chapter 64 ( part 1 )

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Sahara [ POV ] 

I got a very bad phone call early in the morning. Karishma called me , she was crying on the phone. she said she has not got any news about aditya. He was missing from last night . And early in the morning she got a news that he is in jail. why ? For what ? she doesn't know. I better check on her and if its too serious than samrat has to come with me. 

I am super worried now. What could have happened ? I parked the car and walked in. Inspector was taking notes and uncle...aditya's father sitting on the sofa with his face hidden in his hand. This is hell this is serious. 

what just happened here ? Karishma saw me and came running in my arms. she is crying so hard. " What happened ? " I asked her. I made her sit down . " Aditya went out to work but he didn't came back. I called his stuffs , people we know...but no one knows where he is. I don't know what to do . Than I got a call from his secretary say's Aditya is in jail...somebody has framed him ...tried to make him look like a fraud who steals money.  " she said with teary eyes. 

" Since I am alone I called dad and he is here to help us. Mom took the kids home ...what will I tell them ? " she said and started crying again. I am so confused , he was fine yesterday than what happened to him ? I don't know if he has major enemies ...than who did it him and why ?

" Mr sharma , we have tried our best and still doing our best..if he is innocent than nothing will happen to him.  " said who I believe is Inspector virat. " Please Inspector son is innocent  , I am soo worried for him . " said uncle to him. 

" We are with you Mr Sharma , we even didn't let the media know about it. I suggest you start looking for a lawyer. " said virat and I know exactly the person who is needed her more than anything in the whole world...samrat.

Samrat told me to analysis the situation and let him know if any thing is very serious. I took my phone and texted him that he should be here as soon as possible. " Don't cry karishma , we are going to save him...." I tried to console her but own emotions are mess . 

" I don't know what to do baby " said aunty hiding her cries in her saree. Uncle consoling her , well if they are together after what they went through , well its pretty serious. I texted samrat to hurry up. 

19 minutes later. 

" Where is he ? what happened ?  " he walked in with his coat and few files on his hand. He walked straight towards Inspector virat  " which jail he is in ? And what are the charges against him ? " asked samrat . " Mr Samrat we meet again. " said Inspector virat. I don't want to know how. 

" And I haven't changed at all. looks like you and your helpers need more classes on Articles , should I start class my way ? " said samrat and colour on virat's face changed a lot. 

" I don't think that will be needed, I have my facts ready. Your friend is inside for a reason...." Said Virat , he would have continued but samrat stopped.

" I don't care about reasons...don't care if they're true. I want my friend out of jail ...and I am going to get him out. " Said samrat and trust me from the time I know him I never saw him that much angry.

" Tell me the whole story , show me the papers...wait take me to him first...I want to talk to him. " Said samrat. Karishma stopped crying and was just looking at him.

" What ? Tell me where is he ? " he asked again. " Why do you care ? " Came a voice and as we turned to see...well it's Aditya standing on the staircase ...wait he was here the whole time.

" Why do you care if I am in jail or anywhere ? Why are you even
here ? " asked Aditya getting down from the staircase the dramatic way.

" What's all this? Dude I broke two red lights to be here be part of some prank. I almost had a panick attack. " Said samrat and well his looks says he means it.

" When I came to know that you're in sahara's house...we had to get creative to get you out. Mr Sharma and Virat helped us..." Said Aditya and they smiled.

" Virat I am so sorry..." Said samrat. " Oh ! no it's not my day to hear sorry from you....Adi I have some work . I have to go...see you soon. " he said and took his keys and cap from table.

" Even I am leaving...." Said uncle getting up. " Thanks Mr Sharma.." said Aditya to him. Mr Sharma shook hand with sam and left.

Aunty welcomed sam and went in to make something special for him. Now it was Inspector virats turn. " Thanks Virat..." Said Aditya and shook hand with him.

" Virat don't go me please." Samrat pleaded holding his hand.
" Oh ! You're The samrat will be fine. " Said Virat and left.

" police tu gaya...ab tera kya hoga kaliya " said Aditya , he folded his shelves and walked towards samrat who started to walk backward.

" Adi..see... listen to me bro. " he said while trying to avoid him. " Who is your bro ? The person you didn't even think of informing before you leave. " Said Aditya.

It's like watching Tom and Jerry, Aditya throwing stuff at sam and he is trying to avoid it. " Come on can't hurt your sweetheart. " Said samrat.

" I have a wife ..I don't need another sweetheart. " Said Aditya throwing pillows at him. " That's why you did all that to bring me here...cause you don't need me. Darling that's a big lie. " Said samrat getting fake angry at him.

" No amount of darling and sweethearts ..or sweet talks are going to save you today. " Said Aditya. And it's so nice to see the couple fight.

" But you don't need me than why all this planning and plotting to bring me here ? " Said samrat , again trying to sweet talk by looking hurt by his words.

" Excuse me , only I am allowed to get angry can't act smart
here. " said Aditya. They both exhausted I guess. They stood looking at each other laughed and hugged and I think they are friends again.

" Missed you man. " Said samrat to Aditya. " I don't think were having fun with friends while I was waiting for my friend.." said Aditya correcting him.

" I don't Break redlights or fight police for them...they are just friends..tu tuh Jaan hai re ( you're my life ) " said samrat . " That was cheesy. " Said Aditya making a face .

" I have to pay for those red lights I guess. " Said samrat. " Don't worry I gotch you bro...but how did you fell for it. I mean you're so smart. I almost thought you would not fall for it. " Commented Aditya.

" Well you trapped me so good. All the facts were so good I had no doubt that it was plan . " Said samrat sitting on the sofa.

" Well wasn't my plan. It was Karishma's plan. " Said Aditya. And samrat looked like he got hit by a bus. Okay , so after getting here he not only hid from his best friend.  He hasn't talked with her yet.

I looked towards Karishma, her face is not looking good. " Kismis...." before samrat could start speaking Karishma left the room. " May God bless you. Ab tuh tu gaya.  " Said Aditya.

" Oh you're coming with me. " Said Samrat and dragged Aditya with him. I am loving it here.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now