Chapter 10 - Reunion

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Ethan finally escaped the overcrowded tube station and got out onto the streets.
He hated public transport with a passion, but since his car had been crushed and he'd been given a driving ban for six months, he had no choice at the moment.
He had been caught by no less than twelve speed cameras when he'd sped to Hannah's that night. All of them recorded him doing a hundred and fifty, as well as going through multiple red lights.
He'd taken his punishment on the chin, though.
He'd calmly explained to the judge what had happened that night and hadn't argued with the final decision.
He no longer cared what happened to him.
All he cared about was making sure Hannah and Bea were never mentioned in any newspaper or magazine article, including any and all social media posts across the world.
Martin and him had spent a total of two weeks working closely with the top lawyer money could buy, Liam Venson, to ensure Hannah went back to being anonymous and kept out of the public eye.
Once they had a full list of every magazine, newspaper, influencer, and YouTuber, who had mentioned her in any way, they took them to court for defamation against Hannah. They were ruthless, making sure anyone who even thought about making another article about the mother or daughter in the future would think twice about it. Thankfully, many wanted to settle outside of court as soon as they heard Ethans name mentioned.
The millions he got in compensation were anonymously donated to a charity for vulnerable women. He did this for Hannah because he remembered her telling him about her late sister Bea and her abusive partner. He wanted to honour her in a way.
Martin had reconciled with Lisa after a week of tense silence from her, and their relationship had repaired itself quickly, although she didn't want to be anywhere near Ethan.
Martin had been a great support for Ethan over the past month and a half.
Walking away from Hannah had been the hardest thing he'd ever had to do, but he hoped she would find someone who would love and cherish her like he had during those few months he called her his.
He had practically given up on everything.
He preferred to do meetings over Zoom calls now. He entered the meeting through his laptop and kept his microphone on, but his camera was switched off so no one could see him. When he had to attend a meeting in person, like he did today, he got public transport and tried to hide himself in the corner of the trains carriage, away from prying eyes.
He hadn't been out to eat in restaurants with clients like usual, choosing to order whatever takeaway he felt like that night and chucking the empty packaging on the floor once he was done.
That being said, his usually pristine, clean, minimalist flat looked nothing short of a shithole right now. Martin nearly had a heart attack when he came to visit at home the other week and pleaded with him to hire a cleaner, to which Ethan point blank refused.
He walked alongside other commuters, not really paying attention to where he was going and really trying to blend with the crowd. He shoved his hands deep in his pockets, his mind wondering what Hannah and Bea were up to that very moment out of habit.
He missed them terribly.
He wished he could turn back time and meet her as Ethan and get to know Bea more, but then he doubted she would have given him the opportunity in the first place.
He sighed heavily as he weaved between other pedestrians and stared at the pavement. He knew his way home from the station so well by now. He could do it blind.
His phone started ringing. He sighed heavily as he pulled it from his pocket and answered it without looking at the screen.
"Sanders." He grunted emotionlessly.
"Hello, Mr Sanders..."
He stopped dead in his tracks and stared straight ahead of him, his mouth gaping open while his broken heart kick started and stuttered back into life. Goosebumps sprouted all over his body as he heard the voice he'd know anywhere.
Before he could find his voice, someone slammed straight into the back of him, the force knocking his phone out of his hand and clattering to the dirty, chewing gum stained concrete.
"The fuck, mate?!" The furious man who walked into him spat. "You don't fucking stop walking in the middle of the path, you twit!"
"S-sorry!" Ethan called after him as the man started to walk away.
He quickly bent to pick his phone up and when he heard her voice again,  this time right behind him.
"Well, that was silly. You should know never to stop walking in Central London, Mr Sanders."
He slowly rose back to his feet and turned, seeing her standing there right before him.
Her hair was in a different style than the last time he'd seen her. It was a cascading waterfall ponytail, but she'd left some strands loose towards the front, so they framed her face. She wore her smart work outfit and on her feet, she wore... converses?
Hannah followed his gaze.
"Yeah, they're still healing, but the good thing is. I don't need to use the crutches anymore. I also get to leave in plenty of time for my train now."
Ethan raised his eyebrows at her. "I'm more surprised you're actually wearing shoes."
She laughed at his joke and poked her tongue out before biting her lip and shyly looking away.
"How have you been?" She asked delicately.
