~(Chapter two)~

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Hello! well come to chapter two! Chapter one was the "preview" so chapter two is the real story.
Hope you enjoy


you live in London in a flat with your parents, you're 19 and look like (insert your own character) you are an only child

your parents have been married your whole life but for the past few months all hell has broke loose, mum and dad at each others throats about anything, all hope seemed lost until one day

(present day, your POV)

Today was like any other day, the sun shining, the birds singing, and your mum and dad fighting, this was the 9th time this week.

As you sit in your room crying, just wishing it could go back to how it was before all the fighting...

You walk over to your door and lock it, tears streaming down your face "why cant they just get along?" you whisper "its not fair" you talk to yourself as you walk over to your book shelf and sit down, as you sit down a book gets knocked down and falls right in front of you.

You pick it up and the cover reads "Over lords of the Pride Ring". You start to read it, and you land on one page titled "The radio demon".

"The radio demon is not one to mess with, don't be fooled by his charming looks and words, The radio demon has been in hell since 1933 and quickly became one of the most powerful over lords in hell, with such power he can do many things: good and bad. People say if you summon him he may give you one wish..." 

You read more of the book in hopes of finding a way to get a wish. "..but all power comes with a price" you finish reading.

"Wow..." you say to yourself, and put the book down, "if this works... everything will be normal again!"You get up to grab what you need for the summoning, "oh please work" you cross your fingers and start to say the words... after a few minutes nothing happened "uhhhhh" you groan "why did I think that would really work?!"You stand up and start to clean everything up but suddenly hear a noise from behind you "who's there?!" you shout as you turn around to see nothing there and you let out a low sigh "I'm going crazy aren't I?"

You turn back around and continue to clean up the mess you had made "maybe I'll call it a early night" you say as you turn the light off and lay in your bed where you soon drift off to sleep.

You wake up in a daze, half asleep, but you remember the summoning ritual... and the noise you heard from behind you.

"That was real" you think to yourself as you stretch out in your bed, "maybe it worked" you mumble to yourself as you sit up and look around the room.

Everything is quiet, there's nothing out of the ordinary happening... but then you hear a noise from behind you.

You freak out and turn around to once again nothing, "I'm really going crazy" you mutter as you turn around and check your book shelf "did that really happen?" you look at your book shelf then back around "maybe I should try to summon him again...You make your way back to the spot where you did the summoning ritual, "I'll try again, and I'll hear that noise again.... it wasn't just my imagination right?" you start to ask yourself. You begin to say the words of the summoning ritual with more conviction this time, "maybe I wasn't strong enough before.... but this time it'll work... I'll hear that noise again..."

You begin to say the words of the summoning ritual with more conviction this time, "maybe I wasn't strong enough before.... but this time it'll work... I'll hear that noise again..."

After a while, you start to give up, thinking it didn't work... but then you hear the same noise from before, coming from behind you...You freak out and turn around, but once again nothing... the room is completely quiet... you look around, confused, until the same noise comes from behind you again.

You turn around and look behind you expectately... this time you hear the noise very clearly, much more distinctly than before..."someone.... or something... is there...." you say with chills down your spine.."there's no way it's all in my head...." you start to wonder if the summoning worked, "Maybe there's a demon here...." you think to yourself. The noise comes again, much louder this time, coming from right behind you. This time, it doesn't sound like a normal noise, but like something you've never heard before.

"what is that?" you gasp, as you turn around to look behind you.

You can barely see it, but there appears to be a faint dark figure standing behind you. This figure is very shadowy, not clearly defined, and it seems to be looking straight at you.

You can't make out any exact details of the figure, but it seems to be watching you intently...

You start to feel a sense of dread creeping in as you realize that something is there, something evil.... and it's right behind you....Suddenly, you notice that the figure is slowly approaching you, still unseen but now much clearer than before.

You feel a sense of danger creeping up on you as it slowly moves towards you, inch by inch, coming ever closer...You start to sweat, feeling very vulnerable and helpless... you freeze in fear as the figure continues to come towards you, getting closer and closer.

You can hear your heart beating loudly in your chest, as the figure continues to move closer and close.

You feel like it'll be right on top of you any minute now, and you start to shake in fear."who... are... you...?" you ask, your voice trembling in fear as the figure continues to move slowly towards you. The figure doesn't say anything, it just continues to slowly move closer. You can barely make out any details, but you can tell that it's something very sinister.

The figure seems to be about to reach out and touch you... and then suddenly the room goes completely silent, the figure stops moving.

Everything is still, not a sound is heard in the room, just a cold, uneasy silence...

You sit there, held in suspense, afraid to move a muscle... you hold your breath, waiting for something... anything... to happen...


Yay! I'm made it longer and now we are really into the story! Please let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for plots that you would like to see in this story message me or comment! Have a good night\day 🙃

word count  (1108)

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