Chapter 5 - Complications

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It had been five days since Hannah met Robin. She was still reeling from it, but an internal battle had started to rage within her.
She had been pleasantly surprised that their first evening together had gone so well, though she still couldn't shake the suspicions that he had an ulterior motive.
One part of her was pleading with her to give him a chance and see where it took them. The other part was snidely reminding her that both Jake and her sisters' ex had played similar acts before they set in to destroy them.
She didn't fail to notice the brief look of frustration on his face when he finally gave up offering to buy her a drink. She was never going to let a man try to trap her with money ever again, so she was determined to keep paying for herself.
She had ignored the red flags with Jake's cheating, saw her sister being controlled emotionally, physically and financially, and now she had Bea, she was going to raise her daughter to know her worth and not accept anything less.
She knew she deserved happiness, but could Robin be the one to deliver that?
There was no telling if he was the right one from just a single evening, and she knew men could keep up the act for quite a while before their true colours began to show. The problem was, would she let it get that far to find out?
She didn't want to get into a relationship only to have it all destroyed when she did something he didn't like. She knew it all too well. One slip up, he'd get angry but then try and brush it all under the carpet, but by then, the damage would have been done. She wasn't going to go through that again!
She also wanted someone to act as a good dad role model. She needed to show Bea how a man should treat a woman. One that will be her rock and adore her child as much as she did. An ideal father figure. One that wouldn't abandon the both of them.
It needed to be all or nothing...
Was she asking for too much?
She groaned in dismay and rubbed her forehead as Bea pranced into the room without a care in the world.
The next day was an inset day at the school, so Hannah had the day off so she could enjoy a three day weekend with her daughter to do whatever they liked.
The thing was, Bea had different plans.
"Mummy, can I stay at nanna and grandads again?" She asked brightly.
Hannah chuckled at her. "You really enjoyed yourself there, didn't you?"
Bea wasn't aware that she had met Robin that night, merely that she had gone out with Lisa. For now, that was how Hannah wanted it. She didn't want to give her hopes up and throw all her eggs into one basket just yet.
Robin and her had been messaging back and forth daily, but they hadn't made any plans for the next date yet, even though he'd said many times he'd like to take her out to dinner soon.
Bea hummed, nodding her head excitedly. "Nanna said we will bake a cake next time. Please? Can I go to nannas? Please?"
She laughed at her daughters persistence.
"Ok, I'll have a word with nanna about sorting another sleepover soon."
"Saturday." Bea pouted. "Can I go on Saturday?"
"Don't you want to spend time with mummy?" Hannah pretended to be offended. "I thought you loved mummy?"
"Yes, I do, but I want to have fun at nannas, and you can have fun with Lisa."
She couldn't help but feel proud of how courteous she was at such a young age. Bea knew she'd had fun on her night out because she'd told her so, and she wanted them to have fun again, although hers would be at nannas and Hannah's would be with Robin... kind of. She wasn't ready to engage in any sexual act with him just yet.
"I'll text her. Are you sure you don't want to be with me?"
If she didn't know any better, she'd think that she was being replaced.
Bea shook her head. "Mummy will have fun with her friends. You need to. You don't have as many friends as me."
Her jaw dropped at the passive insult, and she laughed it off.
"Wow, thanks, kid. Alright. I'll do it."
Bea's answering smile made her heart burst, and she watched her precious daughter dance back to her room before pulling out her phone.
Should she see if Robin was free first?
She didn't want to get a sleepover arranged only to end up being at home. Lisa was meeting Martin more frequently now, so she knew she wouldn't be free if Robin bailed.
She decided to check with him first.

Hannah - hi. OK, I might have some time free on Saturday again if you're up for this dinner date?

She bit her lip as she slowly placed her phone on the counter, watching as the three little dots began dancing in the bottom left-hand corner.
She didn't know many good eating places in London that were ideal for a first date. A proper one this time. One on her own with him.
Oh god, the nerves were making her all jittery!
His message flashed up.

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