Ethan took a deep breath in through his nose, wondering if he should tell her how miserable he was, but couldn't bring himself to do it. He had let her go so she could live a life without scrutiny under the public eye, and that's how it was going to stay. He couldn't be selfish, not with her and Bea.
"Alright, I suppose."
"I heard you got a driving ban." She mumbled guiltily.
"Ha, yeah. Six months. Should have been longer, really." He shrugged. "But you'll be pleased to know the overpriced, shittiest car you've ever been in has been crushed."
She winced and gnawed away on her lip again. "I'm sorry."
"You've got nothing to be sorry for." He dismissed her. "I do, and I will be apologising for it for the rest of my days. By the way, you've been given anonymity across all media in regards to... the day you weren't wearing shoes." He cast her a crooked smile.
She nodded. "I noticed they'd all disappeared a few weeks ago. Lisa figured you had something to do with it."
"Hang on, Martin didn't brag about his part in it either?"
She laughed. "He didn't to me. He doesn't like to be around me much. Lisa said he feels too guilty."
"That's why we're friends," he mused dismally. "We're both huge cowards."
She bunched her eyebrows at him before forcing herself to brighten up. "I'm on my lunch break..." she said coyly. "You can join me if you'd like?"
He took in the sparkle in her eyes that he'd missed so much and gazed at her longingly before shaking his head.
"I would have loved to, but I can't. I don't want to risk you being caught up in that mess ever again."
"Well, you live close by, right?" She looked around at the buildings surrounding them. "Why don't you see if Robin would like to come out and play?"
He started to laugh. A proper laugh! One that he hadn't been able to muster for the past month. He grinned widely at her when an idea struck him.
"Why don't I treat you?" He suggested slyly.
Her face fell, and she gave him a torn look.
"Ethan, you know I don't let people buy..."
"I'm not going to buy anything." He cut across her, smirking. "Instead... how would you like to have lunch at mine? I'll cook you something."
Her expression swiftly changed from reluctance to astonishment.
"You can cook?!" She gasped.
He hummed and nodded.
"But I thought Mr. billionaire would have his own chef!"
He burst out laughing again. "Hell no! I like my own privacy, or... at least as much as I can get." He added awkwardly.
Her face lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "I'd love to."
He invited her to walk alongside him, and they both crossed the road to enter his block of flats.
He held the door open for her and then followed her inside.
She took in the gigantic, box shaped, modern chandelier hanging above them. The marble floor that matched the marble staircase beside the polished brass doors of the lift. The white walls had expensive, modern art hanging along it, and there were signs pointing the way to the carpark, swimming pool, rooftop viewing point, gym, and billiards room.
"Fuck me!" She breathed slowly as she got her first glimpse at luxury.
Ethan snorted loudly.
"That wasn't an invite!" She warned him firmly, even though her smirk filtered through.
"I just wasn't expecting it, that's all. Shall we?"
He led her to the polished brass doors and pressed the button. Immediately, the doors slid open, and the bright, airy, marble interior of the lift came into view.
They stepped inside, and Ethan pressed the button for his flat, which, of course, was the penthouse apartment right at the top.
He watched her look up at the ceiling, appearing to be waiting for something, and frowned at her.
"What?" He asked her flummoxed.
"I'm just surprised there's no Für Elise elevator music, that's all." She quipped cheekily.
He threw his head back and laughed before pulling her to him and holding her close out of habit.
He suddenly realised what he was doing and abruptly pulled himself away, apologetically.
"Sorry..." he grimaced. "I... I forgot."
She gave him a sympathetic glance before grabbing him by the collar of his leather jacket and yanking him back to her, their lips crashing together and setting off fireworks in their chests.
He froze for a moment, hesitating on whether he should pull away again, but couldn't bring himself to do it.
He had missed this so much! The woman he was kissing had been on his mind constantly, and now he had her here with him. He'd be stupid to turn away from what he'd been yearning for all this time!
He threw caution to the wind and allowed himself to enjoy her being here with him, even if it was just for a short time.
He thought about pressing her against the wall and allowing his hands to do some exploring when Hannah suddenly pushed him back and slammed him against the marble walls.
His face of genuine alarm made her giggle, and she grabbed his wrists, pulling them around her waist and pressing herself flush against him, slotting her lips back between his.
He had never had that happen to him before! For a split second, he thought she was going to punch him for kissing her, but when he felt her body warmth as she leaned against him and moved his hands to where she wanted them...
