|| Chapter 15: Rage ||

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"What the hell are you!" The other men exclaimed, watching in horror as (Y/N) held their boss and their world around her kept shifting. The boss was pale, he was afraid, but he still held a cocky smirk on his face. 

"Come on Doll. you won't do anything." He mocked, his hands coming up to grab her wrists. She glared, her grip on his collar tightening. She stayed silent; she wanted nothing more to kill this man.

Wait, Kill him? She's never killed someone before.

Her eyes widen, so did his smile. He yanked her arms away while she distracted. He twisted her arms behind her back and then slammed her into the wall. The dust moved, she coughed. Her face was pressed against the wall, he leaned forward. His breath tickled her ear, and a shiver went down her spine.


Is all she thought as he began to speak, "The name is James, Doll." He growled in her ear. She struggled against his grip. That's when she noticed the world around them. It was still shifting back and forth between this time and her time. 

Was she doing that? Or was it because she didn't belong in this world?

"So, you had no idea what you were doing?" James said, watching her reaction to that 'magic'. "I would've thought you were a witch... but you're more than that." His grip tightened and she struggled against him. 

Sick Bastard, he killed Mimzy and now his sick attention is on her? 

She needed to focus, she needed to get out of her and bring Mimzy's body with her. She couldn't leave here her. She glanced away, back to the strange portals. If she had to guess, it was reacting to her emotions. It was the only explanation she could think of, she hadn't felt this kind of rage in grief during her entire stay here till now. 

"Too bad, you could've saved Mimzy over there." 

She froze, even if she was able to. Saving Mimzy would have messed up everything. She looked away, a lump forming in her throat. 

Why was her death upsetting her? Mimzy had to die for things more properly in this timeline. 

No, even if she knew it had to happen... it still hurt.

She stopped struggling and James paused, "Huh? Don't tell me you actually cared for the woman?" 

She snapped, swinging her head back to smack James dead in the face. He cursed, his hands releasing her so he could hold his nose. 

Hell yeah, she used enough force to break his nose!

She smirked, turning her body to face him and the rest of his little gang. She was fully aware she wasn't able to fight off these men. So, he only option was to try to use this 'magic' to her advantage. If she could shove these men into them, she'd hope they could get trapped. Sure, they would be in her world, but it would be too far advanced for them to understand and most likely end up in jail faster than they would've here. 

Her mind began to wonder if she could go back home too-


she shook her head, she needed to focus on getting out of here. She couldn't count on anyone but herself right now. Alastor was out of the question. 

Her fists balled at her sides, she just needed to wait till someone grew impatient and charged her. Hopefully she could control where these portals are and then put her plan into action. She eyed each male, James backed away to tend to his nose but was still shooting daggers her way.

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