| A good ol talk | Mars x Earth |

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Fluff :3

3rd pov.

Earth and mars were in earths orbit playing space poker as usual. Luna was sleeping along with dark side.

The two planets laughed as they played and chatted.

Mars : "Hey Earth?"

Earth : "Yeah Mars?"

Mars : "Have you ever wondered what it'll be like in a relationship?"

Earth : "Well, It might be impossible for us since we are celestial bodies. We can't do things earthlings do. Such as physical touch."

Mars : "But does physical touch always matter?"

Earth : "Sometimes like if the other is deaf or blind. Words,looks and objects can also explain affection for one another if the other does not like physical affection."

Mars : "Oh."

Earth : "Why? Do you like someone?"

Mars : "Yeah.."

Mars looked away from earth, Mars had a crush on earth for a few years even during their problems he still had feelings for the blue planet.

Earth : "Mars? Is it me?"

Mars : "How'd you know?! I mean-"

Earth chuckles as Mars looks at him confused and flustered.

Earth : "Well it seems a bit obvious since the question you just asked me and! You've been giving looks lately."

Mars : "Makes sense.."

Earth : "I don't mind being in a relationship with you."

Mars : "Are you sure? But didn't yo-"

Earth : "Hey, anything is possible if you can make it happen and work."

Earth places down his cards and takes out a flower.

Earth : "So what do you think, partner?"

Earth held a sunflower infront of mars.

Mars : "Uhm I would love to!"

Earth smiles softly, Oh boy a relationship between two rocky planets with a different mass and perspective. But hey a new start of something they both didn't do before, They can figure things out together.


Words : 286

Sorry for a short chapter request!
I don't really ship them so I had no idea what to do.

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