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꧁  Jeda nasha, nasha teri
       akhaan vichon aave mainu
         Main vekhya bada na
            oh lakhaan vichon aave mainu

As the morning sun cast its golden rays through the window, Anika sat at the kitchen table, her hands trembling slightly as she reviewed her notes one last time. Today was the day of her most important interview yet, the opportunity she couldn’t miss.

Her heart raced with nervous anticipation, each beat echoing in her ears like a drumroll announcing the start of a grand performance. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she glanced at the clock ticking away on the wall.

With each passing second, the weight of expectation bore down on her shoulders, threatening to crush her resolve. The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

As she gathered her belongings and made her way to the door, a million doubts swirled in her mind like a raging tempest. What if she stumbled over her words? What if she wasn't good enough? What if this opportunity slipped through her fingers like grains of sand?

But amidst the chaos of her thoughts, a flicker of determination burned bright. With a final glance in the mirror to check her appearance, Anika squared her shoulders and stepped out into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For today, she would not let fear dictate her destiny. Today, she would seize the opportunity before her with both hands.

Anika went out of the Apartment locked it and headed towards the car, she had that strange feeling inside her, that something she was not expecting was going to happen, with all those curious thoughts and practice lines she finally reached the main office, she saw many of her college mates, Juliet was one of them, Anika never liked her vibes, she was nothing but a jealous lady who was never satisfied with what she had.


I sat in the hall and heard some conversations,

“This company is so grand, no one could ever have thought that this company would make this much progress in just five years, it was on the verge of vanishing” A man in his 30s said to a younger woman beside him.

“I have heard this is because of their new company partners”

I was listening to them but till then my chance came, my heart started to pound furiously, with a deep breath I stood up and believed in myself that I could do it, as soon as I reached the door the same strange feeling started again, what was it that was making me so curious.

As soon as I entered I saw the same man from yesterday whom I met at the store, his expression after seeing me was the same as mine, shocked.

What was he doing here that too beside the interviewer, within a minute as he saw me he moved out of the room, now my eyes locked on the giant chair, on which a man was sitting, his back was facing me till now, I asked, “May I come in Sir?”

“Yes” was the only word I was replied with and with only this mere voice I recognized who he was, he turned his chair, and her heart skipped a beat at the sight before her.

There he was, Vivaan, Time seemed to stand still as our eyes met, and a flood of memories washed over me, each one a bittersweet reminder of the time we once shared and the pain of our parting.

"I had no idea you were interviewing here," Vivaan said, breaking the silence, in a mocking voice as the words of Ronak about Aayush were not leaving his head.

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