He groaned in want and picked up his enthusiasm as he kissed her back. The ferocity of their making out heightened faster than the lift climbed the floors.
By the time they reached Ethans floor, he was left panting against the wall, and she smugly gave him a lustful look as the doors slid back open, and she stepped out first.
He cleared his throat, still coming to terms with being left hanging like that, and stumbled after her.
"Fuck Für Elise! Love in an Elevator would be a good shout." He mumbled to himself, but she heard him.
She laughed as they walked along the short hallway, and he unlocked the door.
"I've been wanting to do that for months!" She whispered, now feeling her cheeks burn after her sudden lust fuelled outburst.
He paused with his key still in the lock and turned his head round to her, his eyebrows raised as he stared at her. He slowly stood up straight, the door swinging open slightly, as he spoke.
"I really wouldn't mind trying it again, if you want. Shall we -?"
She laughed and cut him off by pushing him into the flat.
"Oh my..."
She had expected the marble floors, the sleek stylish artwork along the walls, the huge arched windows... but she hadn't expected the dirty clothes all over the floor, shoes haphazardly left where they landed, empty pizza boxes, and other takeaway containers hidden among the various piles on the floor.
Ethan slapped himself in the face and moaned in embarrassment.
"Fuck, I forgot!" He exclaimed and marched forward to pick up the mess he hadn't cared to clear up since he'd last seen her. He gave her a pitiful, humiliated look.
"If you could walk back out and pretend to see it for the first time all over again after I'm done, that'd be helpful!"
She shook her head and put down her bag by the door, taking off her work jacket in the same movement.
"Not a chance, rich boy!" She smiled warmly and began picking up piles of clothing herself. "What happened? Have the cleaners quit or something?"
"No..." he winced, peeling a sock out of a mouldy Chinese container. "I just... didn't..."
She looked at him from over the armful of dirty clothes, a soft understanding expression on her face.
"You gave up..." she mumbled.
He nodded sheepishly. "I'm never usually like this!" He quickly explained. "I'm usually exceptionally clean it's just..."
He trailed off and scrunched his face up in embarrassment.
Hannah knew exactly what he meant. "Lisa had to help me too." She admitted quietly. "I hadn't kept on top of the cleaning and Bea's toys were fucking everywhere! I just felt like I didn't want to do anything except work, the school run and order in food rather than cook..."
He snapped his gaze on her in astonishment.
"Hannah, I'm so sorry! I really am!" He chucked the mouldy container in the bin and scooped up his own armful of clothes. "I never wanted to have you broadcast to the world like that. I wanted to keep you private. Not because I'm selfish, although I really wanted to be, but because it was a threat to yours and Bea's safety."
She followed him into his bedroom, where the massive bed wasn't made, and the curtains were still drawn shut.
"I understand, Ethan." She assured him as he dumped his armful of clothes into the basket and held the lid open for her to do the same. "I also have another confession to make..."
He frowned at her curiously.
"I've actually seen you every day from where I work." She admitted timidly. "I would look out of my window and see you walking past. I'm only on the second floor, so I can see the street pretty well. Every time I saw you, I wanted to go to you and get back what we had before, but... I didn't."
She sighed and moved to make the bed for him, using it as a slight distraction so she wasnt constantly staring at him.
"You told me I didn't need to give time thinking about whether I could be with you as Ethan Sanders, but it's all I've thought about since." She finished flattening one side of the bed and walked round to do the other. "What I'm trying to say is... if you're willing to, I'd like to try again, but this time... you will be Ethan, not Robin."
She scrutinised him as she finished what she had to say, waiting for his take on it.
He stood in flabbergasted silence following her words but sighed and shook his head regretfully.
"Baby, while I would love, and I mean love to go back to what we had, we'd never have that freedom with me being... well, me!" He rounded the bed and pulled her to him so he could see into her beautiful blue eyes and watch the sparkles. "I love you so much, I really do, and I would absolutely love for us to be a family together. Just you, me, and Bea, but it wouldn't be just us. It would be us being followed by reporters. Photographs would be taken of us every corner we turn, people shouting all sorts of questions at us from all angles! You'll have people digging into your past to find anything and everything about you! It's crazily intense most of the time, let alone spouting bullshit lies to sell more copies! The number of times I've been cornered now I'm having to use the tube to get around!"
"Why don't you get a cab?" She suggested perplexedly.
"Because I've been punishing myself." He mumbled. "I tried to hide away, and it lost me the love of my life. Also, cab drivers, as I've found out in the past, are the worst people for selling stories they try and dig out of you."
