Dating Sim (Marinette)

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In the secret realm of guilty pleasures, where indulgence meets amusement, lies a world where chocolate conspiracies and Netflix binges are celebrated like noble quests. A place where ice cream tubs are thrones, and the remote control wields power unmatched by any swords. The dessert of existence – delightful, often decadent, and occasionally leaving you questioning your life choices. In the grand symphony of life, guilty pleasures are the cheeky notes that play when society's serious strings take a coffee break.

Or, in Marinette's case, during your coffee break.

"Oh, Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug! What are you doing?"

Sitting on the bench by the side of the Seine, Marinette moved around a little to try and get herself more comfortable. She continued to angrily tap around on her phone.

She was sure she hadn't instructed her sim to do this!

But then again, she wasn't paying as much attention to the screen as she probably should have.

Her eyes shifted back down to her phone, the speech bubbles appearing as her character started talking once again to the guy she was trying her hardest to date. It was such a shame that no matter which option she chose, her character still managed to mess it up.

Example A: Ladybug landed on the rooftop in front of a worried Chat Noir, yet every option she chose he seemed to get angry and vault off into the sunset. She'd reset the level multiple times and was still failing at getting her date.

...Much like real life.


She slammed her finger down on the button, spending another 75 cents on replaying the goddamn level with another option! This should not be this hard.

Once again, her character (Ladybug) landed on the roof and strutted sassily over to her partner. If she remembered correctly, this was the walk that had got her the furthest last time.

Chat Noir turned around slowly. His face was like thunder. Okay, she had two options here.

The free option: Tell him a pun about cats in the rain

Or, another 75 cents for an upgraded response of grovelling at his feet.

She'd worked a few extra hours of overtime this month, so why not go with the upgrade? She pressed the button and began to chew on her lower lip. This had to work this time.

Chat Noir crossed his arms over his chest and turned his head away before the words appeared in the screen:

'It's been years, M'Lady!

Why now? Why do you want to be with me now?'

"Because of your insanely hot body and the fact you're my best friend!"

She tucked her lower lip under her top teeth and considered her next options.

Choice A: Tell him that he's insanely hot now and you can't stop thinking about his body, preferably naked.

That's a coincidence!

Choice B: You've always loved him. But you've been scared because he's your best friend.

Pfft! They had no idea how close this was to real life. Lifting her hand to her mouth, she drummed her nails over her top lip. A, or B? A, or B? Hummm...


Ladybug began to grovel to her partner, his eyes trailing back on her and fixing her with an intense gaze. Her body shivered with the effects, her own daydreams giving her a real life example of that specific glare.

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