Deaths door

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It's been ten years since my dear alastor was taken from me and its gotten worse my dear friend mimzy overdosed and passed away a 5 years ago she was my bestfriend since Rosie had disappeared so it was only Mimzy and I Mimzy and I always hung out but she was all party and my dear friend Mimzy isn't exactly sympathetic but Rosie was she comforted me and was there when I needed her.

I sit in my bed and was saddened "come on y/n you got this pull yourself together" I say to myself I get changed and head out to work I work a basic officer job nothing interesting "Hey Y/n did you send the  work I asked you to send in yesterday" my boss asked "yes it's all there boss" I say tiredly "thanks Y/n I knew I could count on you" I finish work and I head to a bridge the bridge my dear Alastor proposed to me on

I take a deep breath remembering everything my husband Alastors death my bestfriend Mimzys death the disappearance of Rosie "I can do this anymore it's too much" I whisper to myself I take a deep breath and jump the cold breeze flying through my hair as I hit the cold water and sink to my death I felt free like all the pain was gone..

Once I get to heaven I can be free it'll be paradise ill be safe in my peaceful afterlife but I never made it there..


Words 296

I thought I'll be kind and give another part this is a short wee chapter cuz I don't know what else to write I might write the next chapter idk it depends bye my pookies

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