm here... oh and have you called your mom? I called her yesterday. Anyway how are you? Good? Good good..." Brittany starts asking me all this questions and I love her for this. I didn't even have the time to sit down on the chair or to respond to her because Nate interrupts her saying "Mom! Stop I guess you're scaring her" and he does a little laugh. He's so cute.
Nate moves the chair for me to sit and I accept this gesture with thanks. Ji Woo looks at him smiling: "Nate none of us knew you were such a gentleman!" and Nate looks at him blushing whilst I start laughing making fun of him.
I sit down and take a slice of apple pie.
"Thank you Brittany, and everything is perfect" I say quietly and kindly. I can't even imagine how my life would be now if it wasn't for Brittany and Ji Woo's kindness. I love them-and their son. Uhm no. Wait...I don't love him, it's way too soon to think about something important like that.
He's so special though. Me and Lucas have never been that united in 1 year and more than I am with Nate in like 5 days. It all happened so fast that my emotions-oh gosh-they're a mess and they try to order on their own because I don't even know how to do it.

I'm immersed in my thoughts but Nate brings me back to reality by placing the palm of his hand adorned with two cold rings on my thigh. I am shaken by this cold and, agitated, I settle down
in the chair, coughing slightly. With an embarrassed but also excited streak I caress his hand and watch him while he eats toast pretending nothing is happening. Nate looks so handsome as he puts the toast in his mouth.
"Uhm thank you very much the breakfast was delicious but now I have to return a bit of things to a person so it's better for me if I leave. See you later!" and after Brittany and Ji Woo said bye to me I took a big box containing some stuff from Lucas. As I exit the door Nate comes closer and takes the box from my hands.
"What's this? Where are you carrying it?" he asks me. Is he jealous or it's just my impression?
"Oh this? Well it's some stuff from Lucas that I have to return him." I say looking down.

"I'll accompany you at least you won't have to face his judges alone princess. Oh and by the way those trousers make you really beautiful mh." He says looking at me with a playful but at the same time sexy look. I squeeze his shirt resting on his chest to pull him towards me. I kiss him and I smell a wonderful mint scent coming from his neck. Nate always invades my space like this, delicately but at the same time with an arrogant presence which is unmistakable.

Once outside the house he opens the door telling me that he will arrive shortly but that he had forgotten something. His phone is in the car to connect the playlist to the stereo. Out of the blue I see a notification arrive: it's Camila. But I can't see what the message says because the screen is locked by his face ID and password. Camila? Why the fuck would she text Nate? He told him they haven't good relations. I'll never trust Camila both for what she did to Lucas and for how she constantly acts. Now I'm very curious but I don't know how to ask Nate about the message, he might think that I'm obsessive possessive and that I have the constant need to control him. But I need to know what that harpy wants from Nate.

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