Chapter 20 - Liam Venson

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Due to how busy the last few days had been, Ethan hadn't managed to order in any food, so it was decided they would order a takeaway from a local Chinese.
The problem was that Hannah was adamant that she wanted to pay for herself and Bea again.
"Hannah, just let me get it. It's fine." Ethan whined, looking at the ceiling in exasperation.
"Ethan, you have spent enough on us today. I can afford food for Bea and me." She argued back.
Lisa watched the couple bicker back and forth with an amused smirk. Mum, however, was giving her daughter a flat look.
"Hannah..." she began, but Hannah cut across her.
"Ethan, please don't force me to let you pay. I need to feel independent. You know how guilty I felt when you got her the clothes and th -"
"I have new clothes?!" Bea suddenly rolled over from her drawing that she'd been immersed in since she got the pad and pencils.
The little girl looked between the couple eagerly. Hannah sighed, temporarily giving up the argument.
"Yes, buzzy Bea. We got you new clothes today at the shop. They're in your wardrobe." She smiled gently.
Bea wasted no time and scampered up off the floor, bolting into her bedroom.
"THIS IS THE BEST!" They heard her scream before running back out, holding a unicorn dress and throwing herself at Ethan, crying her eyes out.
Ethan surrounded her in his arms and squeezed, planting a kiss on the girls hair.
"Th-thank you!" She sobbed into his chest, clutching at him like she didn't want him to go anywhere.
He didn't know how to respond to her. He had expected the shout of excitement, but for her to run back to him, sobbing in overwhelming gratitude, he felt he should do something more than just hold her.
He looked round at the three ladies for their input, but they also had tears in their eyes at her reaction.
Hannah reached her arms around the both of them and leaned in, kissing her daughters tear stained cheek and nuzzling her.
"It's OK, buzzy Bea." She whispered, gazing up at him with such gratitude.
"You're very welcome, Princess." He breathed, looking into Hannahs eyes and smiling reassuringly.
Lisa and Mum watched on as Bea stayed where she was, still clutching to Ethan when the flats entrance opened.
"Honey, I'm home!" Came Martin's voice before he came into view with dad and Liam Venson just behind him.
Dad looked around the massive modern apartment, taking in all the expensive luxuries, before his eyes fell on his daughter and granddaughter huddled together over Ethan.
Bea finally let go of Ethan, sniffing and wiping her nose on her sleeve before running to her grandad.
"Grandad! Ethan got me new pretty clothes with unicorns on it!" She squealed, still crying from happiness.
Dad knelt to catch her in her arms and stared at his family on the sofa in astonishment.
"Well, wasn't that something." He said, rubbing her back. "Did you say thank you?"
She pulled back and nodded, grinning at him.
Hannah kissed Ethan deeply before getting up to welcome her dad home.
"Hey, dad." She said, allowing her dad to stand straight before hugging him. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." He murmured, holding her close. "I'm sorry. I couldn't let him -"
"It's OK." His daughter whispered back, leaning back to show she had forgiven him through her smile. "He deserved it."
"Mr Sanders." Liam Venson approached Ethan, who had got up off the sofa, with his hand held out. "Good to see you again."
"And you Liam, but seriously. Call me Ethan!" He said firmly, shaking his hand. "Your services have been invaluable today."
"Glad you approve of them!" Liam grinned. "Now, regarding Mr Taylor, I do need to have a quick word with you all in regards to giving statements."
Ethan nodded and gestured for him to take a seat on the sofa.
"Of course. Coffee?"
"Yes, please. Black, no sugar."
Hannah quickly told Bea to do some special drawings for her granddad in her room so the adults could speak in private, and the little girl was quick to do as she was told.
Once everyone had sat themselves down, with Liam, Hannah, Mum, and Lisa on the sofa and Martin, Ethan and Dad sitting on the kitchen counter stools, they began.
"Right then. So far, Mr Taylor has been released on bail until further notice while we await a date for the court hearing. Sadly, Mr Hemsworth is pressing charges against him. Authorities will want to speak to you all tomorrow to take your witness statements of the incident. These will be done over the phone for convenience sake. We are trying to stress to them that Mr Hemsworth was verbally abusing Miss Taylor and her daughter -"
"Which is true!" Lisa spat, grinding her teeth.
"Quite." Liam nodded at her. "Therefore, the aim is for it to be seen as an act of defence for his daughter and granddaughter."
Ethan narrowed his eyes as he let the advice set in. "Would they still want mine and Martin's statements? We weren't part of the incident until Graham had been arrested."
"They will. They will need to hear how it affected Miss Taylor and her daughter."
Martin nodded and sighed. "Poor kid."
Mum sat forward. "Is it worth mentioning Jakes actions, or lack of, over the past seven years?"
Hannah snapped her head round to stare at her mum. "Mum, why do -"
Liam nodded. "Yes. It would help give the courts a better picture of what Mr Hemsworth is like as an individual. While they will still give Mr. Taylor some kind of sentencing, it would make it less severe."
"Have they given any idea of when the hearing will be?" Ethan asked, getting off his stool and heading into the kitchen.
Liam hummed. "They said about a week or two for the letter to come through. It will be sent to Mr Taylors home address, so if he's staying here, you'll need to keep checking." The lawyer then narrowed his eyes at the billionaire. "I strongly advise against making your involvement known to Mr Hemsworth."
"That's why I asked." Ethan said, opening the fridge and taking out a beer.
He held it up to dad, silently asking if he wanted one. Dad nodded and held out his hand to take the one Ethan had.
"We made our relationship public today." Ethan explained, going back into the fridge and getting a beer for himself. "My involvement is pretty much obvious."
Liam sighed. "You do realise he's going to try and push for a considerably large compensation now?"
"I'd like to see him try." He smirked coldly. "Remember when someone tried to sue me for bad press when I wasn't involved?"
"Your ex father in law... I remember it well. I was on the opposing team back then."
Ethan smirked at him. "I may be the richest man in the world, Liam, but I know how to destroy people. I kept by all the threatening voicemails he'd sent me, all the emails..."
"And you ended up suing him in the end. Yes. That was the first case I'd ever lost!"
Ethan smirked evilly, keeping his eyes fixed on the lawyer and taking a slow draught of his beer.
"I think we should hold back on his past treatment towards Hannah until we find out what he's after." He said cooly after he swallowed. "Even if he doesn't try his luck, which we all know he will, we will then tell them everything. Show them what kind of man this Jake Hemsworth is really like."
Hannah sat there in stunned silence. She knew a little of the aftermath that happened after Ethan had split with Bianca but hadn't realised how bad it really was.
"We will wait and see then."
Liam shook his head, knowing well how savagely Ethan hit back at those who tried to take advantage.
"Just remember, we need them to realise this was an act of defending Miss Taylor and her daughter. We need to ensure they know Mr Hemsworth isn't as innocent in all of this as he makes himself out to be."
He looked around at all the solemn, worried faces in the room and smiled reassuringly.
"Don't worry. Worst case scenario, I think, is a large payment and several weeks of community service. He won't go to jail. We won't be hearing from them for another week or so, so please try your best to carry on as normal. I am confident we will get a good result, regardless." He looked back down at his notes to check he hadn't missed anything then looked back up St everyone. "Do you have any questions for me?"
No one moved, all of them still caught up with worrying about the outcome to talk.
He gave dad another swift, reassuring smile and got up, shaking everyone's hands as he made his leave. "Have a good evening, everyone."
"Thank you, Liam." Ethan shook his hand last and walked with him to the door. "I can't thank you enough for today!"
"You're very welcome. Anyway I can help, I will certainly try my best."

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