poker with friends

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i decided to make somthing for my new friend so he could always remeber me but i had to hide it from him and after being friends with him for a week now i realized just how hard it is to hide things from, Al i mean it's nearly impossible.

anyway i'm sitting here making, Al a friendship bralet in his colors which are light red, dark red, red red, and black. i'd say it's coming along quite nicely so far. i sit back and admire my work smiling to myself.

"what do you have there, fawn?" i hear Alastors voice call out from behind me causing me to jump and hide the braclet as i turn around. "uh nothing." he looks at me suspciosuly his eyes narrowing before he decidies not to question further. 

"would you like to acompany me on a walk, dear?" Alastor asks and i sigh and look down. "sorry, Al but my dad's watching me today so i can't leave my room." Alastor tilts his head to the side slightly. 

"your dad makes you stay in your room when he watches you?" i nod looking down as i hear Alastor mumble to himself. "oh my, dear your forgeting to smile." Alastor says as he lifts my head up with his cane. 

i smile slightly as i laugh a bit. "your the best ,Alastor." he chuckles. "you flatter me, dear." i hide the braclet under my bed as i stand up. "we could play a boardgame?" Alastor thinks for a minute before he smile grows.

"have you ever played poker?" i look at him skepticly. "isn't that a growup game?" Alastor shrugs. "theres no age limit, and who told you that?" i sigh. "my dad." Alastor makes his cane dissapear as a briefcase appears in his hand. 

"well that's your problem then, darling." he sits down and opens the case reveling colorful chips. Alastor explains the game as best he can, i don't really understand though. "Al..none of what you just said makes sense..i am still five." 

"ah yes i seem to have forgoten about the age diffrence apologize dear." i laugh slightly as the demon thinks of a diffrent way to explain. "i might be able to teach you poker but i have a friend who certainly can." 

my face lights up. "i didn't know you had friends." Alastor laughs slightly. "why yes i have many friends, dear now would you like to meet one of them?" i smile and nod. "yes i would love that." he smiles as the room starts glowing with that cool green stuff again. 

i hear somone say somthing then a cat with pretty wings appears. "what the-" the cat looks at me counfused then looks at Alastor. "where the fuck am i!?!"  the kitty yells poting a finger at, Al. "please, dear husk watch your launguge in front of the kid."

he turns and looks at me and i smile and wave. "great now your raping innconet human children." Alastor eye twitches which i've notticed happens when he gets angry. "please do not accuse me of such things dear friends." 

i raise my hand not sure if i should just speak up or what. "go on, dear." Alastor says and i ask my question. "what does wrap mean?" the kitty pauses. "uhh..don't worry about it kid and you why am i here!?" the kitty looks back at Alastor. 

"well dear friend your here to teach my friend here y/n poker." the kitty then looks at the ground and groan. "you have to be shitten me." he mumbles. "languge." i say but the kitty ignores me. "why should i?" 

Alastor does somthing i can's see and the kitty looks scared for a minute before sitting down. he sighs then looks at me. "you better listen and not cuase problems." i smile and salut. "eye eye cap." he smiles a bit.

he starts teaching me the game in a way i understand a bit more even demenstrating with Alastors help and to be honest it look like a really fun game. after the kitty teaches me how to play the game we play around. 

"now can i go?" the kitty says grumpily and Alastor nods. "of course." Alastro gets ready to snap but i stop him. "wait." they both look at me as i hug husk. he stares at me suprised before patting my back.

unbeknowest to me husk smirks at, Alastor and flips him off making Alastor mad. "i'm afriad husk need to get going now, little fawn." Al, says and i let go. "bye kitty see you later." he nods with the same scowl as normal.

Alastor snaps and kitty disapears "he was nice." Alastor nods. "well i'm glad you think so." i look at him. "can i meet your other friends?" i ask hoping he says yes. "i'm afriad not right now, dear but lets play the game shall we?" i nod before sitting back in my spot across form, Al.

we play a couple rounds and we bet on peanuts which was really fun and i got peanuts well, Al got a lot more but i got a couple and we had fun. after where done playing i here the front door open and close meaning mom is home. 

"mom!" i cheer as i stand up and brush myself before running out of my room and towards my mom leaving the Radio demon alone in my room.

__Alastors pov__

i watch the small girl run out of the room leaving me alone. 'she sure is an intresting young girl.' i make the poker set disapear and stnad up making my staff reappear. i look around me closely abserving the girls room. 

i teleport out of the room back to the hotel i teleport to the lobby where husk glares at me. "is somthing wrong husker?" husk scoffs and rolls his eyes. "if you do anything to that girl-" i intuerput him knowing he can't do anything to me. "you'll do what drink more beer?" 

he snarls before chugging a bottel of beer and ignoring me. "thought so." 

Imaginary Demon (Alastor x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now