Girls day

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As I ran out of the hotel Mimzy grabs my hand

"Y/n you alright" Mimzy says it felt strange no one has asked me if I'm ok in years

"No its just a shock snd he didn't tell me" I say with a frown till I felt I hot pulled into a hug I turn around and see Charlie


"Calm down Charlie I'm ok and I don't need to cry thanks for caring" I say

"How about we have a girls day it might cheer you up especially getting away from the boys" Vaggie says

"Yea let's do itt" I say excitedly finally I can hang with my girls

"Yeah finally we can party WHOO HOO" Mimzy says

"And I can kill things" Nifty says jumping up and down

"EKK THIS WILL BE SOO FUN" Charlie as she pulls us all into a hug

"OK LETS GO TO THE CLUB GIRLS" Mimzy says excitedly as we all walk down the street

We arrive at a club and go inside and order drinks

"First round of shots" Mimzy says as we all take them I turn around and see Nifty drinking a whole bottle of vodka

"Damn girl that's like nearly the height of you" I say impressed which causes Nifty to giggle snd sit next to me

About ten rounds of shots later we decide to go to the dance floor

We start dancing when a guy comes over

"Hey do you wanna dance" He says to me with a sly grin

"She can't because she's my girl so fuck off" Mimzy says which causes the guy to walk off

"So I'm your girl now" I say to Mimzy which causes us to burst out laughing

"This place is full of creeps" Vaggis says with annoyed expression

"Yea it is kinda um maybe we should leave and go somewhere else" Charlie says

"Where would we go then wait there's a amusement park near by we could go there" Mimzy says

"Yeah that's sounds good you alright with that Nifty" I say

"Yeah yeah I'm cool" Nifty says as she wobbles a bit

"Do you want me to carry you Nifty" I ask this chick can't even stand Nifty climbs on my shoulder and we head off to the amusement park

We arrive at the amusement park and line up for a roller coaster ITS a three seater roller-coaster so me, Mimzy and Nifty will sit behind Charlie and vaggie

"Sorry miss but you are to shirt for the ride" the worker says to Nifty which causes her to pull out her knife

" N-NEVER MIND GO ON IT haha" the worker says nervously

We get on the roller coaster and it starts heading up for the drop


"SAMEEE I AINT GOOD ON RIDES" Mimzy says as we cling onto eachother

"ITS not even that bad I'm just holding Charlie's hand so she's not scared" Vaggie says nervously

"I'm OK vaggie im not scared you don't need to hold onto my hand" Charlie says

"NO DONT LET GO OF ME I MIGHT DIE" Vaggie says holding onto Charlie for dear life

"OOOOH FEAR I LOVE IT" Nifty says excitedly

The drop happens and we all scream except for Nifty who was laughing

"What should we go on next" I say

"Hmm what about bumper cars" Charlie says

"Alright let's go" vaggie says as she holds Charlie's hand

"Let's goooo" I say as me and Mimzy link arms and follow behind while Nifty has to run to keep up with us

"WAIT can I get some cotton candy before we gooo" Charlie asks

"Charlie you'll be sick if you eat it especially when we go on the bumper cars" Vaggie says

"I'll be fine" Charlie says as she runs over to the stand

"WAIT I WANT SOME ASWELL" I say running over

"Wait for us" Mimzy says as her, Vaggie and Nifty run over

"2 cotton candys please" Charlie says to the worker

"Alright there you go Have a hellish night" The worker says

Me and Charlie eat our buckets of cotton candy and head to the the bumper cars

"We gonna share a bumper cart?"Mimzy Asks

"YASSSS" I says excitedly

"Me and Charlie will share aswell" Vaggie says

"Nifty you alright going on your own? I ask

"Yess I brought my knifes so I'm good" Nifty says showing her knifes

"Okkk I'm just gonna take those for now" I say taking the knifes away from her

"I like bumper cars because I like watching people in pain I love pain" Nifty says

"Hopefully I won't hurt anyone to bad" Charlie says as we make are way to our carts

"You ready" Mimzy asks

"Ready as I'll ever be" I say as me and her fist pump

"You guys are going down!" Vaggie shouts over to us

"Good luck everyone!" Charlie says

The green light turns on indicating that we can start we go for Charlie and vaggie but they get away and get other people we start chasing this girl till vaggie and Charlie pull infront of us with a massive grin on their faces they head straight for us and there isn't room to escape I thought we were toast till someone crashes into them making them grumble I look over and see it was Nifty

"NIFTY?" I say I kinda forgot she was playing I was too busy trying to get the other girls

"PAIN!!" Nifty says excitedly

"Damn I mean like you go girl I guess" mimzy says

We chase eachother around for a bit more bumping into eachother till it was over

"I dont feel good" I say as I get off the ride

"Me neither" Charlie says holding her stomach

"I told you this would happen" Vaggie says

Me and Charlie both walk over yo tge forest and vomit

"We should head back to the hotel I guess" Vaggie says as she putts her arm around Charlie

"Yeah I guess but we should do this again" Mimzy says

"Definitely this was really fun" I say

"Maybe next time we should bring the boys so we can all be together" Charlie says

We make it to the hotel door and we walk in

1076 words


Lmfao it's nearly 4 am and I have to go to school in 3 hours I need to stop doing this to myself

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