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i was sitting at the dinner table eating with mom, trying to ignore the awkward scilince. i know she's worrying, she Always worries when dad dosn't come home. ussauly that means theres going to be yelling and arguing between them toninght and i'm prepared for it this time. 

i kick my legs back and forth under the table thinking about what to say. mom looks at me clearly sensing my uneasyness. "how was your day at school sweetie?" i look up at her and shrug. "i guess like everyother day." 

she sighs and rests her head on her palm. "sweetie is there reason you don't have any friends?" i look up at her as i hear the worry in her tone. 'she's Always worrying about me and dad maybe i can tell her about Alastor to help her no longer worry about me.'

i smile before responding. "i do have a friend mom." she looks at me slightly shocked. "whats her name?" i look at her counfused. "it's a him and his name is Alastor he's really nice." mom smiles. "how old is he?"  

i shrug. "i don't know." i half lie as i don't want mom getting scared at the fact, Al is much older then me. you know stranger danger and stuff but personally i don't think, Al is going to hurt me. mom asks me some questions about that i don't know the answers of like where does he live what his moms name is and stuff like that. 

after dinner i diceded to play outside. i run out to the front yard and start drawing with chalk i draw a picture of a cat that i'm quite proud of if i'm being honest. "what are you doing, my fawn?" i look up to see, Al looking over my shoulder at what i'm drawing. 

"i'm drawing, duh." his eyes narrow at the cat as he tilts his head slightly. "thats a very beatiful drawing, dear." i smile up at him. "yeah can you tell what it is." he puases as he seems to tenses up. ", dear it's been quite a long time since i've been on earth i'm afriad i don't recongize many of your human animals."

i giggle. "that's okay, Al it's a cat i'm going to ask mom for one for my birthday." Al only hums in response as i countine drawing another picture. as i'm drawing i look at the sky and see it's getting quite dark. 

i sigh as i stand up and brush myself off. as i'm cleaning up the chalk and talking to, Al i hear a car coming up the parking lot. i watch the car knowing that it's Dad coming home late, again. he steps out of the car with a beer bottle in his hand. 

he takes a sip then stares at me. i glare at him before going back to cleaning up. "what the fuck was that look brat!?!" Dad yells at me as i ignore him. "draling, who is that?" Al, asks and i whisper a responses. 

"he's my dad..he's a drunkerd jerk." my Dad comes up to me and grabs me by my hair. "what was that you brat!?!" i wince as he pulls my hair and look down already used to this rutine which no one should be used to. "sorry dad." 

he scoffs and throws me on the ground. "learn your place brat." he scolds before walking the house. i sigh as i look up at, Al who glares after my Dad. "i didn't expect him to ingore you." Al looks down at me his smile growing. 

"well, little fawn thats cus he nor anyone else can see me execept you." i look at him counfused. "why's that."  Al, shrugs but i can tell he just dosn't feel like explaining and i understand i ask a lot of questions. 

i finish cleaning up and head inside of the house. as soon as i enter i hear yelling from are living room. i sneak past the living room trying to avoid my dad. as i'm sneaking past my moms eyes lands on me and she signals me to keep going. 

i quickly and quitly run up the stairs and make it to my room. i close my door and lock it as i sit down on my bed. i sigh as i listen to my parents agure about whatever it is this time. i sigh as i look at myself in the mirror. 

i fix my hair as i hear a noise behind me. i turn around and see Alastor sitting on my bed. "what are you doing, Al?" his smile grows. "i just thought you might like a..distraction." i nod as i sit next to him. 

"do you have a job?" i ask as Alastor makes his staff disappear. "why yes, dear i'm a radio host." i smile as i beam up at the demon. "wow really that must be awesome...but what is a radio host?" he chuckles as he starts explaining what sounds like one of the best jobs ever. 

"wow...that sounds amazing." he pats my head and i stop smiling as i hear loud foot steps coming up the stairs. Alastor looks at the door then at me as i quickly turn the lights off and climb into bed to make it look like i'm sleeping. 

my door opens and my Dad starts walking towards me. i sqeuze my eyes shut as i prepare myself for the enevidble. i feel my dads presence above me as he stares down at me. i then hear him turn around and walk away. 

he walks out of my room and closes my door. i sit up and look at the door counfused. i then look around to see, Al no where in sight. i sigh and lay back down in bed. 'why didn't he do anything? he usaully does somthing'

i choose to ignore it as i drift off to sleep. 

__Alastors pov__

i teleport back to the young girls room to see her sleeping. to be honest possesing that man wasn't hard and to be honest was quite enjoyable. 

Imaginary Demon (Alastor x child reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora