Chapter 16 - Taking Control

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Hannah, Lisa, and mum sat on Ethan's giant black leather sofa, silently watching Martin and Ethan furiously tapping away at their phones in the open kitchen several hours later.
Bea was fast asleep in one of the huge spare bedrooms. They were all staying in Ethan's penthouse apartment for now until the issue with dad was resolved.
Mum had kindly said she'd sleep in the same bed as Bea, considering the bed was big enough for four people to sleep side by side comfortably. Lisa and Martin took the third bedroom, the same size as mum and Bea's, and Hannah was sleeping with Ethan.
It had been such an eventful day, Bea hadn't managed to stay awake on the drive there, having to be carried up to bed by Ethan.
It was going to be hit and miss if she'll be back to her usual bubbly self and be running around the flat with excitement in the morning. In the car, she had sleepily asked Hannah what a bastard was, bringing on a fresh flood of tears from Hannah with it.
Mum had lied and said he called her a beauty, but Bea knew what she'd heard herself being called.
Ethan was seething with rage!
Martin had explained everything to him through messenger so Bea hadn't heard, and now, the men were searching for a new security company to work with, intent on cutting all ties with the one that Jake worked at.
They initially hesitated while they made the decision to cut them off, considering they would need urgent security measures in place at all times until this all died down.
Already, photographers had been spotted loitering around outside the block of flats in the street, just like they had been during Hannah and Ethan's second date for Bianca.
Videos of the fight between dad and Jake were beginning to go viral, with many viewers spotting Ethan and pointing him out. They were already wondering if he had any connection to the fight, and rumours were flying all over the place!
The air was palpable. Everything was tense and particularly scary for the three women sitting comforting each other on the sofa.
"What about this one?" Martin asked aloud, making the women jump at the sudden break in silence.
Ethan looked at his screen and then shook his head.
"Una suggested I avoid them. They don't have well trained staff, apparently."
Martin then grabbed his arm. "That's a great idea! Call Una and ask who she'd recommend!"
Ethan thought about it for a moment before figuring that was actually a good idea.
"Alright, I'll see who she recommends." He said, finding her number and calling her.
"Well, well, well! Hello stranger! It's been a while." Una drawled through the phone cockily.
His face lit up at hearing her voice. "Evening, Una! Are you busy?"
"If you're going to ask me if I'm attending the charity gala next week, I'm available if you need me." She replied, wrongly guessing his reason for calling her.
"Oh shit, yeah! I forgot about that!" He slapped a hand against his forehead. "But that's not why I'm calling. We've had a bit of a situation with our current security provider."
Una hummed through the receiver. "I saw one of your security was attacked by a madman because he wanted to get close to you. These people are crazy!"
He flinched at that. The news was already circulating.
"You know there's more to the story than what they're letting on, young lady!" He scolded. "You know better than to believe what you read!"
Martin watched his boss talking to his celebrity friend for a moment, then noticed the three women watching him too, their eyes narrowed in suspicion.
He quickly approached to reassure them.
"It's alright, ladies. He's just getting some suggestions from Una Patil."
Lisa and Hannah's eyes bugged at that.
"Una Patil, the singer?!"
He nodded vehemently. "Una and Ethan have a deal in place to be each others Red Carpet dates. This way, they get left alone when attending events. She's safe, trust me."
"Does he like her?" Hannah asked in a small voice, the hurt from today resurfacing her doubt in men.
"They're friends, but she'll never be anything like you are to him. He's not her type."
Lisa blanched at that. "How isn't he?!"
"He's got a dick for one..."
"She's a lesbian?!" The girls cried in unison.
He grinned at their reaction and nodded.
"She kept that quiet!" Mum gasped, looking at Hannah and Lisa as they shared a stunned silence.
"Some people like to keep their private life a secret." He shrugged nonchalantly, returning his focus on Ethan.
"Oh ho, I'm sure you would!" Ethan was chortling. "But we will come back to that in a bit. Right now, we need security."
Una hummed thoughtfully. "I know! Liam Venson! He partnered his law firm with security!"
"I saw Liam just last month, and he never told me that!" He exclaimed in surprise.
