|| Am I dead?.. ||

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                         | Earlier that week |

                                  Iris's Pov

BEEEEEEEPPPPP! I grab my pillow shoving it over my head "Ugh nooo..." I thought maybe the pillow would drown out the noise but it did in fact NOT work.

"Finee." I groan before getting up grabbing my cat looking alarm clock throwing it across the room. Once it hit the floor it the ears went down and it looked sad, I immediately got up picking it up. "I'm so sorry." I picked the alarm clock up and put it back on my desk patting its "head". I feel like it's still sad so... I ran into the bathroom to the left of my room next to my little closet, and grabbed a little band-Aid  from the bottom drawer of the sink that had Hooty smirking on it from my favorite show The owl house. I ran back into my room grabbing the little clock, sitting it on my lap on the bed, and applying the band-Aid on the cat clocks forehead.

I know it's a clock but everything has feelings yk.

I sat the clock back down and went over to the closet grabbing a black sweater, tan cargo jeans with rips in it, and some converse. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair then grabbed a orange. I grabbed my bag, locked my apartment door and went to leave. Right when I thought everything was finally going right, I slipped on something I hope is water on the stairs. Remind you I live on the top floor... As I slipped I fell over the railing. "Shit!" I yelled before screaming louder (The top floor is very high up so falling all the way down can be fatal!) I looked down at where I was falling before squeezing my eyes shut accepting my fate. Before I hit the ground I felt this type of pent up energy serging through my veins. Right as I was about to hit the ground or I thought I was, nothing was happening.. I peaked my eye open to see the concrete ground only inches away from my body. I looked at my body and it was fucking levitating in the air and I could still feel the energy in me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" When I screamed the energy went away and I fell onto the concrete. What the fuck just happened?! Am I dead?...

                  At the SAG Headquarters
                   (Specials and Gifted)

"Sir theres been another radio wave of energy. We've got another special." One of the lab workers said looking down at a small clipboard. "Gerald we've talked about this, you tell me the name so I don't have to fucking ask. Now if you do this again I'm firing you!" The boss yelled as he took a sip of his coffee looking at the lab worker. "Sorry sir, his name is Iris Locks, currently living down in Macon Georgia at a apartment complex." Gerald backed up as the boss stood up quickly.

"Go get him now!" The boss smirked as he yelled wrapping his hands around his back

-CLIFFHANGER Sorry not sorry! I'm tired 🥱 hope you liked this chapter!

525 words

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