|| Am I dead?..Pt 2 ||

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                               Iris's Pov

I have been thinking about what happened for the last two days non stop... Like what the fuck was that?! I haven't been able to sleep either. I also haven't been going to work, I'm trying to figure out what happened. Maybe it was a dream? I don't think I was sleeping though.. I paced around my living room before tripping again but this time I really fell.

"Ow.." I groan sitting up rubbing my hand on the top of my head, My head hurts now.
I got up and walked over to the freezer and grabbed a ice pack, putting it on my head.

I was gonna go lay down but I heard a knock on my door so I turned around. I don't know who would be here right now, maybe it was the landlord. I peaked my eye through the little door thingy but no one was there.. I wanted to make sure some little kid wasn't ding dong ditching me so I unlocked my door to take a peak outside.

"Hello?" Right as I opened the door, these giant men in black suits and dark sunglasses were grabbing my arms and entering my apartment. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screams squirming around trying to get free of their grasp. "Let go of me! Who the fuck are you guys!? Get out of my apartment!" I continued to scream but none of them would answer me. I went to kick their legs from under me, which led to them squeezing my arms tighter causing me to groan in pain.

"Your name is Iris locks correct?" One of the big men said to me, it was like he was staring into my soul.. How did they know who I was?! I knew I wasn't going to get answers so I gulped before responding "Yes.." I looked down scared "Am I about to die?" I thought to myself. This whole week has been a shit show!

"Your coming with us." The men said in unison. Fucking creepyyy. "No I'm not! I don't even know you guys are! Get the fuck out of my house!" I know I can't do anything but I'm still gonna try yk. They ignored me and started dragging me out of the door. "PUT ME DOWN!" I felt the weird energy again, coursing threw my body as I yelled.

A weird blue glowing light came out of my body sending the men flying down some of the stairs, just not down the middle so they'll be fine. "W-what..?" I yelled before getting trampled by a bunch of men. I swear they are like teleporting from out of nowhere! I struggled to get loose from them, the energy was still there but I didn't know how to activate it or whatever. I tried to use the power again but I felt a sharp sting in the side of my neck. As the energy went away I began to loose consciousness.

Those pricks shot me!

-Ok there will be a part three! 509 words

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