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You come down for breakfast and see Katie,Caitlin, and Ella all sitting together
"Hey sleepyhead how did you sleep" Caitlin asks
You rub your eyes sleepily
"Pretty good I woke up to being tagged in tons of edits of Ella's live" you say laughing
"Aww I'm sorry y/n" Ella says
Katie is just dying of laughter
"I joined her live the other night to tell her to come get dinner and she wasn't paying attention to the comments" Katie says laughing still
"Okay to be fair the comments move so fast I can never keep track so that's my bad"Ella says laughing
You walk over to see what Caitlin's making for breakfast
"Hey love you hungry" Caitlin asks
"Yes ma'am" you say as Caitlin pulls you into a side hug
Living with Katie and Ella made being away from your family and siblings a whole lot easier Caitlin was here most nights with Katie
Caitlin plated everyone's food and now you were all sitting at the table eating
"So any big plans today on our day off" Katie asks
"It's my day off too jerk" Ella says causing everyone to laugh
"I have a date tonight" you say
You hear a fork drop
And look up to see everyone looking at you shocked
"A date" Katie asks
"By yourself" Ella asks
"With a guy"Caitlin asks
You start laughing
"You guys should see your faces right now" you say still laughing
"No you aren't going on a date by yourself" Katie says with a serious face
"What why" you ask getting upset
"Y/n just hear her out" Ella says
"You're 18 y/n/n" Katie says dead panned
"And what I moved to another country Katie" you say throwing your hands up frustrated
"Yes but you live with adults and other people you aren't just on your own" Katie reasons
"You're not the boss of me Katie"you say
"Okay let's calm down no one is attacking you love" Caitlin says softly
"No you guys aren't listening" you say before leaving the table and heading upstairs to your room
"Y/n/n please just talk to me" Ella says softly knocking on the door
"El I just need some time" you say
"Okay love ya" Ella says
"Love you" you say
After you've calmed down you walk down and see Caitlin and Katie cuddling with coopurr on the couch
You walk into the living room
"I'm really sorry for yelling at you" you say genuinely
Katie untangles from Caitlin and stands up and opens her arms and you hug her
"I'm not mad at you love just worried"Katie says while hugging
"I know I'm sorry I just was in a mood this morning which doesn't make it fair to you any of you" you say
"We just don't like you going out alone with a stranger" Caitlin says from the couch
"How about some of the girls and us go to the same pub or club just so we know your safe" Katie suggests
"Yeah I would like that" you say still hugging Katie
"We love you darlin" Caitlin says getting up and joining the hug
"I love you guys I really do" you say
Time skip
Ella had just finished helping you with your hair
"Girls are you almost ready" Katie asks from the hall
You and Ella pop out and head to the car
Once at the pub you see les and Wally and Leah sitting over in a booth that the rest of the girls head over too
You see Jacob and walk over
"Hey Jacob it's so nice to meet you" you say
He stands up and greets you with a side hug
"Y/n you look lovely" Jacob says
You have a good conversation and have a good night
You and Jacob end up dancing and this guy grabs your arm
You gasp at the pain in how hard he's squeezing your arm
"Hey let go of her" Jacob says pushing him off you
"Fuck off" the drunk guy yells walking back towards Jacob who had out himself in between you and the drunk
"No you don't just grab someone like that" Jacob says
"What are you gonna do about it" the drink guy asks pushing Jacob back causing him to stumble into you causing you to fall back
Next thing you know someone put a protective arm around your waist and you turn to see Leah and Wally
With all the commotion going on you can't really hear but you see people breaking up the fight between Jacob and the other guy
"Are you okay love" leah asks walking you back to the booth
"Yeah my arm just hurts" you say
Wally helps sit you down next to alessia and Katie
"Let me see your arm" leah demands
You roll up your sleeve to see bruising to start forming already
"That fucker is gonna pay" Katie says from next to you
"No no it's okay Jacob protected me" you say in a panic
Ella brings you a water bottle to drink
Jacob rushes over after he sees you
"Y/n are you okay I'm so sorry" Jacob says
"Yeah I'm good Jacob I think I'm gonna call it a night" you say
"Oh okay no worries get home safe" he says before walking off with a wave
"So will there be a second date" alessia asks
"No I think he's more of a friend" you say
Which makes All the girls around you laugh
Once home Katie makes you ice your arm
"Good night sweetheart" Katie says kissing your forehead
"Thank you for tonight I don't know what I would have done without the girls" you say
"We're a family dear" Katie says before leaving your room

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