Count On Six Fingers - 𝐀.𝐑

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Arvin Russell x Reader

Warnings → fluff, angst, slight descriptions of blood, implied smut, and swearing but duh

Summary → Arvin has never been one for physical affection, until now.

✧・゚: *✧≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫✧・゚: *✧

Arvin is a good guy. A really good guy, you just have to give him a chance to show you that. He's always been quiet, observing people more than participating in their conversations. He usually isn't interested in what they're talking about, anyway. Superficial shit that doesn't matter.

You'd been the first friend he made in high school. He was alone most of the time, unless who you knew to be his sister was with him. Arvin is a few years older and super protective of her. She's always getting pushed around or name called, so he always stops it.

It was after a fight between him and some seniors that you properly met him. Arvin was limping around the schoolyard with a bloody gash on his cheek. Lenora waited in the car while he took care of her bullies. He got his message across, but ended up thrown face first into a fence, hence the cut. You'd seen the aftermath of him stumbling back to his feet.

He was about to get into his busted up car when you caught his attention.

"Hey!" You called to Arvin, making him stop in front of the driver's door. You took that as your cue to walk over. He let go of the handle and looked at you over his shoulder. Your face held concern and your hand held some tissues. "You're bleeding," you said softer, giving him the tissues. Arvin took them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Thank you..." he trailed off so you could insert your name. "Y/n." You offered a genuine smile. He'd never gotten too many of those. "Y/n," he repeated and blotted at his gash. "Did you see all that, Y/n?" "Just the end. I would've rooted for you, though," you tried to make him feel better. It seemed to work because he let out a low chuckle.

Arvin shoved the dirty tissue in his pocket and replaced it with another. "That's awfully nice, thanks." "Those guys are..." you looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Assholes." "Pieces of shit, all of them," he added on in a mumble. His abruptness drew a laugh from you, the sound making him feel tingly. A good tingly, not like when he was getting beat up.

"You said it," you agreed and fixed your eyes on his face. He was really handsome, even with the scratches. Arvin noticed your stare, the corners of his lips pulling into a smile. "Well, I don't wanna keep you," you sighed out despite yourself. He guessed you were referring to Lenora. He'd nearly forgotten she was in the car.

"Alright, thanks again for checkin' up on me. Was really kind of you," Arvin said and actually meant it. Most of the time, he was polite because his grandma told him to be. You'd quickly become someone who he thought deserved it for real. "No problem. Maybe put on a bandaid when you get home," you suggested before finger-waving goodbye.

You'd found Arvin at lunch the next day to ask how his cut was doing. You truly did care, and it turned out that he listened to you and covered it with a bandage. He was alone because the underclassmen eat earlier in the day, including Lenora. Though he didn't mind much, it was nice to have someone to sit with. The two of you eventually started eating together every day.

Arvin took such a liking to you that he asked you on a date a few weeks in. You instantly said yes, and you two have been together ever since. It's been about half a year.

Half a year, yet you can only count the times you've kissed or hugged or cuddled on one hand. He's affectionate in other ways. Lots of pet names and sweet words. That's about it. He'll hold your hand if you initiate it, but never tightens his grip. It doesn't make any sense to you. Arvin seems like he'd be a pretty touchy guy.

You've never brought it up to him because, hey, maybe you're wrong. He simply might not enjoy physical affection. You conclude that's all there is to it. If there was a bigger issue, Arvin would have said something by now. He's never backed down from an opportunity to speak his mind.

Arvin had a really good day today. Nobody started unnecessary shit with him or Lenora, he got his paycheck from work, and you two went out to lunch. You're back at his house and hanging in Arvin's room after all that.

Your head is resting on his pillows, Arvin sitting where your feet are. You give him a lazy smile. He exhales, grinning back and coming towards you. His hands end up on your hips, pulling you closer to him. It sends an electrifying shock through your whole body whenever he touches you because it happens so rarely.

Arvin moves so he's between your legs, his face and lips not too far from yours. His lips finally land on your cheek. "What're you doing, Arv?" You giggle at his out of the ordinary behavior. "Kissin' you," he says like he's done it a million times before, going in for another. You stop him by pushing at his chest.

Not that you're opposed, but you want to know what's changed first.

"Since when do you do that?" You question, fingers tugging at his button down. Arvin pulls away from you. "Just thought you'd like it. I can stop if-" "No, no. I want you to," you cut him off before he gets discouraged. "But how come you've waited so long?" His gaze shifts from you to his hands.

"When we first met, I was always in some kinda fight," he starts, voice lower than it was a minute ago. "I didn't want you to think I was violent, or I was usin' you for a quick fuck like those..." Arvin shakes his head. "Those assholes do." Your face softens as he explains everything. It's not that he wasn't interested in physical affection. He just wanted to be gentle.

"Feel like now I can touch you without scarin' you off," Arvin finishes and meets your eyes again. "I know you're not like that, Arvin. You could never scare me off," you coo, grabbing his shoulders firmly. "I love you." His worried look relaxes into one of fondness. He lets your words sit with him before murmuring back a "love you a lot, darlin'."

Arvin quickly gets back to his playful self. "Okay can I kiss you?" He smirks at you, eager to get familiar with the taste of your lips. You don't answer with words. You instead capture his own lips in a needy kiss, which he instantly reciprocates. He's still grasping at your hips, which contrasts the light kiss he's giving you.

Your theory about Arvin being a touchy guy is proven right. His fingers move up and down your sides slowly, earning a quiet moan from you. You've been so touch starved. He figures out a couple of other ways to make you moan tonight, too.

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