the date

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Jin and Namjoon were at a coffee shop in college town when Namjoon asked Jin to be his boyfriend. Jin accepted.

Jin: so, like I said before, saving myself for marriage. That doesn't mean we can't kiss. Well, since I like you that much... I would love your hands to touch my body. That's it. No sex.

Namjoon: okay beautiful.

He caressed Jin's hair. He kissed his lips. Jin kissed him back. Three boys went up to him. They were in Jin's chemistry class. He sighed.

Namjoon: what?

Evan: you like this little fairy?

Namjoon: excuse me?

Evan: that little f*ggot. Hoe good is his ass for you to wanna be with him?

Namjoon: fuck off!

Jin: Namjoon... It's okay...

Namjoon: it's not! They're being inappropriate!

Jin: I'm okay. It's nothing I'm not used to. I've been over sexualized and made fun of for being me. I'm not letting it get to me. Don't let it get to you.

Namjoon: you're too perfect for this world Jin.

Jin: everyone says that. If there were no perfect people in this world, the world would be in more hell then it already is.

Namjoon: you're literally an angel.

Jin: thanks. So are you.

Namjoon: every angel had a devil.

Jin: you're saying you're the devil?

Namjoon: I'm saying I got a fucked up life and I want you to brighten it up for me.

Jin smiled.

Jin: let's go to my room. Tell me all about your "fucked up life".

They went to Jin's room. They sat on the rug on his floor. It was a fluffy rug. You could easily sleep on it comfortably and wake up with no pain. Jin sat on Namjoon's lap. They always did this. This time, Namjoon got to touch Jin anywhere on his body, expect for where Jin said not to touch him. Namjoon his his hands on Jin's stomach.

Jin: tell me. I'm here to listen.

Namjoon felt down to Jin's belly button. He sighed. He kept his hand in that area. Jin placed his hand over it.

Namjoon: baby... My father is a mafia...

Jin gasped a little.

Jin: really?...

Namjoon: yeah... I'm going to take over soon... Maybe a year... I told him I didn't want to but I have to... I'm his only son... His only kid for that matter.

Jin: sounds like a heavy burden. I'm sorry.

Namjoon: it's okay princess.

Jin kissed Namjoon on the lips. He sighed.

Jin: continue.

Namjoon: I was depressed. I tried to hide it by sleeping with a bunch of boys but that didn't help. Until I met you.

Jin: baby...

Namjoon held Jin close.

Namjoon: I love you Seokjin... I love you so much...

Jin's eyes started to fill with tears. He looked at Namjoon. Namjoon cuped his face.

Jin: baby... I love you too...

It's been three months since they met each other. The semester is almost over.

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