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*Nolan's POV*

When you are having girl problems, it is natural to run to your older sibling to talk you through it.

Now, I will admit I fucked up by doing this.

Because I did not run to my sibling who is a female, and understands females.

I ran to my older brother who for some reason just always seems to make my girl problems worse.

But it also became abundantly clear when I pull in to his driveway on this beautiful Friday after noon that he is about to have more than girl problems. He's about to have fiancé problems, crazy baby mom problems, and probably wont be eating his fiance's cooking for a week due to the massive ruts in his front yard.

I did the work on it, I know for a fact that those ruts came from his driving Goliath through the front yard, and on top of that, I have a feeling Braxton is going to be having fiancé problems too because he was clearly involved, since his jeep is currently hooked up to Goliath in the side yard covered in mud because I'm assuming he got stuck, and Grant had to pull him out.

You know what, that right there should've been my sign to go talk to Heidie.

But I'm a dumb ass.

I walked in to the house, automatically walked over to him, and grabbed Rin. "Hi baby." I smiled.

"Oh, hello. Baby snatcher." He crossed his arms.

"What the hell did you two do to that front yard?" I looked between him and Brax.

They pursed their lips and glanced around the living room.

"She's going to fucking kill you both." I nodded.

"Probably." He nodded. "What's up?"

"I'm having a problem." I sat down on the couch and kicked my feet up.

"Oh god." Braxton sighed.

"I got a dreaded text."

"Ooo." Grant scrunched his face. "We need to talk?"

"Can we talk." I nodded.

"Oh boy. Which girl?" Braxton crossed his arms.

"Kaylin." I scrunched my face.

"What the fuck did you do?" Grant groaned and ran his hands through his hair.

"Nothing, I just. She messaged me when she got on the plane this morning, I asked her if we could grab dinner, and she hit me with 'Yeah, can we talk tonight please?' And those 4 words had me on the edge the entire way here. It go so bad that Josh and I had to pull over so I could eat something and stop shaking."

"Now Nol. You know you did something." Brax nodded.

"I made a joke last weekend about using protection and apparently she didn't find it funny. That's all."

Grant sighed. "That, perfectly fine to say with a normal fwb, but a fwb that is your ex-girlfriend, whom you are in love with, agreed not to talk about your sex lives, and is not fucking stupid as to what you've been doing up here, was not perfectly fine. Dumb fucking move."

"She's sleeping with other people." I sighed.

"Mhm." Brax nodded. "Pot meet kettle Mr. New Girl Every Week."

I put Rin in her bouncer and buried my face in my hands.

Grant cleared his throat. "Do you really want to know why she's upset?"

I nodded.

"Just a shot in the dark. She knows your past, and lets be real, you're reliving it. Now her, slept with 2 dudes and you since moving. You, started in what, November? November to May is 5 months. A new girl every week, minus her, is 3. 3x5, is?"

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