She stared at him for a second before smiling reassuringly. "I still want to give this a chance."
He blanched at her.
"Y-you do?!"
"Mmmhmm. I do. I think we could make it work somehow. It's not just me that misses you. You made quite the impression on Bea that day."
He chuckled. "I think that was more the car..."
"Either way," she looped her arms around his neck and slipped her fingers into his hair. "She's been asking about you and when we were going to see you again. Hasn't shut up about it, actually." She added comically.
He hesitated. None of his hectic, exposed lifestyle was scaring her off. How?!
She seemed to read his mind.
"You know, Lisa did make a point when she was helping me tidy my place." She said while she bent to continue clearing the floor. "We were talking about you and I was telling her how you made friends with Steve while you waited for me at lunch. The way you had my lunch waiting for me, so we got that out of the way and left the rest of the time for us to enjoy ourselves. The drawing you bought for Bea of the unicorn, that she adores by the way, an -"
"I didn't buy it, I drew it." He said. "I drew it for her when you told me she was obsessed with unicorns.'
She gaped at him. "You drew that picture? But it's on a canvas!"
He laughed at that. "Just because it's on a canvas doesn't mean I bought it. I draw a lot, or I used to... look."
He led her towards his office, the only part of the house that was clear of clothes and rubbish. He pulled out a notepad from the drawer and handed it to her.
"There we are. Tell me what you think."
She opened the notepad and gasped, one of her hands flying up to cover her mouth.
It was her! Perfectly drawn with just a pencil. She was resting her head on her hand as she sat in the park where they had their lunches on days the weather was good.
"Wow, that's really good!" She complimented before arching her eyebrow. "Am I going to go through this and find it full of drawings of me?"
He chuckled and came closer. He flipped the page to reveal a detailed drawing of a podgy pigeon sheltering from the rain.
"The likeness is uncanny!" He joked, laughing as she gasped and slapped his arm in offence.
"Cheeky fucker!" She giggled, turning to the next page to see he had drawn the view of the street below them. "These are incredible!"
"Thanks. You know, that's how I first started to make money."
Her jaw dropped. "You got your billions by being an artist?!"
He laughed again and shook his head. "No! Look here..." he took the notepad and flipped a few pages until he reached the page he wanted and handed back the notepad to her.
It was a picture of a man standing at a front door in front of a terraced house. The number fourteen was etched into the house plaque on the other side of the door, and the man strongly resembled Ethan, but he was much older. He had a head of scruffy dark hair, his body was larger and very much a dad body, he wore oblong glasses, but his grin and eyes matched Ethan's perfectly.
"That is my dad." Ethan explained, smiling at the drawing sadly. "Sadly, he passed away about ten years ago, but he is the reason I became who I am today. When I was little, my mum walked out on us to live with a sugar daddy."
Hannah nearly dropped the notebook. "Oh, Ethan." She breathed sadly.
"I was five, I think? I can't really remember her much. My dad had to raise me on his own, and he struggled. And I mean struggled!! I remember him carefully cutting off mouldy pieces of bread so I could have a sandwich for dinner once."
She was stunned by that. She had never been one to delve into celebrities' lives, but she had always thought Ethan got his riches mostly by hereditary means. She never would have thought he had built it up entirely from scratch.
"Ever since I can remember, I've been really good at drawing things. I prefer to sketch, but I can paint too. As I got older, I caught on to how much we were struggling financially. I sold my first sketch when I was ten years old. It was for an elderly neighbour who had told me about his time during the war. He had been in the air force, so I sketched him a spitfire on a canvas I nicked from school. He paid me fifty quid for it." He grinned at her. "After that, I began offering my art skills to other neighbours. Most got me to draw their kids' picture to hang on the wall, or family portraits were another popular choice, too. I became well known in our neighbourhood and was getting quite a lot of requests for my art. My dad's income from his job paid the rent and the bills... but the money I started bringing in bought us better food and allowed us to enjoy meals out, ice creams at the beach."
"That's so sweet." She whispered in awe. "Who knew you were such a softy really?"
He chuckled, shrugging modestly. "Robin was. I'm the grouchy hot head."
Her smile stretched wider, and she reached out her hand. "How about we have our lunch? I'll call work and give a little white lie that I didn't feel well or something."
He gave her the biggest grin and took her hand, leading her towards the kitchen.

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