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Author's Pov"I've told you countless times, Rae, I'm not up for that party

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Author's Pov
"I've told you countless times, Rae, I'm not up for that party. You know I'm not a party person," Ivy emphasized once more, the words almost wearing thin. Raegon dropped by a couple of hours ago, practically pleading with Ivy to join her at a Halloween party she stumbled upon through a friend of a friend.

Raegon groaned loudly as they walked through the Halloween decorations in Target, Ivy's favorite place to be. Since Halloween was coming up, Ivy wanted to decorate her warehouse for the holiday and add some 'spooky' vibes to the entryway of her home.

Ivy chose not to partake in Halloween festivities. She didn't go out or hand out candy on the day, as she didn't consider it to be a significant holiday. The party that Raegon was urging her to attend wasn't actually on Halloween since the actual day fell on a Monday. So, in essence, the party is scheduled for tomorrow.

Friday the 13th.

"Are you afraid to leave your house because it's on Friday the 13th, Ivy?" Raegon asked with a teasing tone, her eyebrows dancing in mockery. She gave Ivy a gentle nudge, enough to throw her slightly off balance, almost causing her to trip over her own feet. It didn't phase Ivy one bit since she were use to Raegon being so playful.

"Don't be ridiculous, Friday the 13th is just a regular day as any other day." Ivy waved off, placing her Halloween items inside her shopping cart carefully, mindful of their glass material. For a moment, she began considering switching off her hearing aid to tune Raegon out, but with the checkout lines approaching, she needed to stay alert for the cashiers.

"What if you meet your soulmate at this party? You've been single your whole life, who knows if you find a fine ass woman there. If you come with me this one time, I promise I'll never mention another party again." Raegon begged, batting her long eyelashes in attempt to lure Ivy in.

It was true. Throughout high school, she was on a personal quest to understand her own sexuality, a path that's deeply personal and can be really complex. She chose not to experiment with others, respecting their feelings and her own in the process. On top of that, Ivy's always been incredibly focused on her career and personal goals.

She's the kind of person who values her time immensely and doesn't believe in altering her packed schedule lightly, especially if it means compromising on her ambitions or personal time. Relationships haven't been her priority, and that's a choice that made sense for where she's at in life. Now, She was 100% certain of her sexuality, confidently coming out as a lesbian to her family at eighteen.

She was grateful for her parents' acceptance when she came out as a lesbian. The fear of being seen as a disappointment by her own family had weighed heavily on her.

"What if I don't want to find a woman at this party though?" Ivy mumbled as they began making their way over to the next aisle. Raegon scoffed and folded her arms, signaling her skepticism at Ivy's partial truth.

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