Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Adrien)

365 33 19

Félix had been right on time, collecting Adrien from Heathrow before dropping him at his apartment in Camden. They didn't live too far from each other, and Adrien couldn't be more grateful that Félix drove.

He'd managed to get to The Ivy right on time, something he was sure Lana, his agent, would be happy about. She was all about punctuality and presence, and he made sure he'd come dressed for the part. A crisp white dress shirt, tucked firmly into black slacks, with a grey jacket tailored perfectly to his body. None Gabriel branded, he might add. His father's company had gone bust as soon as his father had gone, nobody willing to take on the brand, and even more so now with the association to a villain.

He checked the time on his Omega, before looking around. He knew Elise was prone to be late. Not Marinette late, but late enough for it to be considered fashionable.

The thought of Marinette made him smile. When he'd landed in Paris earlier that week, she'd promised she'd be there to greet him. Instead, after a forty-minute wait, Ladybug had arrived to check if he needed a bodyguard or escort. Apparently she'd decided on a second nap that day so she could stay awake and watch a movie with him that night. Not only was she late, but the nap had run over so she had a cute bird's nest as a hairstyle (pigtails pointing in the most random of directions) and she didn't manage to stay awake anyway.

He took his phone from his jacket pocket to see if she had messaged him


Sighing, he pulled the guys' group up and used his time wisely by seeing what his friends were up to.

A group chat called: Paris' Finest with: Adrien, Nino, Luka...

Received Message from: Max
Anyone have the cheat code for Mecha Strike 10?

Received Message from: Nino
Why do you of all people need the cheat code?

Received Message from: Max
I need to level up

Received Message from: Luka
Just play the game and earn the points. You're the best out of all of us anyway!

Adrien smiled before sending his reply.

A group chat called: Paris' Finest with: Adrien, Nino, Luka...

Sent Message: Now, you know that's not true, Luk!

Received Message from: Nino
Shouldn't you be busy wooing the world's most beautiful woman?

Sent Message: She's not here yet so I thought I would check in with my BFFs

Received Message from: Nino
You're such a tit, Agreste!

Received Message from: Luka

Received Message from: Kim
Did she who must not be named buy the bra?

Sent Message: Stop being such a perv, Kim!

Received Message from: Kim
You were the one who was wearing the woman's bra, Buttercup!

Sent Message: Anyway, Max, if you want to beat her you need to pin her to the side of the screen. She gets too angry to attack back then

Received Message from: Nino
Sounds like you're speaking from experience ?

Sent Message: Get your mind out of the gutter!

Received Message from: Ivan
Here...try this website...there's a load of cheat codes I've tried before. Word of warning though, not all of them work. I am talking from experience

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