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i sit on the floor reading a book i tound on the ground outside of  school. the book was about demons and ritauls it was very enertaining but i was having trouble reading it cuz it has big words for a five year old. 

as i'm reading somthing catches my attention. i look at the page and read the words the best i can. it says somthing along the lines of 'you can summon a demon and make a get them to do what you want by making a deal with them.' it starts listing things that you can ask the demon to do but i stop reading. 

'anything i want? i could ask the demon to be my friend!' i start reading the spell or ritual whatever it's called and read the intructions carfully before gathering the supplies i need. i grab a knife, a piece of paper. a red pen, a lighter, and a lot of candels.

'i'm glad moms at work or she might ask me what i'm doing.' i grab the spullies and run back up to my room. i set the piece of paper down and look at the picture i says to draw. it looks like a circle with a star in the middle. 

it says to set the paper down and place the candels all around it in a circle i turn off my light and light each of the candels as i hold the knife up to my palm. i brace myself as i cut my palm open and let the blood drip on to what i beleive the book called a pentegram. 

i wince as theres a sharp pain in my palm. i feel tears threaten as i try not cry to not appear to look weak infront of my soon to be new friend. i see the red start glowing with a bright green color as all the candels go out causing my room to go pitch black.

i see glowing red eyes staring at me as i stare back at them. i then see a smile of yellow teeth appear underneath the eyes. we stare at each other for about seven seconds before i stnad up and turn on the light so i can get a better look at my new friend. 

once i flip the light switch i take the time to look at the demon. he's wearing a red striped coar a bowtie has red hair to match with deer ears and cute little horns with of course his red eyes and his smile. 

i take a deep breath before smiling and holding my hand out to greet my new friend. "hello my name is y/n it's nice to meet you." the demons smile widens as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. "names, Alastor it's a pleasure to meet you quite a pleasure." 

i giggle slightly at this strange action of kissing the back of my hand. "your quite young to summon a demo  aren't you?" i shrug. "i didn't know ther was an age requirment." Alastors, smile widens even more if thats even possible. 

"very well, what kind of deal do you want to make, my dear." i smile at the demon as he folds his hands behind his arms. "i want you to be my friend." the demon pauses as he processes what i say.

"can you repeat that, darling?" the demon asks me and bends down to my height . "i said i wanted you to be my friend."  he stands up straight and clears his throat. "well thats an... entresting request.." the demon says as he looks away from me. 

"please all we need to do is like...whatever friends do...and..uhm..hang out?" i say as i look at the demon hopfully. the demon looks back at me as i sigh. "it's's just i've never had a real friend..and i thought maybe..i don't know." i look at my feet as i feel a tear fall down my cheek.

i feel the demon pat my head and look back up at him. "smile my dear your never fully dressed without one." the demon says in a cheerie voice. "i execpect your offer but at a price." i smile as i wipe my tears. 

"i'll do anything!" i say as he makes a staff appear in his hand. "i want your soul." i look at him counfused. "i mean you can have it but i don't see why you'd want it it's not like it's ever done anything for me." i hear Alastor chuckle at my comment. 

he then holds his hand out to me and his smile turns evil which i don't notice as i figure more on the cool green glowy stuff appearing all around the room. "cool." i mutter as i look around. "what are you waiting for, dear?" Alastor asks catching my attention. 

"oh sorry i was just looking at the glowy stuff it looks cool." i can almost see Alastors eye twitch as he responds through grited teeth. "yes it's very cool know do we have a deal?" i look at his hand and take it in mine and shake it. 

after we shake the cool green glowy stuff diappears which is disappointing. "aww can you make the green stuff come back?" Alastor makes his staff thing disappear before responding. "no." he responds kinda sternly but i just ignore it. 

"dear, why are you bleeding?" Alastor asks as he points to my hand. i look down at the hand i perviously cut so i could sommun my new friend. "well i needed blood to make you appear so i cut my hand."

Alastor makes his staff reappear and taps my hand with it. i look at my hand cirously as i see the injury start to fade not even leaving a scar. i stare at my hand in astonishment. "wow, Al that was awesome!" i smile at him and he raises a brow.

"Al?" i giggle slightly. "yeah, Al it's a nickname friends Always give each other nicknames." Alastor seems to think for a minute before responding. "then i shall call you, fawn" i look at, Al counfused. "why fawn?"

he pats my head. "becuase fawn is a name for a baby dear." i pout and cross my arms. "i'm not a baby!" "no need to raise you voice, dear it's just that your younger then me by a lot if i much say." i look, Al up and down. 

"really you don't look a day over 20." Alastors smile widens at the compelement, "oh you charm me, dear." i giggle. "no it's true you look really young." he chuckles before responding. "thers really no need to try and flatter me, dear." 

i think for a minute. "Alastor how old are you?" he looks at me as his eyes narrow. "if i'm being honest i've lost count but if i'd have to guess somewhere around 100." i pause as as i think about that and try to fit together how he's still alive. "how are you still alive?" Alastor tilts his head to the side slightly. 

"dear i'm a demon there for i'm already dead." i look at him as my eyes widen. "wait your a dead guy!?!" he chuckles and i stare at him before calming down. "wait how come your not like...decaying and decreped." he closes his eyes in fustration. 

"do you know how demons work?" i think for a minute before shrugging. "uh no not really." he opens his eyes his seemingly permanate smile remaining on his face. "a demon is somone who has died and went to hell." 

"oh that kind of demon." Al, looks at me counfused at my response. "what other kind of demons are there?" he questions and i shrug. "i don't know your the demon you should be the one to know that stuff." 

before Alastor can respond the front door opens and Alastor disapears a long with the stuff i used for the ritual. i decide to ignore the fact that, Al seems to not want my mom knowing about him as i run down stiars to greet my mom. 

Imaginary Demon (Alastor x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now