"Because it was you that gave him the idea, silly!" She giggled. "Give him a call! I'm definitely going to take advantage of his new venture! Security with law combined is going to save a lot of hassle!"
He hummed, impressed at the idea. "Right... ok, that's a good shout. Thanks, Una. In regards to next week, I'll have to let you know."
"Ohhh, does someone have a date this time?"
"Maybe..." he smirked mysteriously, looking at Hannah. "I'll get back to you."
"You tease! Alright, hunny, take care now!"
He put the phone down and looked at Martin.
"Liam fucking Venson!" He cried, chuckling. "That clever sod has combined his law with security!"
Martin gaped at him and whisked his phone out.
"I'm on it like a car bonnet!" He quipped, tapping away.
Ethan grinned at him, feeling a lot more in control now. He approached the sofa and knelt down in front of Hannah.
"This is going to solve a lot of problems." He smiled at her and took her hands in his. "Liam is the best lawyer around! He will be able to represent your dad as well as provide new security for you and Bea."
That didn't make Hannah feel any better. If anything, it made her rethink her decision about getting back with Ethan.
She didn't want her life broadcast to the world, especially with Bea... at the same time, she had momentarily felt much safer when they had seen the security guards, although that was soon overshadowed with Jakes unwanted appearance.
She should have fought harder to hold dad back, but she knew when her dad saw red, there was no stopping him.
Jake had deserved what dad had given him, absolutely, but dad didn't deserve the repercussions that came afterwards.
She had never felt so confused before!
She wanted Ethan! She loved him, Bea liked him, and he loved them both back.
They had been having a wonderful evening before everything suddenly went wrong.
It was a huge wake-up call.
He had been swarmed in a matter of seconds! Ethan may be used to it, but she wouldn't know what the fuck to do if it was her in that situation.
Lisa seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"That was fucking mental how they all surrounded you earlier." She whispered in alarm. "They swarmed like flies to a fresh pile of shit!"
Ethan snorted. "Thanks for comparing my lifestyle to a pile of shit." He laughed at Lisa's cheeks burning, then bent his head to kiss Hannah's hands. "You can stay here as long as you need to. There's a swimming pool here that Bea can take full advantage of, a jacuzzi and sauna for you, mum and Lisa. A gym if you wanted to give it a go?"
Hannah blinked at him before shaking her head. "Right now, I don't want to leave here." She admitted quietly. "It's going to take me a while to get over today..." she looked past him at the door to where Bea was fast asleep. "Im going to go check on her."
"Im going to bed, anyway." Mum pulled her back on the sofa, shuffling forward to get up herself. "I'll see you all in the morning."
She tried to get up, but her legs were still too stiff.
Ethan took it upon himself to help her without being asked and picked her up effortlessly.
"I've got you." He assured her, carrying her to the bedroom. "Hannah, did you want to come and help her get ready for bed?"
Hannah nodded and followed them into the bedroom.
Ethan gently placed mum on the bottom corner of the bed and left them for some privacy.
"Hannah, are you alright?" Mum was quick to ask quietly so she didn't disturb Bea, looking worried for her daughter.
"Did you see the way he looked at her?" She sniffed pathetically, the tears resurfacing again.
Mum huffed in disgust. "I did. You'd think the man would have the decency to behave differently towards a little girl!" She reached over and cupped her daughters cheek. "Thank god you left him when you did. You made the right decision there, angel."
Hannah shrugged off her mums affectionate gesture and knelt to help remove her shoes and socks.
"Am I making the right decision now, though?" She whispered solemnly. "You saw how mental everyone went when Ethan got off the ride. Why did I think we'd be able to go back to how we were?! He warned me this would happen!"
"Because you love him." Mum sympathised. "You know what I think?"
Hannah looked up at her reassuring face, full of love and encouragement for her.
"I think you made the right decision here, too. You just can't see it yet." Her smile widened a little. "It will take a while to work out how this is going to work, but together, you and Ethan will work it out. He understands and also values your privacy above all else. Work together to come to a solution, and angel?"
"Yeah, mum?"
"Promise me you'll enjoy yourself. You'll have fun together and stop worrying so much. Be happy!"

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