|| Chapter 5: The Bulletin Board ||

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"Alastor, that show was amazing!" Her voice caught his attention, and his gaze shifted to her for a brief moment. She always seemed to wear her emotions on her sleeve yet kept multiple secrets. He finally ruled out her discovering him as the serial killer, but what else could she be hiding that was more important than that?

"Yes, it was rather entertaining." He replied, his hands behind his back as the pair walked back towards Mimzy's bar. (Y/N) began to ramble on about her favorite parts of the show. His eyes remained glued ahead of them, his mind wandering away from their current topic. However, he still held a thin smile, encouraging her ramblings even more.

His mind wandered back to when he first found her a month ago. It was still strange, as if she just appeared in thin air. She fell if she was dropped, and the first thing she did when she saw him was lie. It was a simple lie about having a husband, but the lie came so fast once she recognized him. It wasn't the first lie she told to him either; even now, there were countless things she believed he fell for.

Her accent was one of them.

It was clear she wasn't from around here, yet whenever the topic was brought up, she would only laugh awkwardly and quickly change it to something else. It was strange and oddly entertaining.


He turned his head to her; she looked up, confused. He glanced behind her, quickly realizing they had arrived at Mimzy's bar. He smiled, like always, and then He hummed a jazzy tune as he made his way inside the bar, the familiar scent of alcohol and cigarettes invading his senses. (Y/N) followed behind him, a frown on her face once she realized Alastor had ignored her. Mimzy smiled once she spotted the pair, happily making her way over once she finished serving someone.

"Ahhh, Alastor! (N/M)!" she said, holding up her arms for a quick hug, which Alastor returned before he pulled away. Mimzy then hugged (Y/N), who seemed to stiffen from the contact, a reaction that widened his smile. When they pulled away, Mimzy immediately asked about their 'date,' to which Alastor merely rolled his eyes. He cleared his throat, and the two girls immediately turned to look at him.

"Oh! I'm sorry, sugar. Don't like sharing (N/M) here?" Mimzy teased him, and he only glared in return.

"I see no point in entertaining such a false topic, my dear." His hands crossed behind his back once more. "Mimzy, (Y/N) here wanted you to sing one of your new songs. She was too afraid to ask." He lied, glancing over at the girl, who looked shocked. She was ready to protest before Mimzy grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Mimzy Happily pulled the girl behind her as she listed multiple song titles for the girl to pick. Yet, everyone knew the song that would be played would be one of Mimzy's favorites. 

He smirked at this, his eyes watching the two girls disappear into the crowd, before turning on his heel. Making his way to the closet, the girl called her room. His hands wrapped around the handle; he wasn't at all shocked that the door was unlocked. Creaking as it opened, revealing her room. It wasn't much at all. A simple oak bed with a wooden frame looked older than it probably was, and the sheets were faded (F/C) color. The desk beside the bed was made of the same wood, yet the chair was a simple wooden box. There was a makeshift closet where she hung her clothes on a bar just in the corner of the room. She didn't have many clothes on her; he wasn't surprised, her taste in style was a bit strange.

His eyes finally landed on the bulletin board he was looking for. He walked inside the room, the door making a soft creaking sound as it closed. Multiple notes were on the board, her handwriting sloppier than he was accustomed to. Each note is related to one topic.

Going home.

His eyebrows furrowed forward as he approached the board to read each note. Each was detailed about time travel, with phrases that he knew were normal but were written on the board so she couldn't forget them. There was one about him and Mimzy, a warning about avoiding dying by their hands.

He frowned, so his earlier conclusion was wrong. She did know he was capable of killing, but not exactly that he was the serial killer. But still the feeling of being wrong didn't settle right with him.

The notes on the board only raised more questions, leaving him feeling uneasy—a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, a feeling he wanted to be rid of immediately.

Each note relates to time travel, facts about the current events occurring, and warnings she wrote for herself. She even had a date written down in bold, with notes around it stating she needed to find a way home before that date.

December 26, 1933.

It was a strange date to bold, to have at the center of her board, considering that date was four years away. Finally, he leaned away from it. It was becoming clear something was completely wrong with (Y/N), and she did not belong there. He needed to get rid of her before she became an issue for him. Even with the very little evidence he found, the message was clear.

She couldn't be trusted, not around him. She didn't belong here and needed to immediately return to this home she so desperately had written about all over her board. His smile fell; he hated how this girl made him feel. That of anyone to figure out he was capable of killing, it was by the very girl who ruined his hunt a month ago.

Yes, if the girl didn't leave soon, he would merely have to make her permanently disappear.

He turned away from the board, quietly leaving her little hobbit hole as if he had never been there. He would have to inform Mimzy if he had to take away her favorite worker. He truly didn't want to listen to her complain about it, like her complaints would even stop him from killing her.

 As he walked away from the door, he spotted Mimzy and (Y/N) singing a song together. His smile returned, and his eyes focused on (Y/N).

It was time he stopped playing with his food, and prey was always meant to be prey. 

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