|| Chapter 9: Henry ||

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Year: December 21, 1929

(Warning: Violence)

(Y/N) sighed as she flopped down onto her bed. For the past month she had basically worked for both Alastor and Mimzy, Mimzy making her wait on more tables and individuals than ever before because the townsfolk seem to like how 'different' she was. Alastor made sure she worked with every night during his radio show, claiming it was still a precaution to ensure she wouldn't report him to the police. 

In short, she was exhausted and never had time to research more about her situation. 'God' only showed up that one time and ever since then he never appeared again, no matter what she tried. Her hope for returning home soon was dying and she was beginning to truly believe she would be able to return back home till the year 1934 like 'God' had informed her. 

Another thing that she disliked was that she basically returned to only working to impress but instead of grades it was her work performance. The more customers she pulled in, the longer Mimzy would keep her around. Which meant Alastor couldn't kill her, a fact she was grateful each day. however. 

She immediately jumped up from her bed intime for a knife to stab into the very pillow she was just resting on. She glared up at the shadow figure she had grown used to tormenting her whenever she tried to rest.  The shadow laughed and stepped forward, "my my! Your reflexes are getting better and better each day my dear!"

"You told Mimzy you wouldn't kill me!" 

"Killing and accidentally do so are two very different things, dear."

(Y/N) inhaled sharply, feelings of annoyance and rage bubbling in her. Alastor constantly attempted to 'accidentally' kill her whenever she tried to rest or seemed to let down her guard. It was his attempt to work around the rule Mimzy had placed between him and her. It also made it nearly impossible to earn his trust, he was so guarded a fact she expected when she first woke up here. However, she wished she was on the side where he didn't attempt to kill her every day. 

"Dear I would like your assistance with my radio show again tonight." He spoke, addressing why he came into her room to begin with. The girl only looked at him confused; Alastor didn't do his radio show on Saturdays. For what reasons she wasn't sure, but it was fact she quickly came to know after being forced to work with him every night. His smiled widen once he saw her confused face.

"I might be able to trust you just a bit if you assist me, dear." 

He chose those words carefully, after noticing how often she desperately tried to make him trust her. It was hilarious watching her fail each time and amusing to watch her attempt again only to gain the same result. Her (H/C) seemed to sparkle at the mere mention of it, like whatever doubts she had she threw out the window immediately. 

"Of course! what can I do!" she said walking towards him after she pulled his knife out of her bed. She refused to hand him said knife so instead she kept it in her pocket, his eye twitched in annoyance at that. 

"There is a gentleman that is coming tonight, I want you to wait on him personally and keep him entertained till the bar closes. It's simple enough for someone of your class, dear." He smiled, she frowned at the same insult he had to jab in at her. Her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Okay. I'll do it." 

"Marvelous dear!"

Her frown deepened at his excitement, she still couldn't read him or his smile at all. But she was somewhat happy, this could be a chance to gain his trust and avoid him constantly trying to kill her. 

"When is he supposed to be here?"

"Right now, my dear!" 

Her eyes widen, "WHAT!" is all she said before shoving Alastor out of her room to change into a bit neater outfit, rushing to fix up her hair in the proper 1920s style, one that was beginning to grow on her. It took a few minutes, but she was ready finally. She walked out her room to see Alastor standing there, apparently waiting for her. 

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