|| Chapter 21: She didn't mean to ||

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Date: December 31st, 1930

The new year was around the corner, it was Strange. Knowing that she had been stuck here for a year now. (Y/N) hardly though of her family after Mimzy's funeral. When she did, it was when she was alone. Late at night. Afterall Her main focus shifted to Alastor and maintaining her lie that she told.

Was she scared of him? She wasn't sure. She knew she loved him, hell, a huge part of her wanted to do anything for him. No matter what it was, but she avoids involving herself in his killing sprees. She wanted to be above it, even if it was a part of who he was. She didn't want it to be a part of her character.

They were never officially together. Alastor was against relationships and hardly understood how he felt about (Y/N), a fact she had... somewhat accepted. They shared more kisses since Mimzy's funeral, stolen moments when no one was looking. After all, he had a reputation to uphold. 

But God was it hard.

Especially now, the near year in a few hours. Alastor was invited to some sort of gala, in honor of him of course. How, she would never know. But she attended as his plus one. Her dress was a simple red evening dress, she didn't want to stand out too much and she truly wasn't a fan of current trading dresses. If Mimzy was here she would have made her wear a flapper dress just like her signature one she'd use at the bar. 

Currently, she was boiling with jealousy. An emotion she kept telling herself she had no right to feel. She was sitting alone at their table, watching Alator like a hawk. Alastor was on the dance floor, chatting and charming the guest as he usual did. Yet there was one guest that rub (Y/N) the wrong way. 

A woman named June Callahan. She was a bit older than (Y/N) by at least a year. She had gorgeous red hair and classic green eyes, that reminded her of a doll. The woman wore a dress, a stunning dress that made her stick out among everyone else compared the style (Y/N) had chosen. Yet the woman's beauty isn't what annoyed, no no no. It was the fact the woman hadn't left Alastor's side at all throughout the gala. Holding his arm, pressing herself against him. 

(Y/N) felt her hand grip tightly around her wine glass. 

She never did drink, honestly, she hated drinking, but this woman pissed her off like no other. She wanted to stompy over there and rip the girl off his arm by her hair. The stomp on her head till she wouldn't-

No, she can't do that. She wouldn't do that. 

Instead, she watched from afar, swirling the liquid around in her glass. 

Alastor's eyes would always find (Y/N)'s. His usual smiled would soften when the pair locked eyes and rushed butterflies into her stomach. Which is another reason why she kept her cool and stayed at the table. Behaving as Alastor would call it. 

Yet the two were so alike, she was watching him to ensure Miss Callahan didn't do anything too bold and he watching to ensure no bachelor tried to dance with her. Yet neither would admit that. 

"Alastor~ what about a dance?" June purred, tugging his arm till it was pressed against her chest. While (Y/N) couldn't hear a word being side between the two, she could see and she was done watching this act. She grabbed her glass and stomped over, her eyes darken and her glare into place. Alastor was merely chuckling.

"Now now, I believe I'll save my dance for my plus one dear." He said slowly pulling his arm out from her grasp, dusting it off like she was mere dirt on his tailored suit. He turned his head intime to see (Y/N) now standing before the two. His smile brightened.

"Darling! I was just speaking of you." He moved to stand beside her immediately, his hand finding the small of her back. "Darling, this lady here is June Callahan. June, this darling here is (Y/N) Abyss." He introduced the two.

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