|| Am I dead?... Pt. 4 || last part!

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⚠️This chapter contains sexual assault and self harm, I will warn you again when it comes up though! ⚠️

                       Third person

After the boss of the SAG left through the door the other men were quick to drag Iris through the door, squeezing his arms tightly. "Ow! I'm walking, there's no need to fucking squeeze me you pervs!" Iris yelled kicking his legs in the air. They dragged him through a long white hallway with bright lights, along each side were glass containments where people were being experimented on. As they walked down the long hallway some guy with blonde curly hair and glasses started banging on one of the glass containments, screaming loudly.  "Where the hell am I?" Iris said in his head as his eye twitched and his jaw clenched in disgust. They entered room 32 at the end of the hall, sat Iris down on the bed, and left.

                        Iris's Pov
The men have left me on this bed it looked like the ones you'd see at the hospital. It had a white thin sheet of paper on top of it so it was uncomfortable, there was a tiny silver wheeled table next to me with some weird tools on it, and there was this bright light thing pointed down directly at the bed I was on. "I'm gonna get dissected.." I whispered as I began to panic. I sucked in some air through my teeth before speaking again. "It's ok Iris just breath..."As I said that a pretty lady walked through the door, she was wearing a blue shirt with  a long white coat that had a rainbow pride pin on the right of her chest, she also had pretty brown hair that was in a fluffy bun.

I backed up in the seat covering my eyes, preparing to be dissected. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you." The lady said as her lips curved up, smiling brightly. Maybe I overreacted.. I opened my eyes and sat back up slowly, I'm pretty sure she was nice. "I'm just gonna take some blood tests, it won't hurt." She continued to smile as she grabbed a needle, hooking it to a syringe. I hate needles... I took one last big gulp before putting my arm up for her. "Thank you for being so cooperative." She turned my arm over showing my wrist, putting the needle against it. I closed my eyes bracing myself again. "Done." The lady said as she flicked the needle with her fingers, I peaked my eye open.

"Oh, I thought that would hurt a lot more..."
I grabbed my arm looking at the band-aid
She already put on. "See told you it wouldn't hurt." The lady went to the side of the bed I was on pressing a button, making it go up turning it into a chair. "Where am I?..." I ask not expecting a answer since it's like no one can hear me. "You are at the Specials and Gifted headquarters, but you can call it SAG." My face dropped even lower as I raised my eyebrow at her. "Then why am I here?" The only special thing about me is how often I could get- nevermind... "You have certain ability's that make you special. Everyone that is gifted has different types of ability's." She gave a happy smile showing her teeth. I completely forgot about the random energy surge that saved me from dying and throwing those men around.

"Ok.." I said in a hushed tone, I'm still trying to process everything. "Ok well I'm supposed to take you to Mr. Hugo's office (the boss), but I'll get you some food first. I'm guessing your hungry?" She wasn't wrong, I was starving! The lady poked my nose then left the room, locking it. I went to rest my head but I heard a loud fucking bang from the left of the room. I leaned forward and fell, I accidentally fell on a remote, Oops... I must have pressed a button because the left curtain covering the glass opened. There was a crazy ass looking girl on the other side of the glass, staring into my soul. She had blonde hair that went a little lower than her shoulders, hazelish eyes, a freaking smile, she was wearing a short purple dress, and was really short... I accidentally pressed another button opening a small vent from that girls room sending a foul stench into my room. Was her special ability passing gas, holy fuck? I'm sorry I'm usually super nice but that was horrible!

"Hi." The short girl whispered, smiling like a psychopath. "Hi...." I awkwardly smiled scooting back a little, I didn't trust her...
"My name is Lillian, what's yours?" "Iris, nice to meet you Lillian..." I may have lied she was scary, I heard the door unlock so I got back up into my seat. "Hi, sorry that took so long there wasn't any food in the pantry." The lady handed me a plate of food and grabbed the remote off the floor making the blinds go up again. "Sorry about her, she's got some problems.." She bit her lip holding back a laugh. "Thank you miss." Both sides of my lips curved up smiling, I'm not used to having people take care of me.. It feels nice. The lady just nodded her head and headed over to the door, placing her hand on the handle before looking back at me. "I'm gonna go handle some business, I'll be back to take you to Hugo's office after your done eating." She left the room again leaving me and the plate of food on my lap. "I'm starving." I said looking at the food there were all sorts of fruit, oranges, strawberries, grapes, and some apple slices. This is what I imagine having a mom would feel like. I licked my lips before digging into the food eating every last bit, best meal I've had in days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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