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You'd always thought of yourself as clumsy
It wasn't something you were proud of but you were stuck with it for sure
Alesia was just as clumsy as you at times
But today you had tripped on the stairs in your apartment
And landed poorly on your arm
And your feared for the worst
You couldn't bend it and was starting to worry you have broken your arm
You showed up to training after falling heading straight to medical
"Oh my god y/n honey what happened" Beth asks running toward you at the sight of your arm being swollen and blue
Viv following close behind
"I... uh ..... I fell and I think I broke it" you say unsure and in pain
"You think bloody hell" viv says worried leading you inside
You feel guilty at how worried Beth and Viv are right now
Once seated in the medical room you turn to see Viv on the phone
"You need to go get an X-ray y/n this is not looking good"the medics explains
"I'm sorry" you say quietly trying not to cry from pain and embarrassment
You hear the medical doors burst open
"Come on dear let's go to the doc" Katie says gently seeing the state of you
Caitlin is talking to the medic and Beth and Viv as Katie helps you in the car
You sit sadly in the back of Katie's car
"We're just worried love we don't like you being injured" Katie says calmly
"I'm sorry" you say
"Nothing to be sorry about" Katie says before pulling out of the parking lot
Time skip
They rebroke your arm before casting your arm
You were dropped off at Beth and vivs apartment
And they set you up to sleep in the guest room
Viv helped you lay down
You were drifting off to sleep
"Good night little one"she says before softly kissing your forehead

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