|| What the fuck!?||

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Iris's Pov

I could hear chatter from around me but I couldn't move, couldn't speak, or open my eyes. I feel like I just took 5 strong edibles but it hurts. Something else was different too I could hear way louder than I ever had and I could smell smoke but it was very strong. I can't remember anything from yesterday...today? I don't know... I couldn't stay awake anymore..

-The next morning-

I slowly open my eyes looking around, I'm in some sort of tent. The bed I'm on is made of sticks and leaves but there were normal beds around me. It finally hit me... "Where am I?!" I think to myself

I start panicking quickly getting up off the poorly made bed running out of the ten. Right when I run out of the tent I'm hit by the bright blazing sun, a big jungle, and houses. I was NOT anywhere near my home! The sun was so bright I couldn't see what the person who was coming towards me looked like. "Hi!" The person yelled excited then walked right in front of me blocking the sun with their big hair

I finally got a good look at them, I backed up. It was a girl, she had big purple/blue curly hair with straight light purple front Strands, darker skin, a top made from a giant leaf, a skirt that was also made from a giant leaf, she had a cat looking tattoo on her left shoulder, scars on her left leg, a green bracelet, and she had a bandage on her right arm. I thought she was normal until she opened her eyes and I looked at her mouth.. She had black eyes with pink and while pupils, a black heart shaped nose, she had fangs with one golden tooth, AND SHE HAD A TAIL AND EARS!

"DONT HURT ME!" I yelled

"Oopsies Sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" The weird girl said backing up hiding her tail behind her body giving me space.

"W-where am I?!" I tried to remain calm but it wasn't working. "Where you will perish..." The girl said in a deep low tone before laughing at my scared face hysterically. "GOT YOU! Im just kidding!"

I fake laughed not knowing what to say. Where was I actually and why is the girl have a fucking tail and black eyes!? "W-what are you?..."

"What you are silly! A special!" The girl smiles big leaning towards my face. I back up again hitting a rock falling backwards hitting my head on the ground. I groan at the impact, when I got up I thought about what she said. She kept staring at me smiling, she seemed nice. "What do you mean "what I am?"

"Have you even looked at yourself since you've got here?" She tilts her head at me.
To think about it I have not.... "No.." I whispered. "Well if you go back into the tent there's a mirror." The girl pointed at the tent "I bet your gonna scream.." She giggles

I quickly ran back into the tent looking around for the mirror, there was A lot of fruit on the tables. I saw the mirror next to a large cabinet, I ran in front of it.. My face instantly dropped...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed but then everything went black. I'm pretty sure I passed out....

-This took me forever tell me what y'all think! 😊

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