Little sister

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Steph's pov
Today y/n was coming to visit I haven't seen her in ages
And the team was so excited to meet her
Technically they've met her before but it's always been on FaceTime she hasn't been able to visit herself being busy with university
She's my only sister and she's the baby of the family I was 10 when y/n was born
Now she's 20 which is crazy to think about but she's still my biggest fan
Today Dean, Kyra, and I were going to pick y/n/n up from the airport
And y/n is so excited to meet Calvin in person
But once we pick up y/n tonight the girls are coming over to hangout with y/n
Y/n pov
Today I'll get to see stephy for the first time in like 3 years
Now we do talk most days because she's my sister but it's hard not being able to see her and hug her
You always were finally getting to meet all the girls you've known most of them for years now but just over text and call never met face to face
Today was the day you've just got off the plan and your walking through the airport
You get out the gate and see Steph right away
She runs towards you and you jump into her arms
"Oh love your so grown" Steph says holding you tightly
"I've missed you Stephy so so much" you say
After you and Steph are finished you go and hug your soon to be brother in law
And then Kyra jumps on your back
"Hey ky" you say laughing
Kyra hugs your neck
"It's so good to see your gorgeous face in person after so long" kyra says squeezing your face in her hands
Steph slaps kyras hand
"Stop your gonna break her Kyra we just got her back" Steph says
"I love you ky" you say hugging her again
"Aww dean look it's our two little sisters together" Steph says lovingly
"I claim y/n/n as my sister but Kyra is more of a illness we can't get rid of" dean says bursting into laughter after seeing kyras shocked face
You can't stop but bursting into laughter
"Oi dean we were literally playing Fortnite together earlier and now you treat me like this" kyra says shocked
"Well kyra you would revive me" dean says
"You kept fucking dying dean what did you want me to do it's not my fault you suck" kyra says the last bit sticking out her tongue and hiding behind you
"Oh you bugger your walking home" dean says
"Children that's enough we have places to be" Steph says breaking up the bickering
You all pile up in dean's car
Steph's apartment
You walk in being pushed by Kyra to see all the girls
"There she is finally for fucks sake" Katie says sarcastically before pulling you in for a hug
"Oh man Stephy has been talking about you visiting for ever" Beth says
Next you are pulled into a hug by Caitlin
"My favorite little sis" Caitlin says swinging you in a circle
"Oh cait I've missed you so much" you say hugging her even tighter
After hugging and greeting all the girl's conversations roll
"So y/n how's university" alessia asks
"Um well nursing school isn't easy at all but it's very rewarding" you say
"Our own little y/n is gonna be a nurse who would've thought" viv says patting you on the knee all excited
"Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves I'm not done with nursing school yet" you say
"Only a few of us in this room ever even went to college y/n/n so I would say it's an accomplishment" Ethan says
Earning agreement from the group
"Oh come on darling give yourself some more credit" leah says from next to you causing you to blush
"Leah stop making my sister blush" Steph says from her seat next to dean
"Hey it's not my fault your sisters just so hot" leah says making you turn bright red and she places her hand on your thigh
"You've broken her way to go" Wally says laughing
Leah hooks her hand under your chin and turns you to look at her
"Hun are you okay" leah asks super close to you face
You nod causing Leah to give you a cheeky smile
"See I didn't break her" leah says to the group smiling
"Yeah just a slight malfunction" Steph says earning a glare from Leah
After some drinks are brought out
"Okay bitches it's time for never have I ever" manu says
Alessia starts
"Never have I ever gotten lost in the airport" alessia says laughing when your the only one to take the shot
"Okay these feel a little targeted already" you say
"Nope just a crazy coincidence" alessia says winking
Wally is next
"Never have I ever hit someone with a ball on the head on purpose" Wally says earning a laugh from the group and a shot from Katie
After more rounds it's finally your turn
"Never have I ever played professional football" you say with a smirk
You don't even have time to flinch as Leah and viv both smack you on the back of the head and on your arm
Everyone in the circle takes a shot
You ended up drinking the most and ended up drifting off to sleep on Leah's shoulder
Steph's pov
After everyone starts getting ready to leave you see Leah with a sleeping sound y/n/n
You walk over and gently brush the hair out of her face
Leah smiles at you softly
"You're a really good big sister you know that right?"leah asks
You smile while softly running your hand over her sleeping face
"I really do try but it's hard not being able to be there physically there for her" you say
"Steph she knows your always there for her" leah says giving my hand a soft squeeze
"Hey babe can you carry her to the guest room" you look over your shoulder to ask dean
"Of course hun" dean says giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before he scoops y/n up off the couch
Most of the girls say bye to her or kiss her on the forehead
He takes her to the guest room down the hall
"Thanks for letting her sleep on you she's a bit of a drooler" you say laughing softly as you wipe Leah's shoulder
"It's okay she makes up for it" leah says laughing when you lightly shove her
"Leave my little sister alone Leah" you laugh
Leah leaves and you head to check on y/n
She's sound asleep and you lay a soft kiss to her forehead
"Good night my little one" you say before quietly closing the door behind you

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