Chapter 9: Comeback

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Chapter 9: Comeback

As the weeks passed, Divinity's success continued to soar. With four more consecutive wins at Music Bank, including an encore stage for their fifth win, the group's popularity skyrocketed to new heights. Fans eagerly anticipated their next move, eagerly awaiting news of their comeback.

Amidst their busy schedule of performances and promotional events, Divinity began preparations for their highly anticipated comeback. Sei had given everything he had prepared, as well as the solos of the other members to their producer, Kang-PD, who in turn worked his magic and had the set for the photoshoot, mv, and everything else prepared. The members found themselves immersed in a whirlwind of activity, from intense rehearsals to photo shoots for their comeback announcement.

Dressed in sleek black suits, the members were gathered in a room, nearby the set for their teaser photoshoot.

"Damn, we look good!" Minho smiled as he looked at his reflection at the mirror "I'm so pumped."

"Calm down, now." Jaehyun chuckled "We still have practice later, save that energy."

"That look suits you, Sei." Wei commented on Sei's outfit.

"Gomawo, hyung." Sei replyed with a warm smils, as he fixed his tie. "You guys look amazing as well."

Jaehyun approached him, and pat his back "You worked hard for this comeback, maknae. Good job."

"Ani, everyone contributed and helped me out as well." he replied, clearly embarassed.

"Gather up, boys!" Kang-PD called out.

They quickly made their way on set. Their backdrop a vintage cinema, with different props and cameras set around the area.

"Alright, get in formation, everyone!" Kang-PD announced.

The staff scrambled to their positions, as Mr. Kang arranged the members for the shoot, a camera recording every interaction for their behind-the-scenes video.

"Serious expressions, boys." he reminded "Try to look as intimidating as possible, or even seductive."

The members each had different poses that the director  approved of. Sei coming up with his own idea, as he took out a lollipop he had brought with him, opening the wrapper, and putting it in his mouth, as he posed confidently, looking away from the camera.

"Yes, I like that, Sei!" Mr. Kang praised. "Alright, ready everyone? 3, 2, 1..."

The flashes and clicks of the camera resonated in the room, as different angles were taken of the group.

"Alright, come take a look, boys." Mr. Kang called out to them, the boys rushing to see how they looked at the photo. "We'll move on to your solo teasers next."

"Waahh, daebak!" Minho exclaimed in surprise, as he looked at the pictures. "All of these are amazing!

"Omo, you look so cool here, Sei!" Jaehyun praised.

Kang-PD nodded approvingly "The rest of team will get them processed and post them online to inform your fans, let's move on to your solos."

The picture exuded a sense of nostalgia and sophistication, perfectly capturing the theme of their upcoming album.

Jaehyun was up first, still dressed in his black suit, he posed as he held a digi-cam, facing the camera, a little smirk present on his face.

"Perfect, Jae!" their producer approved, smiling.

Cameras once more flashed and clicked as different angles were taken.

Next up, Minho. He sat down on the couch prop, a glass of wine in hand, as he swirled it. Staring deeply at the motion of the fluid.

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