Jet lagged

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You had just flown in the night before and you had to go to practice now
Your alarm goes off
You sit up groaning
You've felt extremely tired since getting off the flight yesterday
You her dressed quickly and run down the stairs making a quick cup of tea
You pull over a hoodie and put on some sunglasses before heading out to practice
Once arrived at practice you walk in greeting the trainers and Winnie
"Hello sweet girl" you say petting Winnie's head
You walk through to medical to be checked out
"Hello y/n how was your trip" Claire asks
"It was really good Claire thank you" you say
Claire checks your vitals and temperature
"Does everything feel normal" Claire asks
"Yes just tired" you say yawning
"Ahh jet lag" Claire says
"Yep it's the worst" you say laughing softly
Once all finished you head to her breakfast and some more tea
"Hello darling" Kim says hugging you
"Hey kimmy how are you" you ask
"All good" Kim says
You start plating your food
"There she is" you hear someone yell
Next thing you know Katie is picking you up
"Ahhhh Katie stop" you say in shock
"Woah bug calm down"Katie says setting you back on the ground
"It's to early for this" you say feeling exhausted
Teyah joined the conversation
"Are you sure you should be here today" teyah asks
"I'm fine just tired" you say grabbing your plate and making way towards an open seat
You sit down with alessia,Leah,Beth, and Kyra
"I thought you just got back" Leah asks curiously
"I got back late last night" you say
Everyone at the table looks at you shocked
"I'll go make you some more tea" alessia says
She pats your shoulder softly before walking off
"Take it easy today" Beth says softly
"I've gotta prepare for the next match" you explain
"Not by pushing yourself to hard" Beth argues
"I wouldn't do that" you argue back
"You've done it before you get in your head that you've gotta be on top of your game but you end up pushing yourself to your breaking point y/n" Beth say frustrated
Your about to argue when a calming hand massages your shoulders
You turn and see alessia smiling at you and you see she sat down your new cup of tea
"Drink up love" alessia says softly smiling
You relax into her touch your shoulders felt so good with whatever she was doing
Alessia glared at Beth telling her to stop
When Beth was about to argue Leah smacked her leg to stop her
You closed your eyes and relished in alessia massage
"Alright ladies let's go to the gym" Jonas announces
Your helped up from your chair by Kyra who walks side by side with you to the gym
"I'm glad your back y/n/n" Kyra says kissing your on the cheek
"I missed you ky" you say hugging her
In the gym and doing sprints you find yourself out of breath
Steph is near you and sees you struggling with simple workouts
"I'm gonna help you sit down dear" Steph says from your side guiding you to the nearest bench
Katie tosses you a water
"This is what I warned you about" Beth says annoyed that you didn't listen
"Stop it beth" Steph says while helping you
"I don't feel so good" you say feeling like you could melt into the ground right now
Claire runs over
"She's exhausted bring her to the medic room" Claire says
Alessia and Kyra carry you to one of the cots and lay you down
"She should have taken the day off just let her sleep" Jonas says pulling a blanket over your sleeping body
"One of us will make sure she gets home later" Leah tells Jonas
You sleep the rest of practice
Alessia wakes you up
"Come on dear your staying the night at my place" alessia says
"Turn the light on Kyra" Leah says
Kyra turns on the light
You groan slightly sitting up
"Come on love let's get you sleep" Leah says helping you walk out to alessia a car
"You sure you've got her alone" Kyra asks
"Yeah she's no hassle just help me get her into the car"alessia says
So Leah and Kyra help get you in the car and buckled
"Call or text if you need help" Leah says before leaving
Once at alessia a she Carries you inside to the guest room and lays you on the bed to sleep

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