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*Kaylin's POV*

"I have an announcement to make!" Dory yelled as she stood up and folded her hands.

"Oh god." Monty groaned.

Ah, family dinner.

Surrounded by all of the people I love.

Dory telling Monty to shut the fuck up.

Nolan, acting like a child and staring daggers through me as if it's going to do anything but solidify my decision.

Heidie had already gotten all of our measurements for bridesmaids dresses, for both her and Kinley.

"As you all know, I am going in to my sophomore year." She nodded.

"No shit Dor, we all know you're growing up." Nolan rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Nolan." She glared at him. "And, I have made a really big decision and ran it by my lovely mother and father." She smiled. "I have a plan for my life. And I want to get as many hockey and figure scholarships as I can, so I have options. But I want to get a jump on it because I saw how hard all of you struggled while trying to decide. So, that's what I want I want to do my junior year. Focus on getting scholarships so I have all the time in the world my senior year to make my decision. But I also, want to see where I would be going. So mom and dad have agreed that if it's ok with Axel and Kaylin, that, Drexel could be my first visit." She looked at Axel and I.

I let out a small smile. "You're considering Philly?"

She nodded. "And, if it's ok with you two, when you come home next month, I was hoping I could go back with you for a week."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Axel.

"And, that's ok with you Mama H?" He looked at her.

"It's ok." She smiled and nodded.

"And Grayson?"

"I trust you two with her. Between the two of you I know she's taken care of and safe. Especially with her crazy ass." Grayson pointed at me.

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Well you're not wrong."

"So, if it's ok with you two, she'll have her debit card, all we ask is that she's with one of you at all times, she's free to explore the city under your supervision, no drinking, no parties, and I we would like your parents information just incase." He nodded.

And then Dory did the thing.

The thing she does every time we come to Shadow Falls and she wants to keep Maddox for the night. Maddox loves his Aunt Dory, and Aunt Dory absolutely loves her Maddox.

She looked at Axel, gave him her doe eyes and pouted. "It would really mean a lot to me Axel. Please?"

His face went softer than baby skin then he sighed. "If it's fine with Kaylin, of course it's fine with me."

Then she looked at me and smiled.

"Well, I guess I'm driving up next month because there's no way I'm getting you on a plane." My smile grew.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed, ran over, and hugged both Axel and I. "Thank you!"

"Of course Dor." Axel smiled.

"Always bbg." I kissed her cheek.

She sat down.

"Uh." I cleared my throat. "Actually, I kind of have an announcement too." I nodded.

"What's up honey?" Maggie smiled.

"Well, I uh, I just wanted to let everyone know, that I've decided to stay in Philadelphia for the summer." I looked around the table.

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