a friends house

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i wake up to a loud banging on my door. "get up you usless pile of shit!" my dad yells and i sigh as i stand up. "i'm awake." i hear footsteps walking away from my door and i sigh. "why is he always so mad?"

i get dressed and check my canlender to see what day it is. i see it's saturday which means i don't have to go to school. and dad leaves on his busniess trip in a few minutes which is nice. i look over at my backpack that is hidden uner my bed.

mom told me to pack only the essetinals and hide my backpack under my bed until it was time to go. i get dressed and head downstiars to see dad getting ready to leave. he looks over at me in disgust. 

"behave while i'm gone got it?" he says harshly and i just nod. "good." he walks out the door and locks it behind him. my mom walks over to me and whispers in my ear. "give him 30 minutes and we'll leave." i nod and mom goes back to what she was doing.

i know that this is dangerous and that if dad catches us there will be hell to pay but i don't wanna keep living here. i walk upstairs and sit on my bed finally decideding to finish Alastors braclet. 

i acctaully finish it this time and put it in my back pack along with f/s (fav stuff animal name) i zip up my bag as i hear my mom call up stiars. "come on sweetie." i grab my backpack and head out the door. 

before i leave i look back at my room. i've had so many bad memories here but also some good ones. i'm going to miss it here, but one thing i won't miss is dad. i close my door and walk downstiars to see mom holding a backpack. 

she gets me in the car and buckles me up as we start driving. mom goes back over the plan again and that i don't need to worry about her and that she'll be fine, but we both know theres a very low chance of her being fine when asking dad for divorce papers.

after what seems like an eternity of driving later my mom stops infront of a big house surronded by woods. "where are we?" my moms smiles slightly. "new orlans luisiana."  i nod and she helps me out of my seat.

i grab my bacpack and mom takes my hand leading me up to the door of the house. she knocks twice and a few minutes later there are footsteps and the door opens. i see a man skinnyish man with brown hair glasses and fancy clothes, to be honest he kinda remids me of Alastor.

speaking of which where is Alastor i haven't seen him all day. i wonder if he's okay.  "and this must be young y/n." the man says snaping me out of my thoughts. i look up at him and nod. i reliaze he's holding his hand out for a handshake.

i stare at his hand counfused, to be hoenst i'm not used to reciving respect from men so this is strange. my mom nudges me and i look up at her, she signals me to shake the mans hand. i look back at the man who is still smiling.

i shake his hand hesitantly and his smile grows. "my name is Alastor it's a plaesure to be meeting you quite a pleasure." i stare a the man counfused before looking at my mom. "sweetie this is the friend i'll be telling you about." 

i look back at what seems to be, Al's human doppleganger who's still just smiling much like, Al always does. "well no need to stay out in the cold come in come in." Alastor ushers us in and closes the door behind us.

he looks at me an pats my head. "theres a bedroom set up upstiars at the end of the hall on the left how about you get unpacked." i nod and run up the stiars, being causises though i hide just far enough to listen to there converstation.

"this is really amaizng thank you for taking care of her." i hear mom say sounding sad. "of course dear i can't just let a child be abused now can i?" Alastor says, "now listen i've only just met you and i'm trusting you with my daughter so if you ever hurt her-" i hear Alastor cut her off but can't quite make out what he says cuz nows there whispering.

i sigh and head for the room that Alastor said i would be staying in. as i'm walking i see another set of stairs leading higher up. "this house just keeps on going." i whisper as i make my way to my room. 

i see a big wooden door at the end of the hall which i'm assuming is Alastors. i look to the left and open the door to see a fancy room that looks like it was set up for a prinncess. i set my bag down and walk over to the bed. 

i climb ontop of it taking note of how comfabtel it is. i lay my head ont he pilow and pull the blankets over me feeling how nice everything is. i close my eyes and feel myself fall asleep. after a few minutes i hear my mom yell my name.

i get up and quickly run downstiars. i see mom waiting by the door with, mr. Alastor next to her. "i have to go know sweetie." i run up and hug her. "promise you'll e back soon." she smiles but  i can see the sadness in her eyes. 

"i will sweetie." she pulls away and kisses my forhead before heading out the door. she closes it behind her and i then look at, mr. Alastor. thers a few monents of awkward scilince between us as we stare at each other.

"soo...mr. Alastor are you dead." i say not really thinking my sentence through, i mean if it isn't, Al he will probaly think i'm crazy. i wait for a response and mr. Alastor just laughs. "i was wondering how long it would take you to find out." 

he shifts into his regular demon form and his smile grows. "you didn't exactly hide it very well." Alastor shrugs. "i'd say my act was decent." i laugh a little. "for a four year old." he looks at me counfused. "aren't you four."

i cross my arms. "i'm five." he shrugs and turns back into his human form. "anyway i do think that this is probaly a safer form to be in why i'm on earth." i nod. "yeah probaly but i like your demon form better."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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