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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer hazohazahazbro on Tumblr

Parings → Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings → bad mood

Summary → The reader is feeling grumpy and gloomy but Tom is there to take care.

✧・゚: *✧≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫✧・゚: *✧

You heard the door creak, as you were tucked under the blankets that were currently hiding the sun from your face. It was well past nine in the morning, to some that's normal. But to you, it felt like wasting a whole day sleeping anytime past nine. Your boyfriend had opened the windows, revealing the sun that already was heating up the duvet as it casted down into your flat.

"Good morning, love." You heard him speak softly from somewhere in the room. You made no motive to say anything back. Though, you weren't upset with him, or anything. You were just simply not in a good mood. Everyone is allowed to have a bad day.

"Babe," he cooed, closer to you now. "I brought you some tea." He said. His loving voice persuaded you from under the covers. You poked your head out, the bright sun making you squint up at him. Your messy hair fell over your face, making him snort.

"Don't laugh at me." You said, pouting up at him as he came to sit on the edge of the bed beside you.

"Sorry, you look adorable." Tom soothed, placing the tea cup on the bedside table. You watched him curiously for a moment before laying your head back down on the pillow.

"Is something bothering you?" Tom asked, peering over the blankets to look at your pale features. You had just arrived in LA only the night before, not accustomed to the hot weather yet.

"No," you sighed, dragging a hand out from under the covers to wipe the hair out of your face. Tom's loving features came into view as he hovered above you, his arms propping him up.

"You look a little tired." He commented, his head tilting to the side slightly. "Are you jetlagged?" He asked, his hand coming to gently caress your cheek. You subconsciously fell into his touch as it soothed whatever irrational pain you had for the day ahead.

"Not really." Your answer was short, but you weren't sure what else to say. Tom bit his bottom lip, trying not to say anything else.

"You're lying to me." Tom suddenly said, staring at you with deep concern. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"I'm not lying. Why would you think that?" You asked, a little taken back.

"I know when you're lying." He answered, leaning in a little closer to you.

"Yeah, how's that?" You scoffed, just wanting to curl up back in the cave you made under the blankets.

"Because you avoid eye contact with me, which you're doing right now." Tom declared, squinting at you. You glared up at him, probably just looking like an annoyed toddler.

"I'm not lying, Holland." You said, though your voice didn't sound angry or anything, just a little empty. Maybe you were jetlagged?

"Okay, well. I'm going to start breakfast." He said, his hand leaving your face as he stood back to his feet. You whimpered at the loss of his touch. "Your tea is there." He added, before sauntering out of the room.

You didn't like to leave Tom out in the blue, but you really didn't know why you felt so upset. It was a good flight yesterday. You sat with a happy passenger, you were ecstatic to come out to LA to see Tom. But you just didn't feel good. Your stomach was fine, you didn't feel like throwing up or anything.

Looking up over the covers, your eyes finally adjusting the bright glare of the sun, you reached out a hand to grasp the hot tea cup. You sat up a bit more in the large bed, sipping slowly on your favourite tea. Tom made the best tea, you had to admit. You used to make your own tea all the time, until Tom offered to do it. He did it for you ever since.

The tea was gone faster than you had anticipated, but you enjoyed the taste so much, and you were wrapped up in different thoughts to even notice it was all gone. Placing the cup back on the bedside table, you drew your hands back under the duvet. Shuffling back into a comfy fetal position, you got back to work of doing nothing.

"Love!" Tom called from somewhere else in the flat, you assumed the kitchen. "Babe," his voice sounded breathless as he came into the bedroom, noticing that you were still hiding away.

"(Y/N)," he started, a little more concerned. "Are you sure you're alright?" You felt pressure on top of the duvet as his hands tried to find where your head was.

"Fine." You answered, your voice muffled mostly by the heavy blankets that drowned you out.

"You can't solve your problems by hiding in bed all day." Tom said, shoving your shoulder from on top of the bed. You didn't answer as you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block him out.

"Baby?" His voice dropped, sounding like he was going to cry. Your heart started to malfunction as your breathing became more shallow. You didn't like the sound of his voice like that.

Forgetting the gloomy feeling that rattled through your body, you shoved the duvet off you to look at Tom, who sat on his knees on the bed. His head whipped over to stare at you. His eyes, those big brown eyes, were watching you with complete concern.

"It hurts," was all you could muster, tears almost welling up in your eyes. Tom reacted instantly, reaching you into his arms and holding you against his chest. For some reason, it was the only comforting feeling you felt in a long time.

"What hurts, (Y/N)?" Tom asked, brushing your hair from your face, looking down at you with worry. "Darling, what's wrong?" He began to rock you back and forth in his lap, trying to calm you down. You hadn't even noticed that you were shaking.

"All of it." Your voice was shaky, Tom didn't say anything else as he continued to rock you.

Minutes passed as the two of you stayed in silence, only the sound of your breathing filled the room. It was comforting, feeling the warmth that radiated off of Tom. It made you feel better than you had earlier. It was him, you knew. That dreadful feeling, the pain. It was because you had been away from your boyfriend for almost three months. He'd been off filming for so long, spending all his time with his cast.

It was some part of you, even though you were at home in your house, you didn't feel home. Tom had become home to you. After being with your boyfriend for almost two years, he'd become your post. You're shield. Everything that scared you or threatened you in the big scary world, Tom had been there to shelter you from it.

As he held you firmly, yet caringly, in his large hands - you came to realise that your gloom had gone away. It slipped away the moment Tom crooned you in his arms. When he kissed your forehead multiple times, whispering soothing words into your ear.

"Thank you," you whispered, tilting your head to look up at your boyfriend. He smiled softly down at you, his eyes still laced with worry, but more with bliss.

"Are you feeling better, then?" He asked, his hands playing aimlessly in your messy hair.

"Yes. I'm sorry I was so grumpy." You added, sending him an apologetic shrug. He laughed, sending vibrations through your body.

"It's okay, love." Tom said, "breakfast is still ready though. We can go eat." He let you go as you stood to your feet. Tom grabbed your hand and guided you through the flat.

"Smells delicious." You said to him, kissing him lightly on the cheek. He turned to you and smiled.

"Feeling better already, are we?" He hummed, looking at you in bemusement. You cheeks flared hot, realising that you probably seemed like a crazy person with your mood swings. But you couldn't help it.

"Much," you smiled at him.

"Good. I like it when you're happy," He said, heading over to the oven where all his food was staying warm. "It makes me happy."

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